University of Minnesota Taste of The Nation Book Review

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University of Minnesota


Conduct a book review about the following book:

Camille Begin, Taste of the Nation: The New Deal Search for America's Food  

There is no acceptable alternative since this book is found in various formarts including digital.

If you want an example of how one looks like, please take a look at the attached file. 

Limit your book review to 4-5 pages double space, New Times Roman 12pt.

You also MUST include in your analysis how this book relates to your experience with either taste/smell/sound/touch as it relates to your hometown. So, what I am asking you do you in addition to the book review is to tell me how "your city" is unique as it pertains to an experience of the senses. 

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Explanation & Answer

Please view explanation and answer below.


Taste of the nation
Institutional Affiliation:

The book Taste of the nation is an analysis and reflection written by Camille Bégin, who
investigates an underutilized archive in Taste of the Nation. Papers from the Federal Writers'
Project (FWP) are housed in the National libraries. The America Eats project was unfinished.
However, the outbreak of World War II prevented the publication of regional food essays in the
book. Workers working on the America Eats project cataloged the cooking traditions of the
country when American food, like all kinds of folk practices, was displaced by modern industrial
processes. (Bégin, 2016, p.8). The book has five chapters that mainly discuss the different food
cultures present in America during the Depression-era.
During the Depression, authors like Eudora Welty, Dorothy West, and Zora Neale
Hurston were given the task of discovering the regional cuisine and developing a view or a flavor
of authentic America. Bégin discusses the Government's aim for this WPA initiative in the first
Chapter, called "America eats," to collect American cooking traditions, particularly cultural
practices based on the sensory experiences of communal meal festivals.” This database was
mistakenly transformed into a canvas where representative concepts were focused primarily on
race, ethnicity, class and sexuality. Writers w...

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