Assignment 3: Understanding Your Leadership Style
Due Week 7 and worth 100 points.
Instructions: Using your results from the What Sort of Leader Are You? assessment to answer
the questions below.
1. Identify the leadership styles that are well developed, need further development, and
need a lot of further development. Record your response below.
Well Developed:
Pace-setting leaders expect excellence and self-direction and can be summed up
as ‘Do as I do, now’. The Pacesetter very much leads by example, but this type of
leadership only works with a highly competent and well-motivated team. It can only
be sustained for a while without team members flagging. Like the Coercive leader,
Pace setters also show drive to succeed and initiative, but instead of self-control,
these are coupled with conscientiousness. Authoritative leaders move people
towards a vision, so are often described as ‘Visionary’. This style is probably best
summed up as ‘Come with me’. It is the most useful style when a new vision or
clear direction is needed and is most strongly positive. Authoritative leaders are
high in self-confidence and empathy, acting as a change catalyst by drawing
people into the vision and engaging them with the future. An affiliative leader values
and creates emotional bonds and harmony, believing that ‘People come first’. Such
leaders demonstrate empathy, and strong communication skills, and are very good
at building relationships. This style is most useful when a team has been through a
difficult experience, and needs to heal rifts, or develop motivation. It is not a very
goal-oriented style, so anyone using it will need to make sure others understand
that the goal is team harmony, and not specific tasks. It is probably obvious from
this that it cannot be used on its own for any length of time if you need to ‘get the
job done’. A coaching leader will develop people, allowing them to try different
approaches in an open way. The phrase that sums up this style is ‘Try it’, and this
leader shows high levels of empathy, self-awareness and skills in developing
others. A coaching style is especially useful when an organization values long-term
staff development.
Needs further development:
Coercive leaders demand immediate obedience. In a single phrase, this style is ‘Do
what I tell you’. These leaders show initiative, self-control, and drive to succeed.
There is, of course, a time and a place for such leadership: a battlefield is the
classic example, but any crisis will need clear, calm, commanding leadership. This
style does not, however, encourage anyone else to take the initiative, and often has
a negative effect on how people feel. The democratic leader builds consensus
through participation, constantly asking ‘What do you think?’, and showing high
levels of collaboration, team leadership and strong communication skills. This style
of leadership works well in developing ownership for a project, but it can make for
slow progress towards goals, until a certain amount of momentum has built up.
Anyone wishing to use this style will need to make sure that senior managers are
signed up to the process and understand that it may take time to develop the
Needs a lot of further development:
2. Describe a specific situation where your preferred leadership style has helped you
accomplish a task.
I tend to learn from past experiences that allowed me to apply to accomplishing a
3. Describe a specific situation where your least preferred style could have helped you
accomplish a task.
Not really.
4. Explain the importance of adapting your leadership style based on the situation.
Some situations isn’t one size fits all. Leadership style should never be completely
the same, because those who you are leading are different personalities.
Think of someone in your personal or professional life that you would consider to be a great
leader. This can be a coach, teacher, mentor, supervisor, family member, etc. Once you have
identified this person, answer the following questions in the space below.
What are some of the character traits of that person? (Character traits are the aspects of
a person's behavior and attitudes that make up that person's personality.)
What would you say were some of their strengths as a leader?
Did you feel as though they were an effective leader? Why or why not?
What leadership style would you say they are most in alignment with? Explain why.
Charter Communications, Inc.
Brandi White
Strayer University
BUS 499
Professor Joseph Keller
July 24, 2021
Charter Communications, Inc.
The Impact of Globalization and Technological Changes on Charter Communications, Inc.
Globalization and technological changes play a significant role in improving the overall
performance of corporations across the globe. In this context, globalization helps organizations
to compete with others in the domestic and international market. The competition relates to
product and service cost, target price, price, quick response, technological adaptation, and ability
to produce products quickly (Ristovska & Ristovska, 2014). Moreover, technological changes
enable all businesses, including small enterprises, to increase employee productivity by using the
latest technology. The utilization of business software and computer programs enable employees
to process more information as compared to manual techniques (Cascio & Montealegre, 2016).
Equally, the use of technology reduces errors and allows business owners to implement businessrelated technologies to reduce human labor in the various business functions.
