final paper

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Business Finance


Goal: Conduct/construct an experiential evaluation/assessment of the business model of your organization (or one with which you are closely familiar) using the business model canvas and related text.

Introduction: Managers who want to improve the effectiveness of their business model and organization, as well as to increase their own ability to manage, use diagnostics/assessments to determine the reality of business effectiveness in comparison to what they originally envisioned. Good feedback contributes to the development of plans to improve business/organizational effectiveness and management performance.

Instructions: Students will write a 2500-3000 word (about 10 pages in the main body) properly formatted APA paper (including a title page and references page, but no abstract) that evaluates/assesses the overall effectiveness of the business model used by your organization. This is the third of three assignments that draws from your association with your organization. The previous two “canvas” assignments flow into this one. Identify one or more of the building blocks from the business model canvas where modification should be recommended. Be careful to avoid bias in determining the issue/problem identified by using the canvas. Do not merely critique, but contribute to your organization’s overall success. This paper should be the culmination of the overall work you have done with the business model canvas so that all the pieces go together.

Your final paper should include:

  • Your business model canvas – Post-It notes discussion/observations (week 2)—summarize this area, but provide the initial canvas.
  • Identification of theoretical/behavioral trends that you observe in the business model and organization (week 5)—summarize this, do not merely cut and paste.
  • Discussion of appropriate theory, metaphors, and frames with which to describe your business model in operation, as well as to identify areas needing improvement and how to get there.
  • Use of the Osterwalder/Pigneur text to evaluate and diagnose your organization’s business model, as well as an integration of the course materials into your writing and consideration.
  • Recommendations for improvements identified using the canvas, theories, and assessment tools used in this course. What are the expected outcomes.
  • Use eight scholarly sources besides our textbook (especially case studies) to undergird your assertions from peer-reviewed literature.
  • Thoroughly familiarize yourself with the assignment specs and ask questions if you are unsure of expectations.

The paper must have at least eight additional scholarly sources in addition to the course textbook. No abstract is necessary, but a title page and references page should be included. Write your paper in third person, even though you are writing about an organization that you are familiar with. To do this, write from the perspective of a scholar who observes and researches about the case. Therefore, first person should be avoided.

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Value Proposition: Efficient, cost-effective, and adaptable machinery that successfully solves the safety problem on un-widened roads; and can be adapted to other similar situations, such as for construction and landscaping-oriented companies and organizations. Key Partners: • Caterpillar • Komatsu • CNH Global Key Activities: The key activities we identified as the most important for the success of RoadWidener transitioning into doing business in Japan entail: • First and foremost, it is imperative to manufacture the product. • We must understand how to manage the distribution in an efficient manner. • We must acquire contracts for RoadWidener projects to diversify our opportunities. • It is of the utmost importance to facilitate & manage profitable relationships with key partners (CNH Global, Caterpillar, Komatsu). • We must cultivate brand equity, grow brand recognition, and develop brand image to maximize our success in the global workplace. • As a team, we need to understand the necessity in properly identifying our activities and goals strategically in order to profitably expand our business. Customer Relationships: Our Company wants to launch a particular and demonstrative relationship with our customers, instead of only an automated one. We will have customer representatives in each region dedicated to each customer, and in doing so, our goal is to boost sales and retain customer loyalty. Also, in order to inculcate a deeper connection between the company and our customer base, we will participate in and sponsor local charity events within our customers’ communities. In order to maintain a quality product that is always improving, we will gather feedback from customers by creating an organized customer feedback system through emails, surveys, and exploratory interviews where we focus on user attitudes and inquire about user habits. Customer Segments: Our customer segments will include municipalities/governments, construction companies, and construction/architectural organizations in developing countries. Not only are we targeting businesses, but we are also targeting townships, cities, counties, and organizations. Although these customers have different profit abilities as well as different types of relationships, they also exhibit similar needs and problems, which is why we are targeting our product to such a broad market. Key Resources: Notable key resources of our business model entail: • Raw materials suppliers • Intellectual capital • Project engineers • Human capital Our group identified these resources as the most important for the success of our business because they require us to focus the majority of our time and energy upon; as key resources, we make it a priority to connect the above to the proper individuals most affluent in said areas. Channels: • Construction company partner channels • Company website • Publicity in industry Cost Structure: The key cost structure we deemed the most important for the success of RoadWidener transitioning into doing business in Japan include: • 2,605,937.00 yen; ($23,000-$27,000) per unit attachment (At current currency exchange rates) • Marketing & PR Firms overseas • Supply of raw materials • Manufacturing overhead costs • As our company shall be dealing in Japanese yen instead of US dollars it shall be important to always keep in mind exchange costs when buying and selling as well as whether or not to import materials if costs increase too drastically. Part of our cost structure plan is to employ teams of Marketing and PR personnel across Japan who is capable of grasping the local market swiftly and efficiently as the majority of our US staff most likely has little to no experience in such fields. In order to fulfill our raw material needs required to create the RoadWidener we plan to outsource the manufacturing to partners in Japan but additionally back our manufacturing overhead through our global funds. Revenue Streams: The key revenue streams we deemed the most important for the success of RoadWidener transitioning into doing business in Japan include: • Product sales • Consulting services • Strategic partnerships • Contracting services • Product engineers/mechanics . Memorandum To: Professor Jan Spencer From: Olufemi Ogundare Date: February 19, 2017 Subject: Lessons Learned from phase 1 of Business Model Generation This was a bit of a challenge creating a business Model Canvas for Road widener and I must say I did some extensive research on this particular machinery and its competition. Our company decided to focus on these various revenue streams as a way to reach out to a wider audience and simultaneously increase Road widener’s new footprint in Japan. First of all we have product sales, which account for basic sale of Road Widener to our customers. This is followed by our plan to create a consultation service for Road Widener so as to maximize the efficiency of our product for all clients in our potential market area. Additionally, we shall create strategic partnerships with CNH Global as our main partner, and offer the product for association with also Caterpillar, and Komatsu, so as to sell our product to a greater market; along with the necessary components for the product’s proper use. Next, we plan to offer a contracting service to our customers with limited resources, where we offer to perform the necessary services with the Road Widener product, and finally we plan to hire and train engineers and mechanics that shall perform repairs and improvements to our product as necessary. We will welcome feedback from all parties involved pertaining to the betterment of our product. Very Respectfully Olufemi Ogundare
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Business canvas model



