The Fragmentary Bust of Ramses Art Analysis Essay

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I need to write a formal analysis Fragmentary Bust of Ramses IIInstructions for Formal Analysis

Select an object from the list shown below. This is the source for your Formal Analysis essay.

Your essay should propose a historically informed interpretation of the work grounded in its formal properties. A formal or visual analysis is not just a description. It relies on your interpretation and analysis. Use solely your own thinking. This is not a research paper; the objective is to propose your own interpretation of the object backed up with visual analysis and what you learned about its culture and the historical period from class and class readings.

Object List

  1. Fragmentary Bust of Ramses II (Penn Museum (#69-29-1) (Links to an external site.)
  2. Step 1: Begin by examining the object and noting any information listed on the museum label (artist (if known), title, date, style, medium, size.) What does this information tell you about the object, i.e.: for whom was it made? What kind of purpose did it serve? What subject does it depict? How was it made? What materials did the artist use?

Step 2: Next, look carefully at your object. What do you notice about it? What kind of impression do you think the artist and patron wanted the viewer to get from the object? This is where to consider what you are able to infer about the object’s context (historical and social period ), subject (what is depicted, is it a story, is it a person, what does it represent), and style (what does it look like and how is it depicted).  

Step 3: Lastly, make a sketch (a drawing) of your object on a blank sheet of paper. This will help you further analyze and understand how the object was created and how the artist composed (designed/organized) the object and its constituent parts. While drawing, think about how the art object “works.” What formal elements lead your eye through the artwork? What elements of the subject matter and/or forms support or contradict the interpretation of the work you will propose in your analysis?

Mechanics for Writing the Visual Analysis

A visual analysis is not just a description. In this paper, students should contextualize their chosen artwork, study its formal elements (composition, color, texture, line, style, subject matter, and so on), and explain how these properties create meaning. In this paper, students must analyze all three of the following elements: the artwork’s context (historical and social period), subject (what is depicted), and style (what it looks like).

Your essay must include:

           1) An introduction that identifies the work of art you have chosen and gives basic information about it. [what is it?]

           2) A thesis statement that lays out your argument and how you will prove it. [I believe that this is X, and will use Y and Z to discuss it.]

           3) Three body paragraphs (at least) that help prove the overall argument laid out in your thesis. [context, subject, style]

           4) A conclusion where you articulate the implications or significance of your thesis and summarize your thoughts. [because of X and Y, we can now  appreciate/recognize/understand the importance/relevance/value of this artwork.]

An example of a visual analysis is located on the Canvas site for your reference.

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Explanation & Answer

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The Fragmentary Bust of Ramses Art Analysis

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The Fragmentary Bust of Ramses Art Analysis


The aesthetic of the artwork, a representation of the social values of the period, and the
nature of the artwork are the criteria for evaluating the artworks to guarantee consistency of the
analysis. When it comes to aesthetics, the question is whether the artwork appeals to viewers.
The artwork reflects a group’s social ideals and cultural awareness in terms of reflecting societal
values. The article examines and analyzes artworks, particularly Ramses II’s Hard Stone Group
figure with Osiris and Isis. The emphasis of the study is on the artworks’ efficacy and
ineffectiveness. The efficacy and craftsmanship of Egyptian art are evaluated.

Part One: General Information

Title: Fragmentary Bust of Ramses II

Artist: Unknown

Date: 1290-1224 BCE

Iconography: Human Head Ramesses II Osiris

Provenance: Egypt, Abydos.

Technique and Medium: carved marble with rectangular front, white with colourful face

Dimensions: Height: 171cm, Length 0cm, Width: 119.38cm, Depth 60. 96cm



Part Two: Subject Matter
The “Fragmentary Bust of Ramses II” is an Egyptian sculpture of king Ramses. The

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