University of San Francisco Curriculum Development Paper

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University of San Francisco


There are four domains needed to develop curriculum: curriculum, assessment, standards, and instruction. In this assignment, you must present a visual representation of how you believe these four domains interact to build curriculum. Is there a driving force of the four? Are all equal players? How do you begin to design curriculum? Are there any factors missing? Using drawing tools from any application program, create a visual representation of the concept of curriculum development. This visual representation is based on your experiences, thoughts, and beliefs about the development of the curriculum. You will demonstrate how you believe the process occurs. When you post your visual representation, you will also need to include a TWO-page written explanation of the process that addresses the role of each domain in the curriculum development process. This written explanation will include a minimum of FOUR scholarly sources to support your concept of curriculum development.

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Explanation & Answer

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Running Head: Curriculum



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Running Head: Curriculum

Curriculum Development





In an education setting, there must be a curriculum developed to be followed. The curriculum is
developed using four domains which include curriculum, instructions, assessment, and standards.
A curriculum is defined as a planned action for instructions (Akhmetshin et al., 2019). In every
school term, educators gather and discuss topics covered in that particular term following the
curriculum. Therefore, curriculum is the reference point for what the learners will be taught.
Educators create their hidden curriculum to deliver their content to the students in terms of
values, morals, and habits.
Instruction is the following domain that d...

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