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Business Finance


Globalization is defined

Examples of traditional international trade theories supporting globalization are included.

At least three pros, and at least three cons, with explanations, are provided about globalization.

At least four effects of globalization affecting community and organizations are explained.

How the government is effective in promoting global business is explained.

The paper is 1,400 words in length. Globalization is defined

Examples of traditional international trade theories supporting globalization are included.

At least three pros, and at least three cons, with explanations, are provided about globalization.

At least four effects of globalization affecting community and organizations are explained.

How the government is effective in promoting global business is explained.

The paper is 1,400 words in length.

User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool's honor code & terms of service.

Explanation & Answer

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Topic: Globalization

Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 1
Globalization theories .................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Pros of globalization....................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Cons of Globalization ..................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Globalization effects on communities ........................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Globalization effects on organizations........................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Role of government in promotion of global business ................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
References: .................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Globalization refers to the integration of the entire globe regarding financial, economic,
trading and communication. Globalization allows people, goods, and ideas to spread through the
whole world, which leads to increased integration and interaction amongst different cultures of
the world, economies, and governments. Globalization intends to set both local and nationalistic
business dimensions which result in interconnected and a free environment which people freely
transfer goods, services, and capital beyond national borders.

Topic: Globalization
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Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 3
Globalization theories ................................................................................................................................... 3
Pros of globalization...................................................................................................................................... 3
Cons of Globalization .................................................................................................................................... 5
Globalization effects on communities ....................................................................

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