In what ways did the economy, government, and household structure differ in New England and the Chesapeake colonies, history homework help

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Instructions: The midterm consists of 14 essay questions. Each essay should be approximately 300 words in length and include information taken from the textbook. Any information obtained from outside the textbook must be cited. Essays will be graded on length, informational content, and writing quality.

Chapter 1
Compare and contrast European values and ways of life with those of the Indians. Consider addressing religion, views about ownership of land, gender relations, and notions of freedom.

Compare the different economic and political systems of spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, and France in the age of expansion.

Chapter 2
Compare and contrast settlement patterns, treatment of Indians, and religion of the Spanish and English in the Americas.

In what ways did the economy, government, and household structure differ in New England and the Chesapeake colonies.

Chapter 3
How did King Philip’s War, Bacon’s Rebellion, and the Salem witch trials illustrate a widespread crisis in British North America in the late seventeenth century?

By the end of the seventeenth century, commerce was the foundation of empire and the leading cause of competition between European empires. Explain how the North American colonies were directly linked to Atlantic commerce by laws and trade.

Chapter 4
How did Great Britain’s position in North America change relative to the other European powers during the first three-quarters of the eighteenth century?

Three distinct slave systems were well entrenched in Britain’s mainland colonies. Describe the main characteristics of each system.

Chapter 5
Discuss the ramifications of using slaves in the British and Continental armies. Why did the British authorize the use of slaves? Why did the Americans? How did the slaves benefit?

Why did the colonists reach the conclusion that membership in the empire threatened their freedoms, rather than guaranteed them?

Chapter 6
For the lower classes, colonial society had been based on inequality, deference, and obedience. How did the American Revolution challenge that social order?

How did ideas of political freedom affect people’s ideas about economic rights and relationships?

Chapter 7
How did the limited central government created by the Articles of Confederation reflect the issues behind the Revolution and fear for individual liberties?

The Constitution has been described as a “bundle of compromises.” Which compromises were the most significant in shaping the direction of the new nation and why?

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Chapter Essays
Chapter One
Essay 1
The Europeans and Indians had different values plus ways of living regarding land
ownership, ideas of freedom, and gender relations. First, the Europeans are believed to be
Catholics in religion while the Indians believe in spirits. The Europeans practiced mainly
Christianity while the Indians worshiped spirituals powers. The latter believed that animals,
trees, the wind, plants, and water, among other things, have spirits (Foner, pp. 7 & 9). As a
result, the Europeans sought to convert the Indians’ religions to Catholicism upon arriving in the
new land. Secondly, the Indians had no idea regarding land ownership, but they only owned the
rights of using land instead of the land itself. The Indians used the land for resources, hunting as
well as farming but did not use it as an economic commodity. Indians largely believed that land
was universal, that is for everyone, and therefore no particular person should own it singly. The
Europeans however believed and considered land a commodity that can be purchased as well as
sold for economic reasons (Foner, pp. 9). Moreover, in the Europeans, it was only males who
owned land.
The issue of gender relations also differed between the Europeans and the Indians. The
women of Indians took responsibilities for household duties, and farming work and the Indian
men worked as hunters and fishermen, activities that the European believed to be for leisure

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(Foner, pp. 10). They also gave women more voice including a chance to divorce the husband
and take the children with them and also own belongings. The European women on the contrary
only took care of their household chores while the European men would work hard to provide all
the necessary income. It was only males who were favored in politics, ownerships of things since
women could not own anything, and in family matters. Regarding freedom, the Europeans had
organized as well as enforced laws that formed a government for them with rules to follow. The
Indians, on the contrary, lacked specific rules to follow, but they instead made rules by the things
they believe (Foner, pp. 11).
Essay 2
The Portuguese and Spanish were among the first Europeans to launch expansion
overseas. The Spanish, Netherlands, the France, and Portugal were the main political actors all
through the expansion period. The Netherlands and the Portugal had primary interests in creating
and building empires by commerce and trade. The Netherlands primarily involved themselves in
commercial ventures which did not attract huge numbers of colonizers. Together with the
Portuguese, the Netherlands established international trading posts as well as the necessary
elements for mounting economic infrastructure. The French also colonized North America and
also ventured into commercial ventures like the Netherlands. The Netherlands and French
depended on trading partnerships with military allies and the Indians (Forner, pp. 30-32). The
Spanish were mainly interested in conquering as well as colonizing new territories searching for
wealth and converting the natives to Catholicism (Foner, pp. 19).
Regarding the political system, the Empire of Spain was the most populous with the
richest natural resources. The Spanish America was an urban civilization connoting an empire of
towns. They had social hierarchies and a government that reflected absolutism among the freshly

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unified state at home (Forner, pp. 21). Also, the authority of the Spanish American originated
from the king which then flowed downwards via a Council of Indies, the main Spanish body for
the colonial administration (Forner, pp. 21). The power then went down to viceroys in Peru and
Mexico plus other local officials within America. The Portuguese formed unions with the
Spanish. The French, on the contrary, adopted more humane political policies compared to the
Spanish since the former traded in fur whose viability relied on a friendly relationship with the
local Indians (Foner, pp. 32). They formed commercial, military and diplomatic connections plus
alliances with the local people. The Netherlands prided on devotion to liberty, but they were
hardly government with democracy. The new Amsterdam was primarily a fortified army outpost
which was controlled by the appointees of the western India company. Even though the
prominent citizens were allowed to advice the governors now and then, neither a town council
nor an elected assembly was established (Foner, pp. 34). Those in North America enjoyed more
freedom while others enjoyed half-freedom compared to those at home.
Chapter Two
Essay 1
The English and the Spanish had different patterns of settlement. However, the above two
groups of settlers treated the Indians in the manner that was closely related, and they also had a
similar religion. First of all, the English and Spanish had settled in America in different ways
with the Spanish following the mining, particularly the gold mines and plantations. The English,
on the other hand, followed two dissimilar settlement patterns namely; the plantations in the
Carolinas and Chesapeake as well as family farming around New England plus middle colonies.
So, the England settled in a much compact manner compared to that of Spanish. The Chesapeake
plus the households were intended to last. The New England towns resembled those in England

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closely from which those settlers had come, and the Chesapeake created large towns that were
spread-out through the plantation towns. The Spanish sought to domineer the already existing
communities in the territories where they settled, and silver and gold mining formed their
primary source of income. The English, however, sought also to become as large as the rival
Spanish colonies (Foner, pp 39-70).
Secondly, the English ...

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