NUR 2513 Harvard University Maternal Child Nursing Development Worksheet

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NUR 2513

Harvard University



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Purpose of Assignment This assignment will help to identify the normal growth and development by topic for each age group. In the final column of the assignment, you need to observe a child and apply the information you gathered and document your findings in comparison by the particular age of that child. Competency Compare principles of growth and development when caring for pediatric clients. Explain the topics in the worksheet by age. Identify one milestone and one expected norm for each category by age group. After you fill out the milestones and expected norms for each category by age group, observe a child of any age for 30 minutes to an hour, and apply the knowledge that you learned to the child you are observing and record this information in the purple Observation Data column. Module 06 Worksheet- Development Assignment Infancy Toddler Pre School School Age Adolescent Observation Data for [insert age, gender, and any other relevent information]. Example: Female, Age 4, Autistic. *only fill out this column for the age group you observed. Erikson’s Theory Cognitive Development Language Development Infancy Toddler Pre School School Age Adolescent Observation Data for [insert age, gender, and any other relevent information]. Example: Female, Age 4, Autistic. *only fill out this column for the age group you observed. Psych-Social Development Moral Development Discipline Infancy Toddler Pre School School Age Adolescent Observation Data for [insert age, gender, and any other relevent information]. Example: Female, Age 4, Autistic. *only fill out this column for the age group you observed. Physical Development Injury Prevention Nutritional needs Infancy Toddler Pre School School Age Adolescent Observation Data for [insert age, gender, and any other relevent information]. Example: Female, Age 4, Autistic. *only fill out this column for the age group you observed. Dental Care Sleep Activity and Play types Infancy Toddler Pre School School Age Adolescent Observation Data for [insert age, gender, and any other relevent information]. Example: Female, Age 4, Autistic. *only fill out this column for the age group you observed. Vital Signs Including type of Pain assessment Module 06 Worksheet- Development Assignment Infancy Toddler Pre School School Age Adolescent Observation Data for [insert age, gender, and any other relevent information]. Example: Female, Age 4, Autistic. *only fill out this column for the age group you observed. Erikson’s Theory Cognitive Development Language Development Infancy Toddler Pre School School Age Adolescent Observation Data for [insert age, gender, and any other relevent information]. Example: Female, Age 4, Autistic. *only fill out this column for the age group you observed. Psych-Social Development Moral Development Discipline Infancy Toddler Pre School School Age Adolescent Observation Data for [insert age, gender, and any other relevent information]. Example: Female, Age 4, Autistic. *only fill out this column for the age group you observed. Physical Development Injury Prevention Nutritional needs Infancy Toddler Pre School School Age Adolescent Observation Data for [insert age, gender, and any other relevent information]. Example: Female, Age 4, Autistic. *only fill out this column for the age group you observed. Dental Care Sleep Activity and Play types Infancy Toddler Pre School School Age Adolescent Observation Data for [insert age, gender, and any other relevent information]. Example: Female, Age 4, Autistic. *only fill out this column for the age group you observed. Vital Signs Including type of Pain assessment Purpose of Assignment This assignment will help to identify the normal growth and development by topic for each age group. In the final column of the assignment, you need to observe a child and apply the information you gathered and document your findings in comparison by the particular age of that child. Competency Compare principles of growth and development when caring for pediatric clients. Explain the topics in the worksheet by age. Identify one milestone and one expected norm for each category by age group. After you fill out the milestones and expected norms for each category by age group, observe a child of any age for 30 minutes to an hour, and apply the knowledge that you learned to the child you are observing and record this information in the purple Observation Data column. Module 06 Worksheet- Development Assignment Infancy Toddler Pre School School Age Adolescent Observation Data for [insert age, gender, and any other relevent information]. Example: Female, Age 4, Autistic. *only fill out this column for the age group you observed. Erikson’s Theory Cognitive Development Language Development Infancy Toddler Pre School School Age Adolescent Observation Data for [insert age, gender, and any other relevent information]. Example: Female, Age 4, Autistic. *only fill out this column for the age group you observed. Psych-Social Development Moral Development Discipline Infancy Toddler Pre School School Age Adolescent Observation Data for [insert age, gender, and any other relevent information]. Example: Female, Age 4, Autistic. *only fill out this column for the age group you observed. Physical Development Injury Prevention Nutritional needs Infancy Toddler Pre School School Age Adolescent Observation Data for [insert age, gender, and any other relevent information]. Example: Female, Age 4, Autistic. *only fill out this column for the age group you observed. Dental Care Sleep Activity and Play types Infancy Toddler Pre School School Age Adolescent Observation Data for [insert age, gender, and any other relevent information]. Example: Female, Age 4, Autistic. *only fill out this column for the age group you observed. Vital Signs Including type of Pain assessment
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Children Developmental Phases: The Growth of a Child
Department, University
Course Code: Name

Children Developmental Phases: The Growth of a Child
Human beings experience growth and developmental changes from infancy till late
adulthood. Therefore, an essential aspect of parenting is understanding children's developmental
changes as they increase in age. The five stages of development begin from infancy to
toddlerhood, childhood development, and adolescence; the physical, cognitive, and psychosocial
changes vary with each developing stage of a child. A child's developmental growth can be
observed and analyzed by the milestones achieved at each stage. Eric Erikson, a psychologist,
created developmental theories that explain a child's development from infancy till adulthood
(Orenstein & Lewis, 2020). The table also incorporates other developmental milestones that
indicate a child's normal growth at each stage.
Cognitive development focuses on the growth of a child's mind, thinking capacity, and
ability to solve problems. The brain develops as a child grows until adolescence when
adolescents formulate personal ideas and opinions through abstract thinking. As children grow,
their language capacity develops, toddlers begin using one-word sentences, school-aged children
can understand words and formulate concise sentences. At the same time, adolescents can create
and understand complex sentences. As children grow, they increase in size, height and add
weight in the physical development category. Notable changes are present in adolescents who
begin transforming into young adults. For example, boys get broader chests while girls get
breasts and wider hips. The changes sometimes start occurring as early as 11 years old and
continue till 18 years.
Caring for pediatric clients is different based on their age group. For example, infants
cannot express their discomfort or illness using words or gestures. However, using the Flacc pain
scale, one can assess pain in children by observing their facial expression, legs, and if the child is

consolable (Uitti et al., 2018). Contrarily, adolescents can verbally explain their pain and rate it
using the "Verbal Numerical Rating Scale" and the "Adolescent Pediatric Pain Tool." Nutritional
needs vary depending on the age group; all age groups require a balanced diet that includes m...

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