Week 2 Social Norms for Students in University Setting Sociology Discussion

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Write a 700-word response to one or more of the bullets at the end of Chapter 4.

Sociology matters because it explains why you accept certain social norms almost without thinking—and why you pay a price if you break those norms.

1 What social norms were you expected to conform to when you became a student at your college or university? Are they similar to or different from the norms you grew up with?

2 What happens to students who do not conform to accepted social norms? Is social control on your campus stricter or more lenient than social control in other parts of society?

3 Is crime a problem on your campus? If so, what social forces might underlie it?

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Explanation & Answer

Please view explanation and answer below.Hi!Just letting you know that I have finished working on your question. I will be attaching two documents under this message for your convenience; one for the draft that includes an outline, word count, sources used, and one for a revised paper. I ran a plagiarism scan through plagscan and got the result of 0%. If you are not confident with the accuracy of this platform, feel free to check it using a different site. I suggest you read the documents throughly so that we can change things that you don’t necessarily like. If you have any questions, let me know so I can further accommodate you.Best,Gillian
Please view explanation and answer below.


What social norms were you expected to conform to when you became a student at your college
or university? Are they similar to or different from the norms you grew up with? What happens
to students who do not conform to accepted social norms? Is social control on your campus
stricter or more lenient than social control in other parts of society?

Social norms play an important key role in different aspects of life primarily because it
can be used as a strategy for intervention and the promotion of positive health and well-being to
all people. Norms can be referred to as action which we have control over; it is supported by
expectation on what we should do and not do (Bitchieri et. al, 2018). There is no question that
social norms are critical tools that are present in the university setting. For instance, when I
became a student in this univer...

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