Johnson & Wales University Management The Four Process Strategies Paper

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Business Finance

Johnson & Wales University



This week we examine the four process strategies?product focus, process focus, repetitive focus, and mass customization?. You are to pick a strategy and apply it to a specific company and answer the questions below. Do this for all four strategies. Note, you don't have to use the same company. You can use four different companies.

  • What competitive advantage can these companies have with these processes?
  • How does setup effect these process strategies?
  • How can setup time be reduced?

Apply one strategy to one company and answer the three questions above. Do this for each of

the four process strategies.

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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.

Process Strategies
Thesis Statement: Process strategies transform resources into goods and services that meet
customer needs and requirements.
A. Process Focus: Genuine Pizza (Genuine Hospitality Group).
Competitive Advantages the Company can have with this Process
Setup Effects on the Process
Reducing Setup Time
B. Repetitive Focus: Ford Motor Company
Competitive Advantages the Company can have with this Process
Setup Effects on the Process
Reducing Setup Time
C. Product Focus: Frito-Lay
Competitive Advantages the Company can have with this Process
Setup Effects on the Process
Reducing Setup Time
D. Mass Customization: Apple Inc.
Competitive Advantages the Company can have with this Process
Setup Effects on the Process
Reducing Setup Time



Process Strategy
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Process Strategy

Process strategies transform resources into goods and services that meet customer needs
and requirements. It ensures that the product specification is within the costs and other
constraints. The process selected to transform resources should be efficient and flexible (Bozarth
& Handfield, 2008). It is important to understand and make choices that fit the situation ...

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