chinese women, assignment help

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I post my essay and pro's comment and material. Pls revise it, and we will use turn it in so pls be 100% original. There are two more reading material I will post them later.

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Chinese Women Ranxi Zhao SOC255 Introduction Numerous societies have distinct gender roles. Such societies are mostly patriarchal, with men having the upper hand on most issues, and often being deemed superior. China was no different but has presently committed to fostering equal treatment for both genders. Unlike other societies where the sole duty of women was to partake household duties, Chinese women were mostly to provide a son who would carry on the family name. The struggles of the female members are well addressed in the readings. These efforts were especially prevalent in the first half of the 20th century and were fueled by the uncertainties presented by such occurrences as war. The attacks by the Japanese tolled heavily on the Chinese, especially women and children. Body Themes of oppression and subordination are present throughout these readings. A Xiajiang Woman is a narration about the predicaments that plagued the life of Liu Qunying. Besides the life threats presented by Japanese bombings and the perilous journey to safety after displacement, her husband was equally evil. Her circumstances placed her in a position where she had to take what came to her. Economic oppression of women is perhaps to blame for most of the atrocities women had to bear, especially those that came from their husbands. Qunying could not just leave and start a life elsewhere since she could not fend for herself. There was not much she could do, being a refugee wallowing in poverty. Ye Qinbi tells yet another tale of the hazards that faced members of the female gender in the same period. In A Yuhua Textile Factory Worker, she narrates how she managed to get a job at the factory amidst the chaos. Even though she could afford some luxuries such as three meals a day as a factory worker, the food was substandard, and often unsafe for human consumption by present-day standards. All the same, her stay at the factory was made bearable by the presence of her peers. Since they were facing similar challenges, they were empathetic of one another; hence, took care of their fellow workers. Emancipation occurs when the women work together for one another, especially in patriarchal societies. A Woman of the Songji Experimental Zone tells a different tale about women in China. Though the occurrence might have been rare then, Gao Zhongxian did not suffer the same atrocities as the authors above. Even though they were subjected to similar societal conditions, Songji was more humane regarding the nature of work, and the working conditions and treatment dwellers faced. Also, Zhongxian had a rather different experience at home, that Liu Qunying. Her household is not characterized by maltreatment from her significant other. Also, her husband was supportive and worked in the same factory as her. Besides, her in-laws were kind to her, making her life a lot better as compared to other women at the time. Conclusion Women in early China had a hard time. The bombings by the Japanese presented a new set of challenges, as they were rendered refugees and had to move in search of safer places. These events heightened the vulnerability of the women, making them prone to abuse and exploitation. Also, due to their economic position in the society, they were often held with a low regard in the family setting; thus, the abuse. All in all, the formation of the People’s Republic of China made life better for the womankind. Zhongxian led an exceptional life, seeing that she was married into a family that was loving and kind. Chinese women in society have an equal contribution to that of men. The above texts reveal that regardless of the society a woman finds herself in, her position and the treatment she receives in the family unit is of utmost importance. My comment for your essay are in the attached document. To view them, please download the document and open it with Microsoft Word, then go to the "view" menu and select "markup." The comments are in the margins. The main thing you need to address is that you need to set the wartime context at the beginning of your paper, rather than at the end of the paper. Then, you need to provide a more substantial discussion of each of the readings that explains these women's experiences during the war using details from the tex to support all of your statements. Right now, the essay makes lots of statements without supporting evidence from the readings. Some of the readings are discussed very superficially as a result of this approach. Please revise and resubmit. Also, in the future, you must submit your essay on the date it is due. This is the only time I will accept it a week late.
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Chinese Women
Ranxi Zhao

In many societies, women have been undermined and their opinions rarely matter in
whatever decisions are being made, women have been reduced to househelps that wherever they
raised an objection, they would be ruthlessly dealt with in the full view of the members of the
society including their male children who were as expected to support the treatment towards
them. Such societies are mostly patriarchal, with men having the upper hand on most issues, and
often being deemed superior. China was no different but has presently committed to fostering
equal treatment for both genders. Unlike other societies where the sole duty of women was to
partake household duties, Chinese women were mostly to provide a son who would carry on the
family name. The struggles of the female members are well addressed in the readings. These
efforts were especially prevalent in the first half of the 20th century and were fueled by the
uncertainties presented by such occurrences as war. The attacks by the Japa...

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