UMGC Memo to CIO on Success Criteria for Enterprise System Implementation Memo

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University of Maryland Global Campus


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Memo to CIO on Success Criteria for Enterprise System Implementation and Enterprise Architecture Purpose of this Assignment This assignment gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your ability to research, evaluate, and explain enterprise systems, and to communicate effectively at the executive level. This assignment specifically addresses the following course outcomes: • • • • analyze and examine how enterprise architecture and enterprise systems influence, support, and enable an organization's ability to contribute to strategic decision making and to respond and adapt to the business environment analyze enterprise system solutions to make recommendations based on benefits, limitations, and best fit within the enterprise environment analyze and explain the elements of a successful plan for implementing enterprise solutions, addressing structure, processes, culture, and other considerations analyze success criteria for higher application to enterprise architecture Assignment Your instructor has assigned each group one of several types of enterprise systems (SCM) to research and prepare a paper and an executive-level informational presentation. In Group Project 1, your team prepared a 2-3 page paper summarizing the case studies, evaluating the success of the implementations, and identifying lessons learned. For this assignment, you are to work independently and write a 1–3-page memo (not including references page) to the CIO that identifies more than eight success criteria for implementation of enterprise systems, for the category of enterprise systems assigned to your group (ERP, SCM, CRM, etc.). (NOTE: More than eight success criteria are required to receive all possible points; see Grading Rubric below.) 1. Each of these success criteria should be briefly explained and then related to how they would be applied during an implementation of the assigned category of enterprise systems within the CIO’s organization. 2. Discuss how each of the success criteria relates, on a larger scale, to satisfying the enterprise architecture. Some areas to consider include the structure of the organization and its processes and culture; other aspects of a proposed implementation relate to the phases of the system development life cycle (needs analysis, design, development, implementation, maintenance). 3. The case studies your group is using may be a good source of ideas. The criteria you identify must be applicable to enterprise systems (in the category assigned to your group which is SCM) and should come from your research. Group Case Study Link: UPS Link d_supply_chain_management/green Coca Cola Link 03/15/2019 Important: Often students write this memo from the perspective of what it looks like to have a successful implementation of ES/EA. Instead, the focus should be on the criteria that will help you be successful! There is a difference here. For example, cost savings is the result but not necessarily the success criteria leading up to it. Now you could contribute cost savings to the fact that you had executive buy-in with sustained sponsorship (this could be an example) or other criteria that includes re-engineering of business processes as contributors. Please orient this memo such that you look at success criteria as the "drivers" for a good implementation. Also, please remember to put this into a memo format that looks professional. Please remember that the CIO has limited time and you should get to the key points quickly. Please refer to the grading rubric and carefully follow the assignment instructions! You are to use a Microsoft Word memo template. The use of at least three external scholarly resources (in addition to your case studies and other class materials) is required. (NOTE: More than three external resources are required to receive all possible points; see Grading Rubric below.) You should use scholarly journals (rather than Wikipedia and authorless website postings). If you need assistance with determining what a scholarly journal is, the UMUC library is a very good source of information, accessed via the following link: Remember to correctly cite and reference all sources. Since you are writing a memo, you should use in-text citations and list the references on a separate page at the end. Note: The filename of your paper should include your last name. An example would be: Smith_Memo.doc. Grading Rubric Your work will be graded according to the rubric below. Criteria 90-100% Far Above Standards 80-89% Above Standards 70-79% Meets Standards 60-69% Below Standards < 60% Well Below Standards Possible Points 5 Points 4 Points 3.5 Points 3 Points 0-2 Points 5 There is a clearly written introduction to the memo, stating the purpose, using effective writing. The introduction adequately sets the stage for the memo. The introduction does not adequately set the stage for the memo. No introduction is provided or little effort is shown. 18-20 Points 16-17 Points 12-13 Points 0-11 Points More than 7 criteria for successful More than 7 criteria for successful At least 7 criteria for successful implementation of enterprise systems (in the Fewer than 7 criteria for successful Few or no success criteria There is an effective introduction to Introduction the memo, stating the purpose, using sophisticated writing. Criteria 03/15/2019 20 Criteria Application of Criteria 90-100% Far Above Standards 80-89% Above Standards 70-79% Meets Standards 60-69% Below Standards < 60% Well Below Standards implementation of enterprise systems (in the category assigned) are identified. Each of the criteria is thoroughly explained and each is very clearly applicable to enterprise system implementation success. Includes a thoughtful explanation on how the success criteria relates to enterprise architecture. Demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of course concepts, analysis, critical thinking and synthesis. implementation of enterprise systems (in the category assigned) are identified. Each of the criteria is clearly explained and each is applicable to enterprise system implementation success. Includes a good explanation