Fashion Institute of Design Assessing Leadership Governance and Culture Discussion

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Business Finance

Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising


Assessing Leadership Governance and Culture

Please use the following to research and discuss evidence of what is going on inside the company for leadership, governance, ethics and culture?

How do you Assess Leadership Effectiveness?

Length of tenure?

Financial results?

360 evaluations?

Are goals met?

How do you Assess Governance?

Structure of governing board?

Board turnover?

Number of outside directors?

Global differences in governance? (MI pgs. 150-151)

How do you Assess Ethics and Culture?

Are there lawsuits pending from inside or outside the company?

Is there a written set of values or code of conduct? Is it lived?

Does the culture appear to be rigid or more creative and entrepreneurial? (MI pg. 90, 120-130)

  1. MI link:

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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.


Assessing Leadership Governance and Culture
Institution Affiliation

Author’s Note



Assessing Leadership Governance and Culture
Leadership Effectiveness
Netflix is a technology company offering entertainment services through monthly
subscriptions as per the client’s payment abilities for a given package. These services are offered
based on basic, st5andard, and premium with a fixed charge based on the US dollar of $ 8.99, $
13.99, and $17.99, respectively. These prices will often change based on eth subscriber’s host
nation's currency exchange against the dollar. Providing a fixed price is seen as company culture
as the pricing model has lasted for a particular period irrespective of the change in leadership
witnessed within the company. According to Galunic (2020), Netflix has experienced a particular
main controller in Reed Hastings, focusing on using a few policies and rules as possible, leading
to the attainment of success in a workplace. Some changes were realized in the leadership as the
founders included their previous content manager as another shareholder in the key leadership
Particular patterns need to be evaluated based on the company’s financial results. Allyn
(2020) states that the EPS figure was a miss despite the analysis prediction being $3.14, Revenue
collection standing at a match of $7.3billion, and the globally paid subscriptions ...

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