ANTH 365 UOFM Starbucks and Coffee Globalization Essay

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ANTH 365

University of Michigan



For your final ethnographic project, you will be asked to select a research topic related to our course themes. For example, you may choose a topic concerning food deserts, the corporatization of agriculture, the sociocultural significance of a particular food, or globalization’s effects on food systems, among many other topics. You should conduct a mini-ethnography on your topic of choice, utilizing ethnographic methods such as participant observation, interviews, social media analysis, etc. 

This class is about globalization impact on food consumption, I choose coffee and want to talk specific on effect of Seattle (USA) people's coffee consumption. 

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Research Outline Anth 365 Jessi Chen The main topic of my essay is that globalization change people’s diets and enable people to eat foods that are more than local markets, for example, sugar, coffee. The main research question is that how coffee change and impact US people’s life. How coffees plays an important role in people’s daily life. Tentative argument: Coffee is not grown in US, but we can easily have and access to coffee and chocolate, these are due to the globalization today. I would think that globalization impact and change (both positive and negative) people’s diets, let people have more choices and enable people to have more food choices. The coffee is growing a very popular food culture in US, based on my current research, almost 68% of adults in US drink at least one cup of coffee per day. This is a big number and reflect people’s reliance on coffee. 2-sub-argument sentences: 1. People in Seattle love coffee and drinking coffee become one of their local culture. 2. Coffee culture impact people’s consumption choice that people spend about 36 dollar per month in consumption coffee. (need be more specific) In class reading: 1. Sidney Mintz, Time, Sugar, and Sweetness. 2. Coca-Colonization of Diets in the Yucatan External source: 1. Steven Topic, Globalization, Neoliberalism and Latin American coffee societies. 2. Coffee consumption and total mortality: a meta-analysis of twenty prospective cohort studies.
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Starbucks and Coffee Globalization

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Coffee is one of the most consumed drinks in the United States and the whole world. Its
origin is from Ethiopia in Africa, but its consumption has known no boundaries. It has been a
favorite food consumption since the 17th century, and its use has increased from the western to
the Middle East and in the Western hemisphere. Its spread is due to globalization which has given
consumers the liberty to choose. It has transformed influenced people, especially in the United
States Starbucks has played a major role in globalizing coffee consumption. The United States has
been among the countries with the highest consumption rate of coffee because of its strategic
decision-making process and constant innovation strategies. However, the increased globalization
has changed American life, and most people have become dependent on it.
Role of Starbucks in Coffee Globalization
The impact is considered positive as coffee contains various contents that are useful to
people's health. However, the issue of globalization has had negative impacts on people's life.
Starbucks has played an important role in coffee globalization, with negative impacts such as
interfering with people's culture and beliefs. In this study, we focused on customer observation
and their consumption habits of coffee Starbucks in Seattle and how it transforms to global impact.
In addition, we engaged in interviews with Starbucks employees and management, and a few
customers to identify their views on ho...

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