Topic Discussion #1A: Reflect on the four articles by Burke, Watson and Rosser, Biro, and Chamorro-Premuzic.
Recognizing that when better is possible, good is not enough, how are you seeking to become a better leader in the 21st century? the answer is 300 words 2 in-text citations. As a leader, I not only learn from my mistakes, but I make it a point to study and learn from other people’s mistakes. Chances are I may repeat that costly mistake. So why not learn the lesson from someone else? According to Burke (2021), it is important for a leader to recognize their own weaknesses and improve upon them. I embrace this concept but also reflect that it is equally important to recognize one’s strengths and capitalize on them.
Watson and Rosser discuss The Great Man Theory and the Situational Theory, what are your thoughts on the emergence of African-American leaders in American Society alongside the primary focus on Caucasian males?
The article starts with defining leadership as a process of persuading and influencing others to achieve mutual objectives (Watson & Rosser, n.d.). My thoughts on the emergence of African-American leaders in society, brings me hope that transformational and charismatic leaders are filling key and important positions throughout the nation. As competent and transformational leaders emerge, it is indicative of a brighter future.
Since the best is yet to come, what type of great leaders are needed now in health-related fields and other related institutions? the answer is 300 words 2 in-text citations.
The COVID-19 pandemic has taught me that innovative and creative leaders are needed in healthcare organizations. Leaders that think outside of the box and utilize all their resources to solve problems will be a valuable asset for healthcare organizations. Great leaders take on the added responsibility of training and mentoring the next generation of leaders.
Biro, M. (2021). How to lead in 2021: 5 factors for success. Forbes.
Burke, K. (2021). Why 'Good Enough' Is the Enemy of Great Leaders and How to Do Better.
Chamorro-Premuzic, T. (2021). 3 leadership traits we desperately need in 2021. Fast Company.
Watson, A., & Rosser, M. (n.d.). The emergence of African-American leaders in American society. Fort Worth: TX.
Topic Discussion #1B: After reading Schooley’s distinction between being just a boss and being a leader. Which one are you? the answer is 300 words. 2 in-text citations.
As a leader, I encourage, mentor, inquire, seek to understand, project the vision, collaborate, self-critique, improve upon, and encourage others to follow. A boss basically dictates orders and expects blind obedience.
How will your determination to this question impact your future work in health administration or other areas of responsibility? the answer is 300 words 2 in-text citations.
A boss manages employees whereas a leader has the ability to attract followers. Getting people to follow because they believe in the vision creates a profoundly better outcome. For example, as a healthcare leader and medical provider, followers copy my behavior and integrate excellent standards of care that they observed from my practice. By setting the example and encouraging employees to produce high quality levels of healthcare, outcome levels are improved in many areas. Patient safety levels will increase, patient satisfaction scores will rise, employee job satisfaction will rise and organizational reputation and success will surge. Transformational leaders include the team in the “big picture” and share the vision and direction the organization needs to go.
What do these articles help you to understand what should not be done going forward as a great leader?
1. Mediocrity is the enemy of great leadership. Great leaders need to develop the mentality of fostering continuous improvement and not settle for just getting the job done (Burke, 2021).
2. Leadership skill acquisition comes from a “process” and not a blood line (Watson & Rosser, n.d.). With this said, blocking avenues for development of leadership skills is detrimental. Mentoring and building leaders is crucial.
3. Lack of collaboration kills innovation. Real innovation according to Biro (2021) is “not a shot in the dark.”
4. Lack of interest in leaders learning new things results in organizational stagnation or worse, dissolution. Leaders need to explore new ideas and challenge preconceptions (Chamorro-Premuzic, 2021).
Biro, M. (2021). How to lead in 2021: 5 factors for success. Forbes.
Burke, K. (2021). Why 'Good Enough' Is the Enemy of Great Leaders and How to Do Better.
Chamorro-Premuzic, T. (2021). 3 leadership traits we desperately need in 2021. Fast Company.
Watson, A., & Rosser, M. (n.d.). The emergence of African-American leaders in American society. Fort Worth: TX.
Explanation & Answer
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Leadership Discussion
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Leadership Discussion
Discussion #1A
How I seek to become a Better Leader
According to Burke (2021), good leaders and great leaders are distinguished by the fact
that good leaders focus on getting things done while great leaders focus on getting things better.
She proceeds to provide three ideas on how leaders can improve themselves and others: taking
ownership, being creative, and learning from their mistakes. As a leader, I try to apply the same
strategies to improve my leadership. For example, I try to learn from the mistakes of other people
and my own mistakes. I do not see mistakes as a failure but as an opportunity to improve myself
and others. Great leaders acknowledge their imperfections and are always willing to identify
improvement areas.
I also seek to be a great leader by being accountable for my actions; I do not blame others
for my failures or create excuses to justify my failures. Or, as Burke (2021) explains, great
leaders take ownership of tasks. One weakness we have as human beings is that we want to be
recognized for our successes, but we never want to be associated with our failures. As a leader, I
try to lead by example because a lack of accountability sets a bad precedence.
I also try to improve myself as a leader by being innovative. The mistake most people
make is not going the extra mile. For example, most employees do only what is asked of them at
work; they don’t bother going the extra mile to make things better. While lack of creativity may
not cost someone their job, it certainly won’t make them recognized. As such, whenever an
opportunity presents itself for me to be more creative in what I do, I take it. Creativity makes us
get recognized. We do not have to wait to be told to be creative or to go the extra mile.
My Thoughts on the Emergence of African American leaders
For many years, African Americans we...