St johns hospital cases study

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Business Finance


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Case evaluation form

1. Summary

2. Case Objective

3. Key Issues

4. External Threats

5. External opportunities

6. Internal Weakness

7. Internal Strength

8. Alternative strategies

9. Choice of strategy

10. Implementation

11. Overall analysis

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Explanation & Answer



St. John’s Hospital Situation Analysis




St. Johns Hospital has been in existence for a very long time now having been started in
the 19th century, the 1870s by the Sisters of Leavenworth, Kansas. St John’s Hospital was the first
private hospital to be started in the region of Montana in a small frame building located in a tiny
mining settlement. Therefore, the first patients to the hospital were mainly Miners, prospectors,
and lumbermen. Charity patients from Lewis and Clark were added to the hospital patients. Just
like any start up the hospital, St Johns experienced some significant challenges especially
concerning the quality of service delivery since at the time, there were very few healthcare
providers and thus the number despite being small there were not enough healthcare providers
since there were no specialized healthcare professionals.
The original building that had housed the hospital since its inception in 1872 was hugely
damaged beyond repair in the earthquake that hit the region in 1935. This development led to the
hospital to be housed at the facilities of the Montana Children’s home while a new building was
being developed. The new building was completed in 1939. Since then the hospital significantly
expanded putting in place new services to make service delivery more efficient and of the desired
quality. In the 1970s Sister, Macrina made a significant decision to remain at St John's and help
in developing the facility to the required levels, however, there were significant challenges along
the way. The hospital has faced some challenges with key among them being completion from
other health facilities, which have continued to be developed and offer specialized care to thei...

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