HRES 2302 Labour Relations
Grievance Assignment
10% of Final Mark
Total Words – 500 - 750 words
This individual assignment will focus on the grievance process and will be written in two parts. The first section will be
written from the perspective of the union representative on behalf of the union member (written in proper letter
format), the second section will be written from the perspective of the employee’s manager with the guidance of the
Labour Relations Specialist (written in proper letter format).
Joe is a construction worker in a large industrial plant working for ABC Construction. He is a unionized employee and
belongs to the Construction Workers of Alberta Union, Local 606. On the morning of September 18, Joe was unable to
find his protective gloves and he thought that he left them in a section of the plant that he had been working in the day
prior. He no longer had authorization to work in that area of the plant as his work permit was only good for September
17, but he decided to go in to look for his protective gloves because he needed to wear them for next assignment. The
protective gloves are a mandatory piece of PPE (personal protective equipment) required on the site. He figured that
since he wasn’t working in that area of the plant, only looking for his gloves, that the work permit wouldn’t be an issue.
Joe brought a member of his crew, Nadia, to look for his gloves with him. While looking for the gloves, Joe’s hard hat
made contact with a panic button, causing the plant to stop operations. Joe did not immediately report this to his
supervisor but continued to look for his gloves (which he couldn’t find), so he went to the tool crib and got a new pair of
gloves in order to move onto the next job for the day.
While driving in a company truck to the next area of the plant, Joe and Nadia heard commotion on the company radio,
including a code which indicated a plant shutdown emergency. Joe knew that this code pertained to an emergency in
the area of the plant that he and Nadia had just exited and realized that there must have been an issue with them being
in there. He called his supervisor and stated that he had just been in that area of the plant looking for his gloves, and
although he didn’t remember hitting any buttons, he may have unknowingly activated the panic switch. Joe’s supervisor
immediately contacted plant security to manage the situation. The plant was back up and running within two hours,
however the loss of productivity resulted in a loss of $500,000 to the company.
The site Safety team of ABC Construction investigated (they are non-union employees), and Joe was terminated for
cause the next day. Joe’s manager forgot to call the Shop Steward into the termination meeting. Nadia was found nonculpable but was issued a written warning for the safety infraction of being in an area of the plant that he didn’t have a
valid work permit for. Joe has asked his union to file a grievance, as he believes that ABC Company did not have
sufficient grounds for termination. Nadia does not wish to file a grievance and has accepted the discipline she was
HRES 2302 Labour Relations
Here are the facts of the situation
Joe has been with ABC Construction for 6 years. The only discipline he has on file was for 3 days of unauthorized
absence 4 years ago. Joe is a good employee with a positive attitude and is looked up to by junior members of the
team. He started with ABC Construction as a carpenter and was promoted to Construction Lead 3 years ago. The
Construction Lead position is a member of the bargaining unit (unionized).
All employees complete ABC Construction’s annual Safety Policy reminder requirement, including a sign-off that
they have read and understand the material. The Safety Policy portion includes the following:
Employees are strictly prohibited from being in any area of the plant without a valid work permit
Employees must always wear proper PPE
If any emergency alerts are triggered, the employee must contact his or her supervisor within 10 minutes in
order to avoid a plant shutdown
The plant security report states the following
Joe and Nadia entered the impacted section of the plant at 8:06 a.m.
The panic button was activated at 8:11 a.m.
Joe and Nadia exited the impacted section of the plant at 8:16 a.m.
Joe contacted his supervisor over the radio of the company truck at 8:29 a.m.
Investigation information: A company Safety Representative, Julia, conducted separate interviews with Joe and
Investigation Conversation between the company’s Safety Representative, Julia and Joe
Julia: Hi Joe, thank you for agreeing to meet with me today. The purpose of our meeting is to determine what
happened during the morning of September 18 when there was a plant shutdown due to a panic button being
Were you in this area of the plant between the approximate hours of 8:00 and 8:30 a.m. on September 18?
Joe: Yes
Julia: Were you aware that you did not have an active permit to enter the area during that time?
Joe: Yes, however we had an active permit from the day before. I was not going there to perform work, only to look
for a personal item I had misplaced, so I thought that I was allowed to enter the area of the plant.
Julia: Do you remember hitting a panic button, either intentionally or accidently?
Joe: I do not remember activating the button, but I suppose it could have happened if my hard hat hit it accidently
Julia: At what point did you contact your supervisor?
Joe: I called my supervisor within 10 minutes of leaving the plant.
Julia: Why did you contact your supervisor:
Joe: I heard commotion on the truck radio and based on the emergency code being called out, I know that it
pertained to the area of the plant that we had recently left.
Julia: Do you have any additional information to add?
Joe: I am very sorry for what has happened. This was not intentional, and I would never break any of the rules on
HRES 2302 Labour Relations
Investigation Conversation between the company’s Safety Representative, Julia and Nadia
Julia: Hi Nadia, thank you for agreeing to meet with me today. The purpose of our meeting is to determine what
happened during the morning of September 18 when there was a plant shutdown due to a panic button being
Were you in this area of the plant between the approximate hours of 8:00 and 8:30 a.m. on September 18?
Nadia: Yes
Julia: Were you aware that you did not have an active permit to enter the area during that time?
Nadia: Yes, I was aware that we were not permitted to be in the area. I felt pressure to go with Joe, because he is a
senior member of the crew, and he wanted me to go help him to look for his protective gloves, which he needed for
the next job. I told him I didn’t think we should go into the plant without getting a new permit, but he said that as
we weren’t technically working, it would be fine.
Julia: Did you witness a panic button being activated either intentionally, or accidently?
Nadia: I did not witness anything, however while we were still in the plant looking for the gloves, I remember Joe
asking me if I heard an alarm. I told Joe that I hadn’t heard an alarm.
