NR 537 Chamberlain Wk 5 Assessment & Evaluation in Education Rubric Development Task

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NR 537

Chamberlain University College of Nursing



Develop a rubric that requires the identification of a written learning assignment with the purpose and learner clearly noted.

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1 Week 5: Rubric Development PURPOSE This assignment provides the student with the opportunity to develop a rubric for a written assignment. The assignment requires the identification of a written learning assignment with the purpose and learner clearly noted. The rubric is developed as the MSN student identifies the level of performance, criteria, and descriptors. Self-reflection is included so that the MSN student can consider self-directed improvement. COURSE OUTCOMES Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to do the following. CO 1: Apply information related to assessment and evaluation in diverse healthcare and academic settings to foster learning. (PO 1) CO 2: Incorporate caring, professional values and ethics in the application of assessment and evaluation processes to diverse learning activities. (POs 2, 4) CO 3: Employ a spirit of inquiry and scholarship to foster professional development regarding the use of assessment and evaluation in diverse healthcare and academic settings. (POs 3, 4) DUE DATE: Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 5 TOTAL POINTS POSSIBLE: 180 POINTS REQUIREMENTS Description of the Assignment This assignment requires the student to develop a rubric for a written learning activity. The learning activity must be a written assignment with no PowerPoint, oral, return demonstration, or simulation learning activities to be used. The MSN student may select the focus of the learning activity to be within a nurse professional development or an academic setting. Criteria for Content Description of the learning activity required of learners: Within this section, the MSN student provides the following required elements. • Identification of the purpose of written assignment • Description of the required WRITTEN learning activity • Identification of the level of the learner NR 537: W5 Assignment Rubric Development 02/24/2019 (JAR) 1 2 • Identification of practice setting of the learner (i.e., nurse professional development; academic) • Provide two learning outcomes for the required written assignment using Bloom's revised taxonomy Identification of content and format criteria for the WRITTEN learning activity: Within this section, the MSN student provides the following required elements. • Identification of three content criteria for the written learning activity • Explain how each of the three content criteria contribute to the identified learning outcomes • Transfer each of the three content criteria to the rubric template • Identification of two format criteria for the written learning activity • Explain how each of the two format criteria contribute to the identified learning outcomes • Transfer each of the two format criteria to the rubric template Identification of performance levels for the learning activity: Within this section, the MSN student provides the following required elements. • Identification of four performance levels for the written learning activity with a textual description • Identification of four performance levels for the written learning activity using numerical parameters • Descriptors of the required performance level are mutually exclusive • Placement of performance levels in the rubric template Development of descriptors for each criterion at each level of performance for the learning activity: Within this section, the MSN student provides the following required elements. • Identification of descriptors for each criterion at each performance level • Identification of descriptors that are mutually exclusive • Identification of descriptions that are measurable • Add descriptors within the rubric template PREPARING THE ASSIGNMENT Criteria for Format and Special Instructions The information related to the following sections is presented using a paragraph style. These sections are noted to be the following. NR 537: W5 Assignment Rubric Development 02/24/2019 (JAR) 2 3 a. Description of the learning activity required of learners b. Self-reflection 2. The rubric for the written assignment is to be presented via the required template located within the Assignment area of NR537. 3. Title page and reference page (if needed) must follow APA guidelines as found in the 6th edition of the manual. 4. Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are followed and consistent with formal, scientific writing. DIRECTIONS AND ASSIGNMENT CRITERIA Assignment Criteria Description of the learning activity required of learners Identification of content and format criteria for the learning activity NR 537: W5 Assignment Points % 45 25 50 28 Rubric Development Description Required content for this section includes demonstration of the following. • Identification of the purpose of written assignment • Description of the required WRITTEN learning activity • Identification of the level of the learner • Identification of practice setting of the learner (i.e., nurse professional development; academic) • Provide two learning outcomes for the required written assignment using Bloom's revised taxonomy Required content for this section includes demonstration of the following. • Identification of three content criteria for the written learning activity • Explain how each of the three content criteria contribute to the identified learning outcomes 02/24/2019 (JAR) 3 4 Identification of performance levels for the