To complete this assignment, you will work in the Codio virtual lab environment to create tables similar to the ones that you saw in the previous activity.
To begin, go to your Codio virtual lab environment and start a new terminal session. Once there, perform the steps below to complete this activity. The commands you see, or are asked to write, must all be entered manually. To validate that the commands you have written work, capture screenshots PDF of the results and place them in a document for submission. Each screenshot should be around one quarter of a page.
- Connect to the database you created and named in Module One (for example, Jetson). Type after the prompt mysql>
- use (table you named);
- Example: mysql> use Jetson;
- use (table you named);
- Create the Employee table using the SQL statement shown here. Press Return after each line.CREATE TABLE Employee (Employee_ID SMALLINT,First_Name VARCHAR(40),Last_Name VARCHAR(60),Department_ID SMALLINT,Classification VARCHAR(10),STATUS VARCHAR(10),Salary DECIMAL(7,2));
- Create the Branches table. Fill in the missing characters or punctuation in the incomplete statement shown below to complete this action.
- CREATE Branches (Department_ID SMALLINT,Department_Name )
- After creating the tables, use the correct commands to describe them. You will only be given commands to describe one of the tables and must complete the same action for the second one on your own. Validate your work with a screenshot.
- describe Employee;
- Write the correct command to describe the Branches table
- Insert the following records into the Employee table. Each line going from left to right is a record. Each line going from top to bottom is a column. Validate your work with a screenshot.
- INSERT INTO Employee VALUES (100, 'John', 'Smith', 1, 'Exempt', 'Full-Time', 90000), (101,'Mary','Jones',2,'Non-Exempt','Part-Time',35000), (102,'Mary','Williams',3,'Exempt','Full-Time',80000);
- Type the command select* from Employee; and take a screenshot of it to validate this step.
- Insert the following records into the Employee table for Gwen Johnson and Michael Jones by writing the correct SQL commands on your own.
- Gwen Johnson: Employee ID = 103, DEPARTMENT_ID = 4, Classification = NULL, Status = Full-Time, SALARY = 40000
- Michael Jones: Employee ID = 104, DEPARTMENT_ID = 4, Classification = Non-Exempt, Status = Full-Time, SALARY = 90000
- Insert your name into the table to verify and prove your work. (Your First and Last Name, or a nickname): Employee ID = 105, DEPARTMENT_ID = 1, Classification = Non-Exempt, Statues = Full-time, SALARY = (Choose a value between 50000 and 99000)
- Type the command select* from Employee; and take a screenshot of it to validate this step.
- Insert records for a musician, athlete, or other famous character of your choice. Make sure to enter information for all of the fields listed in this table. The Department_ID must be a number between one and four.
- Write the correct command to prove that you’ve successfully completed this step, and validate it with a screenshot.
- Select the fields of last name, first name, employee id, and department id from the table. Validate your work with a screenshot.
- Select First_Name, Last_Name, Employee_ID, Department_ID from Employee;

Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.
DAD 220
Professor X
Example Student
10 July 2021
1. The database that was built and named in Module One was linked using the instructions
below after the prompt mysql>
a. use Johnson
i. Press Enter.
2. The Employee table was created using the following SQL statement.
a. CREATE TABLE Employee (
i. Press Enter.
b. Employee_ID SMALLINT,
i. Press Enter.
c. First_Name VARCHAR (40),
i. Press Enter.
d. Last_Name VARCHAR (60),
i. Press Enter.
e. Department...