Julia: When did Joe contact his supervisor?
Nadia: While we were in the truck, driving to our next job, we heard commotion on the truck radio. We heard the
emergency code associated with the area of the plant we were in. I told Joe that he should contact our supervisor
immediately because the issue could have been related to us being in the area. Initially, Joe didn’t want to call our
supervisor because he was worried about us getting in trouble for being in that area of the plant when we were not
supposed to be there. I was able to convince him to make the call, as I told him that the consequences would be
worse if we didn’t contact our supervisor. He agreed and made the call.
Julia: Do you have any additional information to add?
Nadia: I am very sorry for any trouble this has caused. I feel badly about the situation and I don’t want Joe to be in
any trouble. He is usually a very good co-worker. I think he just used some poor judgement in this circumstance.
The Collective Agreement between ABC Construction and the Construction Workers of Alberta Union Local 606
states the following.
Termination for cause must be based on an egregious act of willful intent or willful neglect after a thorough
investigation is conducted
Violation of safety absolutes may result in termination without cause
A Shop Steward must be present for all termination meetings
HRES 2302 Labour Relations
Assignment Sections
1. Grievance filed by Union on behalf of the member: From the perspective of a union representative, write a formal
grievance to the organization on behalf of the member. The grievance must include the following parts, and must
be presented in proper letter format:
Elements of a business letter (addresses, greeting, etc.)
Type of grievance being filed
The situation from the perspective of the union member (employee)
The articles of the collective agreement the union believes is being violated
Remedy proposed by the union
2. Manager’s response to the union’s grievance: From the perspective of the employee’s manager and with guidance
from the Labour Relations Specialist, write a formal grievance response to the union. The grievance response must
include the following parts:
Elements of a business letter (addresses, greeting, etc.)
Description of investigation performed, or data gathered to determine employer’s position
The employer’s position on the grievance
Remedy proposed (if any) by the employer to the union
This assignment should be between two and three pages of content in length.
You must follow Bow Valley College policies with respect to Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism. This is taken very
seriously at the College and even if dishonesty or plagiarism is unintentional, it is my obligation to report it. Also, know
that taking credit for work you did not contribute to is also considered Academic Dishonesty and will be reported.
Your assignment needs to be presented in a professional manner. You must use Turnitin on the assignment, prior to me
marking the assignment. Remember to give yourself 24 hours for the software to accurately generate a report.
Please see the rubric for details on the marking criteria.
Very good
The paper is
properly formatted
as a business letter.
The writing is easy
to follow and
appropriate for the
intended audience.
The paper is
formatted as a
business letter. The
writing is easy to
follow and
appropriate for the
intended audience.
The paper is
formatted as a
letter but may not
include all
elements of a
business letter. The
writing is organized
The paper is
formatted as a
letter but may not
include all
elements of a
business letter. The
writing is organized
Demonstrate prof
essional attitudes
and behaviours in
HRES 2302 Labour Relations
Very good
skills and writing.)
The writing is free
of grammar,
spelling, and
mechanical errors.
The writing is
mostly free of
grammar, spelling,
and mechanical
errors. The errors
do not interfere
with understanding
the argument.
but may not always
be easy to follow.
Sources are cited
appropriately using
current APA
guidelines both intext and in a
reference page.
Grievance from
the union
a workplace
grievance and
for resolution.)
response to the
The paper
effectively presents
the grievance from
the union
Integration of the
set of facts and the
procedure are used
to develop an
Sources are cited
using current APA
guidelines both intext and in a
reference page.
The paper
effectively presents
the grievance from
the union
Integration of the
set of facts and the
procedure are used
to develop an
The writing has
some grammar,
spelling, or
mechanical errors.
Sources are cited
but may not use
current APA
guidelines for both
in-text and in a
reference page.
but may not always
be easy to follow.
The writing has
some grammar,
spelling, or
mechanical errors.
The errors interfere
with understanding
the argument.
Citation of sources
may be missing or
The paper presents
the grievance from
the union
Integration of the
set of facts and the
procedure are used
to develop an
The paper may not
present the
grievance from the
union perspective.
The set of facts and
the workplace
procedure are not
well integrated into
the development of
an argument.
Some essential
information is
included, yet ideas
are not well
explained or
information may
have been
The paper may not
present the
response to the
grievance or lacks
All essential
information is
included, and ideas
are fully explained
and supported.
information has
been omitted.
All essential
information is
included, and ideas
are explained.
Some irrelevant
information may
have been
Most essential
information is
included, yet some
ideas are not well
explained or
information may
have been
The paper
effectively presents
the manager’s
response to the
grievance and
The paper
effectively presents
the manager’s
response to the
grievance and
The paper presents
the manager’s
response to the
grievance and
includes guidance
HRES 2302 Labour Relations
a workplace
grievance and
for resolution.)
includes guidance
includes guidance
from the Labour
guidance from the
from the Labour
from the Labour
Relations Specialist. Labour Relations
Relations Specialist. Relations Specialist. Integration of the
Specialist. The set
Integration of the
Integration of the
set of facts and the of facts and the
set of facts and the set of facts and the workplace
procedure are used procedure are not
procedure are used procedure are used to develop an
well integrated into
to develop an
to develop an
the development of
an argument.
All essential
information is
included, and ideas
are fully explained
and supported.
information has
been omitted. The
resolution is
Very good
All essential
information is
included, and ideas
are explained.
Some irrelevant
information has
been omitted. The
resolution is
Most essential
information is
included, yet some
ideas are not well
information may
have been
included. The
resolution is
Some essential
information is
included, yet some
ideas are not well
information may
have been
included. The
resolution is may
not be justifiable.
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