Glendale Community College Kinsey Klein Model of Sexual Orientation Paper

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Glendale Community College


Outline both the Kinsey model of sexual orientation (Figure 2.3 in Chapter 12) and the Klein model of sexual orientation (attached below). What is similar? What is different? If you've reviewed these two models to see where you may lie, discuss your results if you are willing. Were you surprised by your results? Why or why not? You may also discuss this in more vague terms--what do you think of these models?

Then, discuss some key points related to the issue of maintaining sex and gender binaries (male/female and masculinity/femininity) in society. Why are they problematic? In what ways do they influence a skewed understanding of the terms "sex" and "gender," as well as conformity to particular sexual orientation(s)? Be sure to illustrate your answer with explanations from the text, and/or other cited research.

Link to textbook you may use chapter 12 and cite please.

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Sexual Orientations

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Sexual Orientations
Mental and psychological perception of oneself as woman, man, both, in between, or
neither is one’s gender identity. Gender identity is only established by an individual, not one
upon the other. Sexual orientation is a phrase that refers to one’s emotional, romantic, or sexual
attraction patterns. Attraction to people of the same gender, homosexuality, people of a different
gender, heterosexuality, and people of both genders, bisexuality, are all examples of sexual
Kinsey scale.
The Kinsey Scale can be used to demonstrate how bisexuality can be applied to a wide
range of attraction patterns. Each number symbolizes a different section of the sexual spectrum,
ranging from "0" exclusive heterosexuality to "6" multisexuality exclusive homosexuality

(Zietsch & Sidari 2020). It's vital to emphasize that the Kinsey Scale is about behaviour and
attraction, not identity.
Klein Grid.
Strasser, U. (2019) confirm that Dr Fritz Klein, a psychiatrist and sex researcher, created
the Klein Grid better to illustrate the richness and nuance of human sexuality. The Klein Grid,
like the Kinsey Scale, is not intended to "diagnose" or assign a definitive label or number to
anyone's sexuality. The Klein Grid, on the other hand, is a model designed to help people
perceive their sexuality in a more holistic light.
Similarities and differences
The Kinsey Scale and its successor, the Klein Sexual Orientation Grid (KSOG), were
significant advances in the science of human sexuality. These scales were created to objectively
assess sexual orientation based on research that included sexual minority individuals' life
experiences. The Kinsey scale was designed to show that sexuality is not easily divided into two
categories: purely heterosexual and exclusively gay. Instead, Kinsey proposed that one's sexual
conduct and interests fell on a spectrum. They fall somewhere in between these two extremes
and are subject to alter over time. As a result, the Kinsey Scale is on...

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