MT 480 PUG Capital Budgeting and How China Devalue Their Currency Discussion

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Business Finance

MT 480

Purdue University Global



Unit 9 Topic: Modigliani and Miller: A Challenge to Capital Budgeting Strategies

Financing corporate purchases and overall capital budgeting usually require the finance manager to assess tax rates, dividend payout policy, weighting of capital sources, and more. However, the Modigliani and Miller propositions state that, in most situations, it does not matter if the firm's capital is raised by issuing stock or selling debt.

As a student, you might assume studies of capital budgeting strategies will no longer be reviewed in coursework.

Before coming to that conclusion, please discuss the principles presented by Modigliani and Miller, what they are trying to prove within their theory, and if you agree or disagree with the theory’s premise.

Your initial discussion post must include one outside resource, which may include the Internet or Library, and must be cited according to current APA formatting.

Unit 10 Topic: The Finance Manager and Global Considerations

Most people unwittingly purchase many imported goods. It might be an interesting exercise to check your recent purchases to see how many items include a “Made in China” tag. The U.S. has long criticized Beijing’s policymakers of keeping the yuan (Chinese currency) artificially cheap to give Chinese exports an unfair advantage in global markets.

  • Explain how China has been able to devalue their currency. The more specific your explanation, the better.

Your initial discussion post must include one outside resource, which may include the Internet or Library, and must be cited according to current APA formatting.

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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.

Modigliani and Miller: A Challenge to Capital Budgeting Strategies

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Modigliani-Miller (M&M) maintains that the market value, irrespective of its capital
structuring, is precisely assessed as the actual worth of the future earnings and assets. At its most
basic level, the theorem states that, given certain assumptions, it makes no difference whether a
company supports its development by borrowing, issuance of shares, or reinvestment (Braouezec,
2010). The notion, established in the 1950s, influenced the financial situation of companies
considerably. Companies have just three possibilities to raise cash to finance their activities and
drive development and expansion. A company can borrow money through bonds or loans,

reinvest the income in the firm, or issue more stock shares to investors. The theorem of
Modigliani-Miller argues that the actual value of a firm's market does not impair the choice or
combination of its choices.
On the other hand, the second version of the M&M Theorem has been designed to fit
realistic circumstances better. According to revised version assum...

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