QSO 340 Southern New Hampshire University Wk 5 Business Workflow Gantt Chart

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Business Finance

QSO 340

Southern New Hampshire University



Task: Make a Gantt chart that shows the project’s progress and current schedule.

Scenario: You are in the tenth week of the XYZ Business Workflow project, and things haven’t quite gone according to plan. At the end of the requirements analysis phase, your team told you that:

  • Feature 2 (F2) development is more complex than thought initially. It will take at least 10 workweeks to be complete.
  • Feature Customization 3 (C3) will take close to five workweeks.
  • The complete system testing will take a minimum of one-and-a-half weeks due to the complexity of the systems involved.

You made some necessary resource and schedule adjustments in your plan and obtained stakeholder approval for the same.

However, due to delays in getting client approvals, UI design and development took one week more than estimated, which has now pushed all dependent tasks out by a week. Moreover, a resource availability issue has added three days to the Feature 1 development effort.

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