American Dream Literature, writing assignment help

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Select two short stories from the readings for Week 2 and write a literary essay that develops a gender-related thesis to compare how the authors of those two short stories differ in their use of an element of fiction to interpret gender-related obstacles to achieving the American Dream. Explain your rationale, using text excerpts from the short stories (with appropriate MLA documentation) as evidence in the support points to your overall thesis statement.

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Select two short stories from the readings for Week 2 and write a literary essay that develops a genderrelated thesis to compare how the authors of those two short stories differ in their use of an element of fiction to interpret gender-related obstacles to achieving the American Dream. Explain your rationale, using text excerpts from the short stories (with appropriate MLA documentation) as evidence in the support points to your overall thesis statement. Suggestion: Submit your proposed thesis to the instructor via e-mail by Thursday of Week 2 for vetting prior to your writing of the actual essay, to obtain feedback about the nature and complexity of the thesis. Learning Objective: Writing skills to execute an academic essay, especially to integrate textual evidence with your support thoughts, combined with thinking skills to compare two different items. THIS IS WEEK 2 READINGS! Readings from The Haves and Have-Nots anthology: “Mrs. Beazley’s Deeds” (pp. 386-400) "Over the Hill" (pp. 416-427) “Jazz-Age Clerk” (pp. 36-44) “The Untold Lie” (pp. 50-56) “Where We Are Now” (pp. 57-72) "Blue Island" (pp. 401-415)
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Here's the paper.

Surname 1
Unlike what many Americans think of the American dream as a promise of a good
education, a good house , a good job that has a higher likelihood of upwards mobility etc., the
American dream is actually about creating space for the pursuit of happiness, justice and liberty
for all (Luther 1). One important obstacle to the attainment of this dream however is gender
based biases in workplaces, politics, families etc. For many years, gender based biases has
mainly been concerned with discrimination against women and little attention given to
discrimination against men. Two short stories that I have picked, “The Untold lie” and “Mrs.
Beazley’s Deeds” however depict both sides of the coin. They show that gender based biases and
discrimination affect both men and women. It therefore means that attainment of the American
dream is only possible with the eradication of Gender based biases towards both genders.
In the short story “The Untold Lie”, the author uses several fictional characters to depict
the men’s side of the story. The main characters featured in the story are Ray and Hal who are
both farm hands north of Winesburg. The author fist takes us to the story of Ray who lives with
his wife and six thin legged children in a pathetic house on the farm. He then goes ahead to talk
about Hal’s own family and especially his dad WindPeter Winters who committed suicide while
drunk. As much as the author does not reveal the reasons for the suicide, it is easy to conclude

Surname 2
that it is because of family issues based on the con...

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