learning activity Develop descriptors for each criterion at each level of performance for the learning activity 25 50 14 28 • Transfer each of the three content criteria to the rubric template • Identification of two format criteria for the written learning activity • Explain how each of the two format criteria contribute to the identified learning outcomes • Transfer each of the two format criteria to the rubric template Required content for this section includes demonstration of the following. • Identification of four performance levels for the written learning activity with a textual description • Identification of four performance levels for the written learning activity using numerical parameters • Descriptors of the required performance level are mutually exclusive • Placement of performance levels in the rubric template Required content for this section includes demonstration of the following. • • • • NR 537: W5 Assignment Rubric Development Identification of descriptors for each criterion at each performance level Identification of descriptors that are mutually exclusive Identification of descriptions that are measurable Add descriptors within the rubric template 02/24/2019 (JAR) 4 5 Scholarly writing 10 Total NR 537: W5 Assignment 180 6 Required content for this section includes demonstration of the following. • Rules of APA citation style • Scholarly grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and other aspects of formal written work as found in the 6th edition of the APA manual 100% Rubric Development 02/24/2019 (JAR) 5 6 GRADING RUBRIC Assignment Criteria Exceptional Exceeds Meets Needs Improvement Developing Outstanding or highest level of performance Very good or high level of performance Competent or satisfactory level of performance Poor or failing level of performance Unsatisfactory level of performance 40 Points 36 Points 17 Points 0 Points Presentation of information in one or two of the following elements fails to meet expectations. Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in three or more of the following elements. • • Content Possible Points = 170 Description of the learning activity required of learners 45 Points Presentation of information was exceptional and included all the following elements. Presentation of information was good and included all the following elements but was superficial in places. Presentation of information was noted in all the following elements but was only minimally demonstrated. • • • • • • • Identification of the purpose of written assignment Description of the required WRITTEN learning activity Identification of the level of the learner Identification of practice setting of the learner (i.e., nurse professional development; academic) Provide two learning outcomes for the required written assignment using NR537: W5 Assignment • • • • Identification of the purpose of written assignment Description of the required WRITTEN learning activity Identification of the level of the learner Identification of practice setting of the learner (i.e., nurse professional development; academic) Provide two learning outcomes for the required written assignment using Rubric Development • • • • Identification of the purpose of written assignment Description of the required WRITTEN learning activity Identification of the level of the learner Identification of practice setting of the learner (i.e., nurse professional development; academic) Provide two learning outcomes for the required written assignment using • • • • Identification of the purpose of written assignment Description of the required WRITTEN learning activity Identification of the level of the learner Identification of practice setting of the learner (i.e., nurse professional development; academic) Provide two learning outcomes for the required written assignment using 2/24/19 (JAR) • • • • Identification of the purpose of written assignment Description of the required WRITTEN learning activity Identification of the level of the learner Identification of practice setting of the learner (i.e., nurse professional development; academic) Provide two learning outcomes for the required written assignment using Bloom’s revised taxonomy 6 7 Bloom’s revised taxonomy Identification of content and format criteria for the learning activity Bloom’s revised taxonomy Bloom’s revised taxonomy Bloom’s revised taxonomy 50 Points 44 Points 40 Points 19 Points Presentation of information was exceptional and included all the following elements. Presentation of information was good and included all the following elements but was superficial in places. Presentation of information was noted in all the following elements but was only minimally demonstrated. Presentation of information in one, two, or three of the following elements fails to meet expectations. • • • • • • • • Identification of three content criteria for the written learning activity Explain how each of the three content criteria contribute to the identified learning outcomes Transfer each of the three content criteria to the rubric template Identification of two format criteria for the written learning activity Explain how each of the two format criteria contribute to the identified learning outcomes NR537: W5 Assignment • • • • Identification of three content criteria for the written learning activity Explain how each of the three content criteria contribute to the identified learning outcomes Transfer each of the three content criteria to the rubric template Identification of two format criteria for the written learning activity Explain how each of the two format criteria contribute to the identified learning outcomes Rubric Development • • • • Identification of three content