To prepare for this assignment:
- Review the L'Unita Interview with Fidel Castro and Salvador Allende's speech from this week's Learning Resources.
- Chose two elements from the following:
- Social
- Economical
- Political/governmental
- Environmental
- Imagine that you were born near the end of World War II and that you are now a young adult living in a country we read about this past week (so you would be writing in the 1960s), reflecting on the past two decades of the Cold War.
- Consider what you would have experienced and witnessed during the Cold War.
- Think about what it was like to live through the effects of the Cold War.
- Draw from your readings and consider how the events of this era have created changes in the social, political/governmental, religious, and economic arenas of your country and the world.
The assignment:
- Write a 1-page journal entry for each of the two elements chosen and evaluate the changes you would have experienced and witnessed during this period of the Cold War.

Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.
Journal Entry: Political and Economic Changes during the Cold War Era
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Journal Entry: Political and Economic Changes during the Cold War Era
Political Changes
The Cold war adversely affected relations between Chile and United States as the latter
continually interfered with our country's politics. I remember U.S. President John F. Kennedy
signing the Alliance for Progress to prevent the spread of socialism (Office of the Historian,
2013). As a result, the U.S. government embarked on various developments in Chile through
monetary investments, which act...