In the context of any given business environment, business canvas model refers to the
visual chart meant for outlining and displaying an organization or firm’s key entities such as the
infrastructure, finances, customers, and the value proposition of the of the products. Therefore, it
is such right blueprints for any firm to compete favorably within the market. It such an important
tool that helps a company or an organization plan for day to day activities by checking and
mitigating chances of tradeoffs that may arise (Pigneure, 2010). This article is an assessment and
discussion relating to the business canvas model and Japan based giant in the manufacture,
assembly and importation of varieties of road widening machines.
Road Widener LLC’s Business Model Canvas
Value preposition
This company has the most outstanding, most reliable, environmental friendly, energy
saver, time conscious and less expensive and most economical process of road widening machine
manufacturing, selling of machine spare parts and the general maintenance of products
associated with it. The mode of building construction machines such as land scrappers and land
crews complies with most quality assurance standards in almost all countries as stipulated under
the ISO certification standards in order to make products most reliable and cost effective. The
best recommendations for the process of making value preposition more appealing is to do more
research on ways of improving service delivery and to add authentic flavor to the products(
Holm,2013). The most effective tools for rolling out research meant for streamlining this model
are survey studies, questionnaires, interviews and case study groups within the company’s area
of business transactions (Oliveira, 2013). The company should include slot in its business canvas



model of purchase of modern and high tech pollution monitoring machines to aid in the process
of service delivery to the customers. This will add authentic flavor to its value reposition of
being environmentally compliant and adhering with sustainable development principles.

According to its business model canvas, this outstanding motor vehicle giant has the
basic facilities, services and installations needed convenient functioning in its production
activities. Under infrastructural designs, Road Widener LLC firm comprises of the following key
Key activities
Road widener LLC and its machine manufacturing and assembling business Company
has such efficient, effective and most reliable car manufacturing activities, general maintenance
of its products, extensive research approaches relating to consumption of its products by various
consumers in Japan and the global market, worldwide importation of the car spare parts of
various models and the general technological innovations relating to manufacture of
computerized and hybrid road widening machines. Road Widener is also involved in safe
provision of health services such as safe consumption water supply, promotion of environmental
activities such as hazardous and waste water management, environmental conservation activities
such as planting trees, humanitarian projects of building homes for the less privileged in society
and general awareness projects pertaining to matters of human and environmental health as a
result of use of company’s products. It has such well established chain of service supply being



controlled under various departments. The company emphasizes a lot on the quality of the
services and products it offers to the public in the global market.
Occasionally, the above services are not well discharged to the customers because of a
number of issue...

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