Employee Motivation and Organization Success Essay

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Business Finance


Motivation of Employees: You will author a 3-5 page paper addressing your strategy to motivate employees under your direct supervision. This may include a description real events as a manager or employee. Topics to consider: recognizing individual differences; goals and feedback; participation in key decisions; linking rewards to performance; equitable decision making.

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Employee Motivation

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Employee Motivation
An organization's success depends on various factors, one of them being employees’
commitment. Employees’ commitment increases organizational productivity and level of output
(Deressa & Zeru, 2019). One strategy used by managers to increase employees' commitment is
motivation. Employee motivation encompasses the energy level, amount of creativity,
enthusiasm, and commitment that employees bring to an organization on a routine basis (Shkoler
& Kimura, 2020). Employee motivation is classified as intrinsic when employees are motivated
from within and extrinsic when employees’ motivation is stimulated by reward and recognition.
Most of the employees are not intrinsically motivated and only feel motivated for the work done
when they are appreciated with perks or word of mouth. The tactics and processes that managers
put in place to inspire and motivate employees are determined by work culture and work
environment. This paper aims to discuss praise and recognition as the employees’ motivation
strategy under direct supervision.
Employee Motivation Strategy: Praise and Recognition
Direct supervision entails laying the authority figure within proximity. The primary roles
of a supervisor are to connect management and workers, plan employees’ affairs, give
instructions to workers, encourage teamwork, instill workplace discipline, provide first-hand
information, and promote efficient use of organizational resources (Deressa & Zeru, 2019). Due
to the competitiveness of the work environment, the best and well-trained personnel may fail to
work to their best when they are not motivated. Under direct supervision, employees are
recognized for work completeness and accuracy (Rudman, 2020). Praise and recognition is a
non-monetary employee motivation strategy that improves employees’ satisfaction, cultivates a
culture of self-improvement, boosts morale, and improves employees’ retention. The employee

motivation strategy will involve praising and recognizing high-performing employees by sending
an email with a genuine compliment such as "thank you."
There are various real events that a manager should involve in to ensure praise and
recognition is an effective strategy for improving organizational success an...

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