stress and mental health

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The DSM-4TR is used universally in psychology. Discuss what it is and the benefits and liabilities of having this book. What is the purpose of the "4-TR"?


You have been under a lot of stress lately. According to Hans Selye, explain how the GAS can be applied to your situation. Make sure you name the stages and explain their effect. What can be done to prevent serious consequences of the stress?

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Explanation & Answer

The DSM-4TR is used universally in psychology. Discuss what it is and the benefits and liabilities of having this book. What is the purpose of the "4-TR"?

  • The DSM stands for diagnostic and statistical manual (of mental disorders) and IV TR is for the fourth edition text revision. It is essentially a manual used by medical professionals in the field of psychology to assess and identify psychological dysfunction. For more details check out here.

You have been under a lot of stress lately. According to Hans Selye, explain how the GAS can be applied to your situation. Make sure you name the stages and explain their effect. What can be done to prevent serious consequences of the stress?

There are 3 stages to Seyle General Adaptation Syndrome.  They are as follows:

1.  The Alarm Stage.  The body's initial reaction to stress is to label the individual (or individuals) causing the stress as threats.  This triggers a "fight or flight" reaction, releasing hormones (such as adrenaline, cortisol, and noradrenaline) which allow the body to participate in activities not normally done.  This explains the phenomena of "super strength"; when someone is in immediate danger, they exhibit physical and emotional power not usually seen in the individual.  (Take the examples of how mothers can lift a car to save a child that is stuck underneath)

2. The Resistance Stage.  When the body responds to the individual(s) or situation that is causing the stress, eventually the body will become weaker (due to the exertion that the fight or flight situation has caused the body).  The body, although weaker, continues to remain on guard.

3. Exhaustion Stage.  The final stage is when the persistent stress has finally taken a toll on the body.  The body begins to lose its strength, and exhaustion kicks in. 

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