MGT 430 Saudi Electronic University Improved Communication Skills Powerpoint

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Business Finance

MGT 430

Saudi electronic university



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Course Name: Student’s Name: Course Code: Student’s ID Number: Semester: CRN: Academic Year: 144 /144 H For Instructor’s Use only Instructor’s Name: Students’ Grade: Level of Marks: Secondary address separator Secondary address Text Text Text Text Thank You Form Number (6) Periodic Report Internship Student Report | Month #? Start Date: 06/06/2021 Student’s Name: Areeb Alrabie Training Organization: Madani S. Alahmadi company End Date: 26/06/2021 Student’s ID Number: s170299656 Trainee department: Human Resources Trainee Supervisor Name: Musa Alawadi Faculty Member: 0540000933 Course: MGT-430 Internship CRN: 30101 Semester: summer semester Academic Year/Semester: 2021-2022 (Instructions) ➢ This report must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via the allocated folder. ➢ Email submission will not be accepted. ➢ Your work should be clearly and completely presented; marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling in your information on the cover page. ➢ The assignment will be evaluated through the BB Safe Assign tool. ➢ Late submission will result in ZERO marks being awarded. ➢ This work should be your own; copying from students or other resources will result in ZERO marks. ➢ Use Times New Roman font 12 for all your answers. PAGE 1 OUT OF 3 (Report Components) Task(s) New skill(s) Meeting(s) Difficulty/ Challenge(s) What are the activities and tasks given to you during this month? 1- I was recording the employee’s names who are working in the organization using the excel sheet. 2- I recorded the information of the employees ( name, national ID number, date of birth, expiry date of the ID, date of joining in the organization, work contract, and registering all the employees in the general organization for social insurance ) 3- Review employee's files in the general organization for social insurance and compare them with the salary file. What skills did you learn throughout the month? I learned more than skill during this month: 1- Communication skills; I was able to communicate with the employees in the department. 2- Computer skills; Most of my work was on excel. Therefore, I learned much about how to use a computer. 3- Interviewing skills; I conducted interviews, and by these, I learned how to ask corporate questions. 4- Skills of dialogue with teamwork. How many meetings did you attend? I attended three meetings in the Microsoft Teams one day every week. The most critical topics in all meetings were how the works are going, reviewing the weekly plan, discussing and suggesting new issues, and scheduling the due date for them. What are the difficulties you had this month? 1- I was nervous in the early days of the training. 2- There were some missing documents in the employee’s folders. 3- Sometimes the governmental website didn't work, which causes a delay in doing all the employee's transactions. How did you overcome these difficulties? I became more confident in the work because these difficulties taught me how to act when something would go wrong. To fix the problems, I contacted other team members and recorded the information in an excel sheet. Also, I got the governmental organizations’ complaints about the issue in fixing the websites. PAGE 2 OUT OF 3 Learning What did you learn from completing the tasks? I learned how to organize and complete the tasks from the most important to less important. Also, I gained some expertise from working in the organization because when the work is completed, finishing tasks will be more manageable and done in less time. What did you want to learn more? 1- I want to develop myself and have more training courses 2- Know more about the rules of the ministry of labor 3- Learn more about the management of public organizations for social insurance. 4- Learn more about the rules of the council of cooperative health insurance. 5- Learn more about the rules of the organization's policies. *Note: 1. This report is a summary of the training activities performed. 2. You may attach additional pages if needed. And a student can attach any extra note to this form. PAGE 3 OUT OF 3 Form Number (6) Periodic Report Internship Student Report | Month #? Start Date: 06/06/2021 Student’s Name: Areeb Alrabie Training Organization: Madani S. Alahmadi company End Date: 26/06/2021 Student’s ID Number: s170299656 Trainee department: Human Resources Trainee Supervisor Name: Musa Alawadi Faculty Member: 0540000933 Course: MGT-430 Internship CRN: 30101 Semester: summer semester Academic Year/Semester: 2021-2022 (Instructions) ➢ This report must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via the allocated folder. ➢ Email submission will not be accepted. ➢ Your work should be clearly and completely presented; marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling in your information on the cover page. ➢ The assignment will be evaluated through the BB Safe Assign tool. ➢ Late submission will result in ZERO marks being awarded. ➢ This work should be your own; copying from students or other resources will result in ZERO marks. ➢ Use Times New Roman font 12 for all your answers. PAGE 1 OUT OF 3 (Report Components) Task(s) New skill(s) Meeting(s) Difficulty/ Challenge(s) What are the activities and tasks given to you during this month? 1. I recorded the organization’s employee names and information using an excel sheet. 2. I recorded information such as name, national ID number, date of birth, expiry date of the ID, date of joining in the organization, and their work contract. 3. I also reviewed employee's files in the general organization for social insurance and compare them with the salary file. What skills did you learn throughout the month? 1. Communication skills; I was able to communicate with the employees in the department. 2. Computer skills; Most of my work was on Excel, so I learned a lot about how to use a computer. 3. Interviewing skills; I conducted interviews, and by these, I learned how to ask corporate questions. 4. Collaborative skills; I interacted with various departments and learned more about teamwork and its importance. How many meetings did you attend? I attended three meetings in the Microsoft Teams one day every week. The most critical topics in all meetings were how our various tasks are going, reviewing the weekly plan, discussing and suggesting new issues, and scheduling their due date. What are the difficulties you had this month? 1. I was nervous about doing my job well in the early days of the training. 2. There were some missing documents in the employee’s folders. 3. The government website didn't work at times, which caused a delay in doing all the employee's transactions. How did you overcome these difficulties? I became more confident in the work because these difficulties taught me the steps to take when something went wrong. To fix these problems, I contacted other team members and recorded the information in an Excel sheet. I also contacted the government website and notified them of the website’s issues. PAGE 2 OUT OF 3 Learning What did you learn from completing the tasks? I learned how to organize and complete the tasks from the most important to less important. Also, I gained some expertise from working in the organization because when the work is completed, finishing tasks will be more manageable and done in less time. What did you want to learn more? 1. I want to develop myself and have more training courses 2. Know more about the rules of the Ministry of Labor 3. Learn more about the management of public organizations for social insurance. 4. Learn more about the rules of the Council of Cooperative Health Insurance. 5. Learn more about the rules of the organization's policies. *Note: 1. This report is a summary of the training activities performed. 2. You may attach additional pages if needed. And a student can attach any extra note to this form. PAGE 3 OUT OF 3
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 Generally, the idea behind the project was to ensure that

the participants acquired key functionary skills that ...

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