ECO 1000 RC Supply and Demand of A Good or Service Discussion

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ECO 1000

Rasmussen University



Find a current article in the Rasmussen library from the last year that describes the supply and demand of a good or service. In a couple of paragraphs, please address the questions below in your initial post.

  • What is the supply and demand for the good or service identified in your article?
  • What are the determinants of demand or supply that have affected the good or service?
  • What are the possible future outcomes of the good or service identified in your article?
  • How do your article findings related to what you have learned in this course?
  • Provide the link as well as the author and title of your article.

    SOC for Supply Chain : Reporting on an Examination of Controls Relevant to Security, Availability, Processing Integrity, Confidentiality, or Privacy in a Production, Manufacturing, or Distribution System, 2020
  • Series:
  • Authors:
  • Publication Information:
  • Hoboken : Wiley. 2020
  • Resource Type:
  • eBook.
  • Description:
  • Internal and external forces such as globalization, global interconnectivity, automation, and other technological advancements are making today's supply chains highly sophisticated and complex. For organizations that produce, manufacture or distribute products, there's often a high level of interdependence and connectivity with their suppliers and their customers and business partners. Although the interconnectedness of these organizations can be beneficial (increased revenues, expanded market opportunities, and cost reduction), the ability of organizations to meet their goals is often increasingly dependent on events, processes, and controls that are not visible and are often beyond their control – such as a supplier's controls. That's why the demand for transparency in supply chains is now higher than ever before, and why this is the perfect time for you to help organizations assess their supply chain risks, evaluate the system controls within their manufacturing, production, or distribution systems, and communicate their supply chain management efforts to those with whom they do business. Accountants and financial managers can also increase the credibility of the supply chain information communicated by the organization by providing an opinion on the organization's supply chain efforts. This guide enables the accountant and financial manager to examine and report on the description of a system for manufacturing, producing and distributing goods as well as on the controls within that system using a dynamic, proactive, and agile approach. It will show how to conduct this examination in accordance with the attestation standards. The guide may also be helpful when providing readiness assessments to clients, who are not quite ready for an examination level service and need help to get there. The guide also includes excerpts from the two distinct, but complementary sets of criteria developed by the AICPA to assist practitioners with SOC for Supply Chain engagements: the description criteria and the 2017 trust services criteria.

    here is an article from rasmussen library

The supply and demand for this article are on 8k televisions, and if they are in demand, most Americans still do not adopt the idea of owning a 4k tv. Currently, since 8k televisions are so expensive and require a large size television such as 65 inches or higher to see the benefit from the extra pixels or quality of the higher resolution, this writer is saying is it even worth it, or is the demand even there yet? The author states that China will be the global leader in manufacturing 8k televisions within a few years and using this technology on other items that can take advantage of its quality.

I do see the author's point of view on how it relates to what I have learned in this course so far. Even though this type of television demand is low right now due to the high price and consumers who cannot take advantage of this type of resolution, it will increase as the supply will be raised, and the prices are coming down soon. The demand will be great, especially if movie theaters continue to go out of business. As for 8k movies or games that support this type of resolution, you will see the demand increase incredibly. All these statements tie into what we are learning in this week's module.

TVBEUROPE. (2020, May). Is 8k more supply or demand? Discovery search for Rasmussen University. Retrieved from

Here is the peer post for you to complete the reply post

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Explanation & Answer

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Principles of Economics
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Principles of Economics
The article opens by acknowledging the array of factors that transcend the supply chains
in the current business world. This includes globalization, global interconnectivity, technological
advancements, and wide automation. Here, specific interest is drawn towards the production,
manufacturing, and suppliers of specific enterprises. According to the article, transparency in the
supply chain is quoted as the most important aspect that affects the demand and supply chains.
Regarding this, it is noted that it is the most effective time to supply the firms with the necessary
assistance to aid in assessing their supply chain risks (Turner et al., 2021). The demand for
transparency has been spiked by t...

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