Grossmont College Personal Narrative Of an Important Event

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Grossmont College


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PROJECT THREE: PERSONAL NARRATIVE PERSONAL NARRATIVE For your third writing project, you will write a personal narrative focused on an important event in your life. This narrative should not tell your whole life story—instead, try to think about an experience that was meaningful for you in some way. The moment/event you focus on can be big or small, life-altering or not; it’s totally up to you. The one requirement is that you must develop some sort of theme in your narrative (refer to the “Elements of Narrative” handout for more help with this). How you choose to tell your story is completely up to you. You decide how much/what kind of information your readers will receive about this event and the people involved. Feel free to get creative with this and write in a style that feels comfortable—your narrative should feel like you. Just remember that you are in charge of crafting this experience for your readers, so make sure to think about how your choices as the writer will affect your audience. REFLECTION Once you’ve written your narrative, you will also write a quick reflection discussing the story you decided to tell and the choices you made as the writer. Here are some questions to consider in your reflection: • Why did you choose this particular event to write about? Why was it so important to you? • How did you develop the elements of narrative in your story (plot, conflict, setting, characters, point of view, etc.)? Why did you choose to tell your story this way? • Reflect a bit on the theme you developed in your story. What is the theme of this story? What meaning do you hope your readers will take away from it? REQUIREMENTS Your personal narrative should be at least 3-5 double-spaced pages. Your reflection should be at least 2 double-spaced pages. DUE DATES Final draft (200 points): due by 11:59 pm on Friday, August 13th IMPORTANT INFORMATION: • • Peer Review will not be required for this project Extra Credit will still be offered for this project, but since the genre is personal narrative, I cannot guarantee how much help you will receive from The Writing Center HELP WITH THE PROCESS: Conferences. E-mailing a quick question is fine, but if you’re struggling, lost, or need reassurance let’s work together to find a time that we can sit down and talk. Always come prepared with specific questions or areas of concern as well as any other materials you are currently working with.
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Personal Narrative
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Personal Narrative

It was on a Sunday morning that I woke up earlier than usual and began watching my
favorite television program on Broadway. After that, I went for my regular morning run down
the street. I run up the hilly region, then came back and took a cold shower. I then went into the
sitting room and sat there with my younger sister, Anita, watching a television program on
Disney Junior. Doing this was her daily routine; therefore, I was not surprised when I found her
seated at the sofa nearest to the television. I joined her on the couch and watched the television
program with her. I recalled how I came to sleep early the previous night and wondered that I
could be the reason why I woke up early. It was my twenty-first birthday, but I was sure that no
one remembered, so I wondered as I watched the television with my sister Anita.
Suddenly my mother came into the room smiling. That was unusual for her; she never
even smiled when she woke up. This had even become our inside joke in the family, with dad
saying that mom is not a morning person. Therefore, when I saw her smiling, I knew something
good must have happened to her. Before I could greet her good morning, she said in a happy
tone, “morning sunshine.” When I heard that, I immediately knew she was referring to my
younger sister Anita. This was however, not the case; she was greeting me. So I smiled back at
her as she opened her mouth again to speak. She then told me that she knew it was my birthday
and that we would go out as a family and tour the airport. Since that was unexpected, I was
overjoyed. My mother never celebrated one’s birthday; therefore, saying that we would celebrate
my birthday was a grand gesture. Since I was already dressed up, everyone else made their
At about ten Am in the morning, all of us were ready and standing beside the family van.
When mom came, we were prepared to live. Anita sat at the front with a mom who was driving



the blue Cadillac that my dad brought her a year earlier for her birthday. When we took off, our
first stop was at the Superdawg drive-in restaurant. While there, we all ordered some
refreshments, had turkey, and then went back to the car. We then drove off at a slow speed as we
enjoyed the sight of the busy Chicago Highway. While in...

Really helped me to better understand my coursework. Super recommended.


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