on how the success criteria relates to enterprise architecture. Demonstrates a good understanding of course concepts, analysis, critical thinking and synthesis. category assigned) are identified, explained, and are applicable to enterprise system implementation success, and may demonstrate an adequate understanding of course concepts, analysis, and critical thinking. Some discussion on how the success criteria relates to enterprise architecture. implementation of enterprise systems (in the category assigned) are identified. Some of the criteria may not be clearly explained, and/or may not be applicable to enterprise system implementation success, and/or may not demonstrate an adequate understanding of course concepts, analysis, and critical thinking. Little to no mention of how this success criteria relates to enterprise architecture. applicable to enterprise system and enterprise architecture implementation are identified and explained, or are not relevant. 45-50 Points 40-44 Points 35-39 Points 30-34 Points 0-29 Points The application in a successful implementation of enterprise systems is fully and clearly described for more than 7 criteria. Each of the criteria is appropriately related to implementation of enterprise The application in a successful implementation of enterprise systems is clearly described for more than 7 criteria. Each of the criteria is appropriately related to implementation of enterprise systems (in the The application in a successful implementation of enterprise systems is described for at least 7 criteria. The explanations relate the criteria to implementation of enterprise systems (in the category The application in a successful implementation of enterprise systems may be only partially described and/or fewer than 7 criteria may be discussed. The criteria may not be appropriately related to The explanations for application of the criteria do not relate to successful implementation of enterprise systems, or are missing; or too few criteria are included. 03/15/2019 Possible Points 50 Criteria External Research Memo Format 90-100% Far Above Standards 80-89% Above Standards 70-79% Meets Standards 60-69% Below Standards systems (in the category assigned) and to satisfying the enterprise architecture; and demonstrates sophisticated incorporation of course concepts and research, analysis, critical thinking and synthesis. category assigned) and to satisfying the enterprise architecture; and demonstrates effective incorporation of course concepts and research, analysis, critical thinking and synthesis. assigned) and satisfying the enterprise architecture, and demonstrate adequate incorporation of course concepts and research, analysis, and critical thinking. implementation of enterprise systems (in the category assigned) and satisfying the enterprise architecture, and/or may not demonstrate adequate incorporation of course concepts and research, analysis, and critical thinking. 14-15 Points 12-13 Points 11 Points More than three scholarly sources other than the class resources are incorporated and used effectively, contextualized, appropriately researched and supported, and synthesized with original arguments. Sources used are credible, relevant, and timely. Proper APA style is used for citations and references. More than three scholarly sources other than the class resources are incorporated and used effectively, appropriately researched and supported, and support original arguments. Sources used are credible, relevant, and timely. Proper APA style is used for citations and references. 9-10 Points 8 Points Memo reflects effective 03/15/2019 < 60% Well Below Standards Possible Points 10 Points 0-9 Points 15 Three scholarly sources other than the class resources are properly incorporated and used. Uses APA format for references and citations. Three or fewer sources other than the class resources may be used; may not be scholarly sources; may not be properly incorporated or used to support arguments; may rely too heavily on the reporting of external sources, and/or are not effective or appropriate; and/or are not credible, relevant, or timely. May not use APA format. No external research is incorporated or reference listed is not cited within text. 7 Points 6 Points 0-5 Points 10 Criteria 90-100% Far Above Standards 80-89% Above Standards 70-79% Meets Standards 60-69% Below Standards < 60% Well Below Standards Memo reflects effective organization and sophisticated writing; correct structure, grammar, and spelling; presented in a professional format using Word memo template. organization; has few errors in sentence structure, grammar, and spelling; presented in a professional format using Word memo template. Memo has some organization; may have some errors in sentence structure, grammar and spelling; is in Word memo template. Memo is not well organized, and/or contains several grammar and/or spelling errors; and/or is not in Word memo template. Memo is extremely poorly written and does not convey the information. TOTAL Points Possible 03/15/2019 Possible Points 100
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Memo: Success Criteria of SCM Systems

Your name
Instructor’s name


Date of submission

Coca-Cola Company





Your Name


12TH July 2021

Dear CIO

The supply chain management (SCM) system is a critical approach in dealing with
planning production and logistic operation across the enterprise and all its established branches.
SCM plays a crucial role in ensuring effective management of the organization's product
distribution process to ensure timely delivery of the organization's goods and services. SCM
implementation in the company is essential in enhancing improvement on resources procurement
to manufacture products, provide services and deliver them to customers on the promised period.
SCM systems have achieved increased demand from companies since most companies have
implemented the system while other plans implement the system in the future based on the good
benefits from the system. Consequently, the system has been rated as a successful operation system
inefficient handling of the flow of goods and services from the natural production process to the

final consumer. This discussion provides the critical success criteria and their application ...

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