Saudi Electronic University SMACC Accounting Software General Ledger Essay

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Business Finance

Saudi electronic university


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Rules for writing the report: • Do not write theoretical excerpts from textbooks! Describe what you exactly did there and what experiences you have gained throughout your training. • The report should be around 1200 words. • The report should be original. Plagiarism will result in failure in the course and disciplinary action. The company I have done my training course at is Riyadh Geotechnique & Foundations as a trainee Accountant. The Accounting department uses SMACC accounting software. I was reporting to my supervisor (chief Accountant) The following tasks are the task I was assigned during the training period: General ledger Accounts payable Accounts receivable Payroll Could you explain in details the four mentioned tasks handled during training period? Each task should be explained separately Explain the way you did these tasks? Describe what kind of working documents and analysis you did there and what experiences you have gained throughout your training?
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The company I have done my training course at is Riyadh Geotechnique & Foundations
as a trainee Accountant. The Accounting department uses SMACC accounting software.
I was reporting to my supervisor (chief Accountant) . the following tasks are the task I was
assigned during the training period:
General ledger
First, I understood that the general ledger is primarily the backbone of every accounting
system containing financial information for any company. I made sure that all activities based on
accounting records such as payroll, cash, inventory, receivables, liable, and fixed assets that I
documented in this file are made during my appointment as a trainee accountant. After individual
registrations, I ensured I put the business into the general ledger as debts and credits. One
interesting fact I learnt is that the transaction can also be entered into the general ledger directly
through a manual journal entry. Furthermore, I interacted with the test balance which helped me
make sure the value of every debit balance is equivalent to the sum of every credit balance and
that it makes sense to pay specific balances by account or group of accounts. Ordinarily, by
analyzing financial reports like the income statement, balance sheet, cash flow report, I would
follow this step. In particular; I have taken part in certain activities in the management of the
General ...

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