criteria for the written learning activity Explain how each of the three content criteria contribute to the identified learning outcomes Transfer each of the three content criteria to the rubric template Identification of two format criteria for the written learning activity Explain how each of the two format criteria contribute to the identified learning outcomes • • • • Identification of three content criteria for the written learning activity Explain how each of the three content criteria contribute to the identified learning outcomes Transfer each of the three content criteria to the rubric template Identification of two format criteria for the written learning activity Explain how each of the two format criteria contribute to the identified learning outcomes 2/24/19 (JAR) 0 Points Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in four or more of the following elements. • • • • • • Identification of three content criteria for the written learning activity Explain how each of the three content criteria contribute to the identified learning outcomes Transfer each of the three content criteria to the rubric template Identification of two format criteria for the written learning activity Explain how each of the two format criteria contribute to the identified learning outcomes Transfer each of the two format criteria to the rubric template 7 8 • Identification of performance levels for the learning activity Transfer each of the two format criteria to the rubric template • 25 Points Transfer each of the two format criteria to the rubric template • 22 Points Transfer each of the two format criteria to the rubric template 10 Points Presentation of information was good and included all the following elements but was superficial in places. Presentation of information was noted in all the following elements but was only minimally demonstrated. • • • • • • 50 Points NR537: W5 Assignment • • • Identification of four performance levels for the written learning activity with a textual description Identification of four performance levels for the written learning activity using numerical parameters Descriptors of the required performance level are mutually exclusive Placement of performance levels in the rubric template 44 Points Rubric Development Transfer each of the two format criteria to the rubric template 20 Points Presentation of information was exceptional and included all the following elements. Identification of four performance levels for the written learning activity with a textual description Identification of four performance levels for the written learning activity using numerical parameters Descriptors of the required performance level are mutually exclusive Placement of performance levels in the rubric template • • • • Identification of four performance levels for the written learning activity with a textual description Identification of four performance levels for the written learning activity using numerical parameters Descriptors of the required performance level are mutually exclusive Placement of performance levels in the rubric template 0 Points Presentation of information in one or two of the following elements fails to meet expectations. Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in three or more of the following elements. • • • • • Identification of four performance levels for the written learning activity with a textual description Identification of four performance levels for the written learning activity using numerical parameters Descriptors of the required performance level are mutually exclusive Placement of performance levels in the rubric template 40 Points 19 Points 2/24/19 (JAR) • • • Identification of four performance levels for the written learning activity with a textual description Identification of four performance levels for the written learning activity using numerical parameters Descriptors of the required performance level are mutually exclusive Placement of performance levels in the rubric template 0 Points 8 9 Develop descriptors for each criterion at each level of performance for the learning activity Presentation of information was exceptional and included all the following elements. Presentation of information was good and included all the following elements but was superficial in places. Presentation of information was noted in all the following elements but was only minimally demonstrated. • • • • • • Identification of descriptors for each criterion at each performance level Identification of descriptors that are mutually exclusive Identification of descriptions that are measurable Add descriptors within the rubric template • • • Identification of descriptors for each criterion at each performance level Identification of descriptors that are mutually exclusive Identification of descriptions that are measurable Add descriptors within the rubric template • • • Presentation of information in one or two of the following elements fails to meet expectations. Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in three or more of the following elements. • • Identification of descriptors for each criterion at each performance level • Identification of descriptors that are mutually exclusive • Identification of descriptions that are measurable • Add descriptors within the rubric template Identification of descriptors for each criterion at each performance level Identification of descriptors that are mutually exclusive Identification of descriptions that are measurable Add descriptors within the rubric template • • • Identification of descriptors for each criterion at each performance level Identification of descriptors that are mutually exclusive Identification of descriptions that are measurable Add descriptors within the rubric template Content Subtotal _____ of 170 Points Format Possible Points = 10 Criteria Scholarly writing at the graduate level 10 Points 9 Points 1–2 errors or exceptions to the rules of APA citation style, grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and other aspects of formal written 3–4 errors or exceptions to the rules of APA citation style, grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation and other aspects of formal written NR537: W5 Assignment Rubric Development 8 Points 5–6 errors or exceptions to the rules of APA citation style, grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation and other aspects of formal written 4 Points 0 Points 7–8 errors or exceptions to the rules of APA citation style, grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation and other aspects of formal written work as 9 or more errors or exceptions to the rules of APA citation style, grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation and other aspects of formal written 2/24/19 (JAR) 9 10 work as found in the 6th edition of the APA manual work as found in the 6th edition of the APA manual work as found in the 6th edition of the APA manual found in the 6th edition of the APA manual work as found in the 6th edition of the APA manual Format Subtotal _____ of 10 Points Total Points _____ of 180 Points NR537: W5 Assignment Rubric Development 2/24/19 (JAR) 10 NR537: Assessment and Evaluation in Education Template for Week 5 Assignment: Rubric Development (To be inserted into the Word Document) Performance Level #1 Written Assignment Content: Criterion #1 Criterion #2 Criterion #3 Written Assignment Format: Criterion #1 Criterion #2 Criterion #3 Criterion # …….. Performance Level #2 Performance Level #3 Performance Level #4 1 TIPS ON WRITING A RUBRIC The type of rubric required for Week 5 Assignment is referred to as an analytic rubric. With this type of rubric assignment, criteria are developed along with the evaluation standards. Measuring student learning is the goal of the analytic rubric. While the number of parts of a rubric can vary, for the NR537 assignment, the parts are noted to be the following. • • • • Description of the task required of learners Identification of criteria for the task Identification of performance level Development of descriptors for each level Description of the Learning Activity Required of Learners In this section, the educator describes the task that he or she wants the learners to complete. To initiate these thoughts, the educator considers the information that is very important to the learner and that has application in a practice setting. For example, educators working in either the nurse professional development or academic setting would be interested in providing a learning activity that focused on patient safety. The learning activity for academic nursing students may be the development of a concept map related to immune suppression, whereas educators in the nurse professional development setting may have a learning activity that demonstrates the use of new personal protection equipment. Whatever the setting, the educator needs a clear and comprehensive understanding of the purpose or goal of the learning activity. In other words, what is the knowledge, skills, or attitudes that you, the educator, want the participants to achieve or learn by completing the assigned activity? While considering the purpose or goal, the educator immediately considers how achievement of learning will be determined. This will serve as the foundation of the analytic rubric. In addition, remember the role of validity within assessment. Recall that validity of assessment refers to the ability to measure what is supposed to be measured. Does the assessment accurately measure what you, the educator, want to measure? Does the assessment measure the knowledge, skills, or attitudes of the learner regarding the goal you have established? To accomplish valid assessment, the learning goal must be clearly stated. A poorly stated goal would be: NR537: Week 5 Tips on writing a rubric 2/24/19/2019 (JAR) 1 2 The learners will develop knowledge regarding immune suppression. [This is poorly stated because it is not possible to have a valid way to assess the learner for “develop knowledge.”] A correctly stated goal would be: The learners will build a comprehensive concept map regarding immunosuppression. [The verb “build” can be assessed by reviewing the written assignment for quality and “comprehensive” can be assessed by the learner demonstrating all the required elements within the concept map.] Identification of Criteria for the Learning Activity Once the educator has a clear perception of the required learning activity, the criteria or elements of the activity need to be identified. To assist with this, the educator considers the criteria or steps needed to demonstrate the desired end result. Let’s consider the learning activity for a concept map on immunosuppression. After reviewing several different styles of concept maps, the educator decides on the following elements. • • • Two-sentence definition of the main concept of immunosuppression Identification of key concepts Relationships between concepts Note: This is an example of only a few parts of a concept map; it does not represent a complete concept map. The educator also needs to consider formatting concerns related to a concept map. For example: • • • How many references for the information? What graphic representations are to be used (i.e., circles, squares, rectangles, etc.)