Globalization has affected Charter Communications, Inc. in a positive way. The issue of
globalization has enabled firms to improve service delivery and meet consumer needs.
Technological developments have made the world a global village and individuals can
communicate with one another despite huge distances separating them. Based on this assessment,
Charter Communications, Inc. has taken advantage of globalization to improve service delivery.
Through globalization, Charter Communications, Inc. has increased its business opportunities,
developed a global village within itself, and eliminated cultural barriers (Charter
Communications, Inc., 2021). The company connects its customers to superior communications
and entertainment products, which have the highest quality as compared to other goods provided
in the market.
Organizations invest in the recent or latest technology to boost growth and compete with
rivals. Information Technology (IT) gives companies the opportunity to reduce operational costs
and improve profitability levels (McCoy, Lyons, Morgenroth, Palcic, & Allen, 2018). Moreover,
investing in IT enables organizations such as Charter Communications, Inc. to increase
productivity levels, expand data storage capacity, and improve data security. All the elements
mentioned facilitate increased revenue collection and higher profit levels. Technological changes
over the last few years have encouraged Charter Communications, Inc. to continue investing in
the latest technology to improve service delivery and consumer confidence (Charter
Communications, Inc., 2021). Due to the demand for improved services in the communications
sector, Charter’s management invested close to $40 billion in American infrastructure and
technology from 2016-2020. The company continues to invest in innovative and related
technologies to promote innovations that will power the future of connectivity, including the
apps of tomorrow, IoT (Internet of Things), and Smart Cities (Charter Communications, Inc.,
2021). Charter’s management believes that such investments will enable the organization to
deliver high quality, high compute, and low latency connectivity to all customers across the US.
Industrial Organization and Resource-Based Models
The industrial organization (I/O) model assumes that the external environment establishes
or determines the actions a specific organization can deploy to improve its overall performance.
Equally, I/O helps to explain a firm’s external environment influence on its strategic actions,
including the assessment of opportunities and threats, as well as other macroeconomic elements.
The model enables manage teams to identify a specific industry that the company could compete
and have a stronger influence as compared to other sectors of the economy (Hitt, Ireland, &
Hoskisson, 2014). A firm’s management team that focuses on opportunities and neutralizes
threats increases its competitive edge over rivals in the market. Moreover, under the I/O model, a
firm focuses on VRIO (value, rareness, imitability, organization) approach, which makes it hard
for other organizations to compete with it. In this context, Charter Communications, Inc.’s
management understands the firm’s valuable products, rare, hard to imitate, and high levels of
non-substitutability (Charter Communications, Inc., 2021). The issues mentioned enable the
management to increase above average returns and compete with rivals in a healthy manner.
Additionally, the evaluation of resource-based model demonstrates its similarity with the
I/O model because it focuses on an organization’s resources. Based on this model, if a specific
resource exhibits VRIO attributes, then the firm’s management understands that it can help
company gain and maintain a competitive advantage in the market (Victer, 2014). Management
teams in organizations such as Charter Communications, Inc. can utilize knowledge maturation
component to assess additional benefits to consumers for specific products and services. The
issue entails knowledge integration, which organizational leaders can use to recommend a
combination of products or services to increase consumer satisfaction. For example, Spectrum
Mobile continues to redefine the mobile experience of customers with its converged WiFi and
cellular service. In this context, the firm delivers faster overall speeds as compared to other
mobile providers (Charter Communications, Inc., 2021). Charter’s utilization of resource-based
model could provide it with the opportunity to have superior performance over time and increase
its above average returns.
How the Vision Statement and Mission Statement Influences Charter’s Overall Success
Organizations use vision statements as a way of describing or communication the
purpose, achievements, and aims. Management teams in organizations find the process of
producing a good vision statement as rewarding and inspiring to employees, investors, and
consumers, among other stakeholders (Gurley, Peters, Collins, & Fifolt, 2015). Based on this
assessment, Charter’s vision statement influences its overall success because it focuses on
teamwork and collaboration. A firm that identifies or puts employee needs first improves its
overall performance because workers feel appreciated. Through its vision statement, Charter
recognizes the importance of employees to an organization. Teamwork and collaboration
encourages employees to share ideas, learn from one another, and work on complex assignments
(Charter Communications, Inc., 2021). Charter’s role in evaluating its responsibility as a ‘culture
creator’ and its focus on producing high-quality products enables employees to feel unique
because the firm embraces their ideas and incorporates them in the organization’s activities.
