Product Success Potentiality in a Country
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Question one
The country is the United Kingdom. The product is personal care product which will be
of various kinds such as skin care products, toiletries and so on. A product’s success in the UK
will greatly depend on how well it will harmonize and fit into the British culture.
The British culture can be analyzed in various perspectives, the first to look into is the
individualism dimension. This can be defined as the extent of interdependence in a certain
society amongst its members. Is the self-image of the people defined in “I” or “we”?
Individualist societies it is found that members of the society look after their direct family or
themselves only. On the hand, in a collectivist society, members of the society belong to ‘in
groups’ that look after them in exchange for loyalty. The UK is more of an individualist society.
At a young age, children are taught to think of themselves as well as to discover their special
purpose in life
Secondly, in the masculinity dimension, the UK is a masculine society whereby people
work and have a vivid ambition for performance. The British society is completion, success, and
achievement driven. Success is defined by the best in the context of the value system starting
from school and ultimately all through the organizational life. On the other hand, a feminine
society would be that whereby the dominant values in society are caring for other members of
society and the quality of life. Here, success is defined by the quality of life (Nathan & Mathi,
In the dimension of uncertainty avoidance or degree of taking risks, the UK has a low
score on uncertainty avoidance meaning that people here are just comfortable waking up with no
clue of what the day may bring. And they do not mind ‘making it up as they move along,’
making changes to the plan with the gaining of knowledge to new information. ‘Muddling
through’ is a British expression that shows how people here are comfortable in ambiguous
circumstances. This means that UK citizens are always ready to take risks since they do not feel
so threatened by unknown situations which have led to only a few creations of beliefs and
institutions trying to avoid the ambiguous situations.
In the long-term orientation dimension, usually, there are normative and pragmatic
societies. This dimension shows how society has to sustain links with its past while addressing
the challenges of the future and the present. Normally, different countries will prioritize these
two goals differently. Normative societies choose to sustain time-honored norms and traditions
while having suspicions of the societal change. On the other hand, pragmatic societies encourage
the efforts and thrift in education as a means of getting prepared for the future. Here, UK cannot
be determined where it falls due to its intermediate score of 51 (Minkov & Hofstede, 2014).
In the indulgence dimension, UK can be classified as indulgent. Indulgence is the degree
to which members of the society attempt to control their impulses or desires. The UK being
indulgent, it means that people have a weak control. Restrained societies, on the other hand, will
have people with a relatively strong control. Therefore, in the UK people display a will of
realizing their desires and impulses in respect to having fun and enjoying life. This means that
they value leisure time and spend money as they wish.
Question two
Considering the British culture discussed above, the product to be introduced in the UK
must be engaged differently in various perspectives so that it becomes acceptable in the country.
For example, members of the UK society do not mind a lot about how they spend their money as
long as they enjoy life in ways that they desire. As such, the product should provide more
comfort, make life easier, create a feeling of happiness and seem to be bringing the realization of
the dreams for many and people will make all their efforts to get the product with only a few
minding about its cost.
Also, this will rhyme well with the fact that the people in the UK are good risk takers in
that, they are comfortable with just waking up without having a clue of what the day may bring.
Since people in the UK change their plans with the gaining of knowledge to new information,
there must be consistent sales marketing strategies such as advertisements to provide information
about the existence of the product or new developmental changes in the product.
The product also should be of personal use as much as possible since the UK society is
individualistic. A product that will bring collective benefit to a large mass of people will not
have a wider market in the UK, since people here only care about themselves and their direct
families, compared to a product that is used by people individually. Personal fulfillment is the
major way of finding happiness, and hence the product should accomplish this through ways
such as creating more self-esteem among individuals.
Question three
The personal care products have a high potential of succeeding in the UK and have
only a few setbacks. Personal care products such as skin care lotions will take care of the people
at an individual level, and hence high sales should be expected other factors such as marketing
are made to work right. This is also with the consideration of the ever-increasing consumer
demand for more advanced personal care products which means that the British market has not
had enough satisfaction. There is a pressing need for bigger product development across the UK
market, and hence innovative new products are needed.
Demographic trends, as well as changing consumer demands, are two main areas
stimulating UK personal care products market activity. The increasing aging population
associated with a rise in the demand for products that are age-related such as hair rinses and antiwrinkle creams. As a result of the British culture, consumers will likely become increasingly
aware of the effects of the personal care products and hence demand goods that are milder,
biodegradable as well as natural in their make-up.
The process should begin with presenting a somehow shocking fact or a statistic that
identifies a concerning problem. This would perhaps include; how the air pollution with harmful
gasses is damaging the skin and hair, which can be easily solved by some of the Personal Care
products. This will create attention and explain to the target market how the identified problem
adversely affects their lives, like how harmful gasses are aging the skin quickly and this will
create interest as people will want to aggressively seek the possible solutions regardless of the
cost (Kupper et al., 2013). This is because of the British culture of getting what they want, have a
relatively weak in controlling their impulses and desires.
Since personal care is suitable for fulfilling various needs such as enhancing beauty
which ultimately increases one’s self-esteem and confidence, UK will be a good market since
many people only mind about themselves and how to improve themselves their direct families.
Usually, personal care products may be used individually or a by a whole family, and this
rhymes with the British culture of individualism. Also, the product can well be complemented by
the masculinity culture whereby in this case people will compete in looking good, and the winner
will be defined by that person that uses the most efficient skin care products.And since people
here have clear objectives, they will easily be loyal to one brand that they believe will help them
accomplish what they want even if its new to them since they are good risk takers.
Kupper, N., Pedersen, S. S., Höfer, S., Saner, H., Oldridge, N., & Denollet, J. (2013). Crosscultural analysis of Type D (distressed) personality in 6222 patients with ischemic heart
A study from the International HeartQoL Project.
Minkov, M., & Hofstede, G. (2014). A replication of Hofstede’s uncertainty avoidance
dimension across nationally representative samples from Europe. International Journal of
Cross Cultural Management, 14(2), 161-171.
Nathan, C. S., & Mathi, K. (2013). A study on preference of natural personal and home care
products by consumers for green marketing opputunity in trichy market. South Asian
Journal of Marketing & Management Research, 3(2), 31-56.
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Week 3 Assessments
20172021395 (714 MBA
505 Global Economics)
Week 3 Assignment
Assignment: Political and Business Climate (2000 words)
The political climate and business climate are closely intertwined. Some nations make it easy for business people to open businesses. Some we Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) while other nations
make it difficult for foreign businesses. Corruption may be an issue in some countries. For this assignment, you need to analyze the political and business climate of your selected country. Following are
some questions that you may want to consider:
Course Resources
Course Outline
Brainfuse Writing Feedback
• What type of government does the nation have?
• Is corruption an issue?
• Is it easy or difficult to start a new business?
• Are there domestic entanglements that must be considered such as domestic content rules?
• How free is the economy?
• Does the "rule of law" prevail?
DB - Instructor Only
Here is what you need to do for this assignment:
Provide key details about the country's political system and current political leadership.
Provide a summary table and explanation from the Doing Business link documenting how easy or difficulty it is to do business in that country.
Provide a summary table and explanation from the World Governance link to summarize the level of political stability in that country.
Provide a summary table and explanation of the country's overall risk from Euromoney's Country Risk link.
Provide an overall summary of your estimate of political and market risk.
Suggested Resources:
3:27 PM
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