Question Description
I’m working on a Psychology question and need guidance to help me study.
Complete the Shoulds Inventory in the book to help identify some of your "shoulds" and personal rules. Practice challenging and revising your "shoulds" as described in the book.
Summarize your experience completing this activity. Do most of your "shoulds" function as healthy guides or as psychological bludgeons that the PC uses to destroy your self-esteem?
What mantra did you come up with to address your most unhealthy "should"? Did you find this activity helpful, if so, how? Do you believe it would be a useful tool to use with our clients?
Look at the Action Plan exercises on pgs 170-171. Create an action plan utilizing one of the FSI family members and a core value. It should be in the format of the example on pg 171.
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Lesson Reflections
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Question 1A
Through my participation in the should inventory, I have gained significant insights
regarding my own perception of my behavior. While I have been conditioned to believe that this
set of values is healthy and informative, I have also realized that it places an undue expectation
on me. Essentially, the potential of the psychological critic to negatively exploit my shoulds is an
eye-opener for me. The form provided in McKay and Fanning (2016) offered a proper guideline
in evaluating my understanding of shoulds across different aspects of my private and
professional life. Overall, the experience from the participation in the exercise has been critical
in identifying areas that elicit guilt, avoidance and even obligation. I feel like I have gained a
better understanding of my definition of the scope of operation and behavio...