The utilization of a mission statement in organizations helps to provide an ideal vision or
direction for the firm. Through the mission statement, employees feel motivated and encouraged
to think about their input to improve the overall performance of the firm (Gurley et al., 2015).
Workers understand that their actions can have a negative or positive impact on the organization,
which requires them to follow the guidelines as stated in the mission statement. Charter’s
mission statement integrates the highest quality service with a clear superior entertainment.
Equally, the statement indicates the firm’s desire to provide high-quality communication
products that exceed consumers’ expectations, including increasing the consumer base. The
combination of the mission statement with the organization’s values, such as working with
integrity, promoting teamwork, and earning the trust of its customers, influences its overall
success (Charter Communications, Inc., 2021). Charter’s management focuses on establishing a
strong consumer base, which would make it successful in the long-term.
Stakeholder Impacts on Charter’s Overall Success
Organizational stakeholders play a significant role in the overall success of firms. The
various stakeholders associated with a specific company give it practical and financial support.
In this context, stakeholders represent the parties interested in a certain organization, including
employees, investors, and customers (Pang, Shin, Lew, & Walther, 2018). Additionally,
organizations’ engagement of stakeholders helps to empower management teams by help them to
make informed decision, which build better organizations. One category of stakeholders that
impacts on Charter’s overall success is the management team. The group directs and controls
Charter’s activities, which ensures production continues without encountering major challenges.
The other stakeholder category that impacts Charter’s overall success is employees. All
organizations, including Charter Communications, Inc. consider employees as an important
asset. The firm’s employees follow instructions and directions of the management team, as well
as the insights provided in the vision and mission statements (Charter Communications, Inc.,
2021). Charter’s employees understand the importance of teamwork and collaboration, which
contribute to improved overall performance of the organization.
The other category of stakeholders is investors. Individuals who invest in the company,
including the owners, shareholders, sponsors, and partners contribute to Charter’s overall
success. Investors provide ideas, capital, and other resources such as promoting the
organization’s corporate goals in different forums. Additionally, investor power has contributed
to Charter’s ability to invest in the latest technology to improve service delivery, which has made
the firm to have a competitive edge over rivals. The other category is suppliers and contractors.
The groups ensure that Charter continues to engage in its daily activities without encountering
major challenges. The other category is customers. Without customers, Charter Communications,
Inc. cannot succeed (Charter Communications, Inc., 2021). Customers’ desire to buy products
from Charter has made the corporation successful as compared to other players in the industry.
Cascio, W. F., & Montealegre, R. (2016). How technology is changing work and organizations.
Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 3, 349-375.
Charter Communications, Inc. (2021). Technology & innovation. Charter Communications.
Retrieved from
Charter Communications, Inc. (2021). We are a connectivity company. Charter
Communications. Retrieved from
Gurley, D. K., Peters, G. B., Collins, L., & Fifolt, M. (2015). Mission, vision, values, and goals:
An exploration of key organizational statements and daily practice in schools. Journal of
Educational Change, 16(2), 217-242.
Hitt, M. A., Ireland, R. D., & Hoskisson, R. E. (2014). Strategic management: Concepts:
Competitiveness and globalization. New York: Cengage Learning, 10.
McCoy, D., Lyons, S., Morgenroth, E., Palcic, D., & Allen, L. (2018). The impact of broadband
and other infrastructure on the location of new business establishments. Journal of
Regional Science, 58(3), 509-534.
Pang, A., Shin, W., Lew, Z., & Walther, J. B. (2018). Building relationships through dialogic
communication: organizations, stakeholders, and computer-mediated communication.
Journal of Marketing Communications, 24(1), 68-82.
Ristovska, K., & Ristovska, A. (2014). The impact of globalization on the business. Economic
Analysis, 47(3-4), 83-89.
Victer, R. (2014). The strategic implication of knowledge attributes: Understanding the
conditions in which knowledge matters to performance. Management Decision, 52(3),
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