ELM 535 University of Phoenix Geography Integrated Unit Week Plan

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ELM 535

University of Phoenix



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Signature Assignment: Integrated Unit* 1 ELM/535 Version 1 University of Material Signature Assignment: Integrated Unit* Program SLO2: Students will engage in self-reflection to evaluate and improve professional practice to enhance student learning in elementary education Program SLO5: Students will demonstrate effective and innovative practices to improve student learning through applying current research to instructional strategies and integrating technology in elementary education. InTASC Standard 4: Content Knowledge: The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) he or she teaches and creates learning experiences that make these aspects of the discipline accessible and meaningful for learners to assure mastery of the content. InTASC Standard 5: Application of Content: The teacher understands how to connect concepts and use differing perspectives to engage learners in critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative problem solving related to authentic local and global issues. InTASC Standards: 4(d) 4(g) 4(h) 4(j) 4(l) 4(m) 4(n) 5(e) 5(h) 5(j) 5(k) 5(n) 6(j) 7(a) 7(b) 7(h) 7(k) 7(p) 8(h) 8(m) 8(o) 9(l) 10(f) 10(r) Design a 1-week reading unit for an identified elementary grade level that: • Concentrates on a core book or an author • Incorporates appropriate technology • Engages students in speaking and listening skills • Integrates one of the following major subject areas: mathematics, science, social studies, the arts (visual or performing). The reading unit will comprise 4 sections: unit introduction, resources toolkit, lesson planning, and reflection. You will develop three lesson plans for this unit. 1. Unit Introduction a. Include: 1) Subject 2) Lesson Segment Title 3) Grade Level 4) Central Focus 5) Language Function b. Write a 1- to 2-paragraph narrative that summarizes: 1) How the content of the unit is appropriate for the grade level chosen 2) An introduction to the core book or author and a summary of how this unit integrates reading and writing strategies and literary elements into one of the following major subject areas: mathematics, science, social studies, the arts (visual or performing) 3) How specific learning needs will be addressed throughout the unit 4) Current learning theories that influenced instructional decisions in your unit 5) Strategies for student motivation and engagement that will be used in the unit Signature Assignment: Integrated Unit* 2 ELM/535 Version 1 6) How formative and summative assessment will be used to plan, evaluate, and strengthen instruction and promote continuous learning 2. Resources Toolkit: a. Compile a 5-source annotated bibliography that comprises books and resources that support your unit b. Books and resources should: 1) Include 2 targeted for teacher use and 3 targeted for student and family use 2) Be aligned with and support unit objectives 3) Comprise at least 3 multimedia materials, including web-based resources 4) Account for the diversity of your learners, including varied reading levels, English language learners and students with exceptional needs c. Annotated bibliography should: 1) Begin with the resource reference 2) Appear in alphabetical order 3) Be block-indented and explicitly connect the selected book or resource to the unit in 3 to 5 sentences 4) Follow APA formatting guidelines 3. Lesson Planning a. Develop 3 lesson plans using the edTPA® Lesson Segment Template, each integrating reading with one content area. b. Ensure that state standards are covered in the unit c. Lesson plans must include: 1) Reading and writing components (phonemic awareness, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension, speaking, listening, and writing) 2) Literary elements (setting, plot, characters, conflict, theme). d. All lesson plans must show evidence of differentiation for English language learners, struggling readers, and gifted learners. e. Incorporate 1 formative assessment for each lesson and 1 summative assessment for the entire unit. 4. Reflection a. Solicit feedback from a practicing teacher concerning the following areas of your unit (Option: Seek feedback during the required clinical experience for this course.): 3) Appropriateness of the unit and book/author for the grade level 4) Appropriateness of the lesson procedures (content and instructional strategies) for the grade level 5) Effectiveness of the use of digital tools and resources 6) Potential for the students to achieve the objectives and meet the content standards 7) Advice for designing and delivering integrated units b. Write a 300- to 350-word reflection based on your feedback session that describes implications for professional development and growth based on the specific teacher feedback.
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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.I attached the files in the following order: The work, lesson plan, and outline. I will be happy to see your review. Thank you.

edTPA® Lesson Segment Template
ELM/535 Version 1
Lesson Segment Template
Unit Introduction: This is the introductory unit to Geography and covers major concepts we will learn in the
Subject: Geography
Lesson Segment Title: Physical geography
Grade Level: 5
Central Focus
What are the essential understandings
and core concepts that you want
students to develop within the learning

The students should understand the concepts of physical geography,
reasons for studying, the importance of physical geography, and
differentiate from other forms of geography. The big idea is to grasp a
concept about our surroundings and learn how we interrelate with the
significant concepts discussed.

What is the overarching, big idea for
student learning in literacy?
Language Function
What is your content and language
focus for the learning tasks represented
by the active verbs within the learning

Essential English learning, not the complex grammatical concepts.
However, there will be specific definitions to differentiate concepts.

Copyright © 2018 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.


edTPA® Lesson Segment Template
ELM/535 Version 1


Subject: Geography
Lesson Title/Lesson #1: Introduction to Physical Geography
Grade Level: 5
Content Standard(s)
State standards and/or Common Core
SMART Objectives (aligned with the
standards) for the lesson
Learning objectives state what students
will know and be able to do and are
appropriate for the identified grade
level and content area.

The content varies in standard, but there is an introductory level for the
learners. These will include concepts they have ideas about and can
adequately comprehend.

Learning objectives align to the
identified standards.
Prior Knowledge
What are the students’ content
knowledge and skills as well as
academic experiences developed prior
to the learning segment?

They need just knowledge about their environment. These
must not be from an initial class but information gathered from
other sources. They can be from a tour, excursion, or even

As a teacher, I will first engage them in listing their
experiences, ask questions, list them, and do a differential
explanation. This should relate the aspects they learn to major
geographical concepts.

Motivational activities include speedy writing of examples,
awarding them with simple gifts, among other ways.

They need writing material, an exercise book, and an atlas. All
these may not be used in the first class but will be applied in
subsequent lessons.

Basic English language and spelling skills for the various
concepts to gather in this.

I will give them time to ask questions, observe their body
language, and assess their facial expressions to ascertain their
understanding. I will also ask random questions during the

I do (Teacher Modeling) wish to explain the broad topic,
narrow to types of geographies, list the different regions, and
introduce the next topic. These will also relate to their

How will you build on background
knowledge of essential academic
How will you include motivational
activities to stimulate interest in the
What materials are needed for the
teacher and students? What
instructional resources?
Academic Language
What is the oral and/or written
language used for academic purposes?
How will you know that your students
develop and express content
Detailed step-by-step procedures.
Ensure the instructional strategies
directly align to the lesson standards,
objectives, and learning outcomes.

Understand the study of geography
Differentiate between geography and other sciences
Have a grasp of the content to learn in the unit
List the reasons for learning geography
Have an idea about three types of geography; physical, social,
and political
The objectives must be within the scope of our needed
concepts, befitting the level of learning. The unit must not go
beyond the specific outline for this specific lesson.

What will you be doing to model your
instruction? Include logically

Copyright © 2018 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

edTPA® Lesson Segment Template
ELM/535 Version 1


sequenced activities and a variety of
instructional strategies.

The modeling will be using diagrams, charts, and doing simple
illustrations for a narrower focus.

How will you integrate technology as

Technology helps in illustrations, like using computer graphics
and printing of pictures.

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