NUR 422 AP5 St Thomas University MOD6 Future of Informatics in Nursing Practice Discussion

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Health Medical

NUR 422 AP5

ST Thomas University



iconFuture Vision of Informatics

What is your vision for the future of informatics in nursing practice?

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My vision for the future of informatics in nursing practice

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My vision for the future of informatics in nursing practice
In the nursing practice, informatics helps healthcare organizations to transform raw data
into meaningful information. This information helps healthcare practitioners such as doctors and
nurses to provide patients with the best possible outcome. Informatics identifies, manages, and
shares healthcare data by combining system-driven analytics, information science, and nursing
science. In the field of nursing, informatics improves various processes such as documentation.
Individuals who hope to advance their healthcare careers have a responsibility of understanding
the significance of nursing informatics in the field of nursing (Cassey, 1994). Through nursing
informatics, medical errors are reduced, nurse productivity is improved, and there is better
coordination among medical practitioners.
There are various nursing future trends on the horizon. Nurses today have to be
accustomed to the idea of using the computer system while performing their daily t...

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