Troy University Dimensions of Applied Behavior Analysis Essay

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Troy University


The seven dimensions of ABA identified in your course texts and the Baer et al.'s 1968 article, Some Current Dimensions of Applied Behavior Analysis," are the guiding principles for the field of ABA. As a developing professional, it is important to understand the dimensions because each one is relevant to the work of a behavior analyst.

For this assignment, refer to the following assigned articles this week:

Then complete the following:

  • Identify which of the articles is behavior analytic and which is not, and provide an explanation for your choice. 
    • Be sure to identify which of the seven dimensions of ABA are present in the behavior analytic article.
    • Analyze why the other article is not behavior analytic. How do you know the seven dimensions are not present?

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Explanation & Answer

Please view explanation and answer below.


Dimensions of Applied Behavior Analysis
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Dimensions of Applied Behavior Analysis
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) has a basis on evidence-based scientific methods.
Research conducted by Donald Baer, Montrose Wolf, and Todd Risley in their 1968 article point
out the seven dimensions of ABA, which became the guiding principles for this field. The seven
dimensions are Generality, Effectiveness, Technological, Analytic, Behavioral, Conceptually
Systemic, and Applied (Alves, De Carvalho, Aguilar, De Brito, & Bastos, 2020). The presence
of each of these dimensions in a research study proves that it has ABA concepts. ABA has many
uses but is particularly useful in treating behaviors associated with different disabilities such as
The article that is behavior analysis is Effects of training, prompting, and self-monitoring
on staff behavior in a classroom for students with disabilities by Petscher & Bailey (2006). The
article contains all of the ABA dimensions. The first dimension present is Applied, wh...

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