Answer with 100 words min

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For this discussion you need to find two students between the ages of 5 and 18 and ask them the following:

“Tell me how these things are alike in as many ways as you can: sweater/blanket, puppy/baby, eagle/lion, bread/oatmeal, river/tree, potato/person, bear/monkey, ocean/desert, and train/boat.”

You need to do this with each student individually. In your Discussion Board response include a minimum of 4 to 5 of the responses from each student. Analyze the activity by focusing on the following questions: 

  1. Identify which answers were the most creative. Explain. 

  2. Discuss what conclusions you can make about the students based on their responses.

  3. Describe what you learned from doing this activity.

  4. If you could do this activity over again with the same students, explain what you would do differently and why.

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