? How should relationships between concepts be demonstrated? As the educator develops and refines the criteria, it is very important that each criterion is distinct, carefully avoiding overlap between the criteria. For most analytic rubrics, the criteria are listed in a row. Identification of Performance Level The next step is to develop the performance levels identified within the rubric. These levels serve as the column headings and may be stated in numerical, descriptive terminology, or both. For example, a numerical performance level may be a percentage, such as 100%, 90%, or 60%. The numbers should not overlap and ranges are avoided. Using categories of 90 to 95% and 85 to 90% as performance levels results in confusion, because it is unclear which column a score of 90% would be assigned. In a similar manner, the descriptive wording should show the uniqueness of each level and avoid overlap. For example, having one column labeled as “outstanding” and another labeled as “exceptional” results in uncertainty over the difference in the performance by learners. In this example, is there any NR537: Week 5 Tips on writing a rubric 2/24/19/2019 (JAR) 2 3 difference between a learner’s level of performance to be scored as “outstanding” as compared to “exceptional”? Which level represents a higher level of quality in the learning activity? The number of performance levels can vary, but 3 to 5 columns/levels are commonly used. An example of correctly worded performance levels would be: Outstanding Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Criterion #1 Another example of discriminating performance-level wording would be: Exemplary Marginal Unacceptable Criterion #1 Notice that the identified performance levels are clearly stated and overlap of wording between the categories is avoided. NOTE: For the Week 5 assignment, FOUR performance levels are required. Development of Descriptors for Each Level The last step is probably the most challenging, because the descriptors for each criterion at each performance level need to be developed. The descriptor is a brief statement that identifies to the learner the expectations for each performance level for each criterion. Within the rubric table, this means each cell contains descriptive wording that identifies the unique characteristics or expectations for the learning activity. To start the writing of these descriptors, it is often helpful to begin at the highest performance level; then consider the lowest or unacceptable performance level; and finally, complete the middle or intermediate performance levels. The descriptions should be specific and measurable using objective wording. Each level should be clearly differentiated from the next performance level. In other words, the descriptors are mutually exclusive so that the work of a learner belongs at only one performance level. Remember that while rubrics are useful to the learner in developing a learning activity, they are also used by an educator to evaluate or determine the performance level of the work. The following table shows the parts of a commonly designed rubric. NR537: Week 5 Tips on writing a rubric 2/24/19/2019 (JAR) 3 4 Performance Level Performance Level Performance Level Performance Level Content: points Criterion 1 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Criterion 2 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Criterion 3 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Content points earned: Format: points Criterion 1 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Criterion 2 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Criterion 3 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Format points earned: Total points earned: The following table shows the parts for the example regarding concept mapping. Please remember that the following example does not represent a complete learning assignment. Excellent Satisfactory but needs improvement Unsatisfactory Content: 50 possible points NR537: Week 5 Tips on writing a rubric 2/24/19/2019 (JAR) 4 5 Criterion 1: Definition of main concept The definition fully explains the concept of immunosuppression. The definition partly explains the concept of immunosuppression. The definition fails to explain the concept of immunosuppression. Criterion 2: Identification of key concepts Four key concepts related to immunosuppression are identified. Only three key concepts related to immunosuppression are identified. Two or less key concepts related to immunosuppression are identified. Criterion 3: Relationship between concepts All relationships between the key concepts regarding immunosuppression are identified. Only three key concepts have the relationships regarding immunosuppression identified. Two or less key concepts have the relationships regarding immunosuppression identified. Only three of the required references were correctly cited using 6th edition APA style. Two or less of the required references were correctly cited using 6th edition APA style. Content points earned: Format: 25 possible points Criterion 1: References All four of the required references were correctly cited using 6th edition APA style. Format points earned: Total points earned: NR537: Week 5 Tips on writing a rubric 2/24/19/2019 (JAR) 5
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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.Hello again🙋Please find the final copy of your rubic down below. Should you need any revision done, don't hesitate to reach out for assistance, I'll be happy to assist.Thanks a million!

NR537: Assessment and Evaluation in Education
Template for Week 5 Assignment: Rubric Development
(To be inserted into the Word Document)





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it is about.

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