University of Minnesota Filthy Cities Industrial New York Documentary Analysis

User Generated



University of Minnesota


Please write a review of the documentary Filthy Cities: Industrial New York. What did you like? What could have been done better? What did you learn that you did know know before? How does this tie into other information/readings you are doing this semester? How does the material relate to your hometown, or where you are currently living? (this last question is important and will be helpful at the end of the semester).

Double space, 2 pages . Times New Roman 12pt Font.

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Explanation & Answer

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Documentary Review#1- Filthy Cities: Industrial New York


Documentary Review#1- Filthy Cities: Industrial New York
"Filthy Cities: Industrial New York" is an amazing documentary that narrates New
York's story in the 19th and 20th centuries, an era of consumerism, immigration, and
industrialization. Essentially, the documentary is a reflection of how New York was about 200
years ago. While many of the stories are about the positive consequences of the time, the
negatives are rarely discussed. The movie shows how the living conditions were disgusti...

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