This individual paper is meant to demonstrate your ability to connect the Glo-Bus simulation with the teachings of the class.
In this reflection paper you will be asked to analyze your team's strategy for the game and reflect on the lessons learned.
Please address the following questions as you prepare your reflection paper:
Select and analyze two management functions of your company (e.g. Strategy, Marketing, Operations, Finance, Human Resources, Corporate Compliance/Ethics).
- Reflect on the results and the mistakes made. In hindsight, what would you have done differently? What prevented you from pursuing a different strategy?
What did you learn about working with a team through this simulation? - What did you learn that will help you in your work environment?
Explanation & Answer
View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.
Glo-Bus simulation Reflection
Institutional Affiliation:
Glo-Bus Simulation Reflection
Business managers must understand the best ways to implement to promote success.
Strategy development and execution require the managers to understand the current business
problems and challenges through constant research. Gathering the required market insight
promotes the overall business success in decisions implementation and strategy execution.
Managing businesses requires using the ideal interventions, strategies and resources to support
the internal and external relationships.
Reflect on the results and the mistakes made. In hindsight, what would you have done
differently? What prevented you from pursuing a different strategy?
The simulation involved running an organization through selling two different products
to make profits. The game allowed us to create and experiment strategies that best meet the
growing market demands within the selected areas.
he inability to master global citizenship. Understanding and implementing measures that
promote global citizenship promotes awareness and cultural inclusion in the workplace.
However, we learned about global citizenship later on where we implemented the ideal strategies
to ensure maximum awareness.
What did you learn about working with a team through this simulation?
Working in teams is a crucial aspect and experience especially in completing the
exercise. This exercise offered a framework for evaluating business success factors and the
behavior that negatively influence operational efficiency. Team work provided the ideal
approach for understanding how businesses operate while evaluating the strategies that can be
deployed in the real world to promote efficiency.
What did you learn that will help you in your work environment?
I learned from another dimension that businesses can succeed or fail due to the selected
strategies and frameworks. Sometimes, the management may fail to develop and implement the
ideal interventions focusing on the consumers.
This exercise promoted my knowledge and skills about business management. I
encountered numerous ideas that will improve my connection with the workplace. Through the
simulations, I experimented with numerous strategies that influence business operations and
success. These strategies will inform my decisions in handling the arising corporate demands and
consumer expectations. In addition, the exercise taught me about teamwork and the need for
Agudelo, M. A. L., Jóhannsdóttir, L., & Davídsdóttir, B. (2019). A literature review of the
history and evolution of corporate social responsibility. International Journal of
Corporate Social Responsibility, 4(1), 1-23.
Swaminathan, J. M., ...