MATTH 225N Chamberlain College Wk 7 Statistical Reasoning Lab Questions

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Chamberlain College of Nursing




Steps to Complete the Week 7 Lab

Step 1: Find these articles in the Chamberlain Library. Once you click each link, you will be logged into the Library and then click on "PDF Full Text".

Step 2: Consider the use of confidence intervals in health sciences with these articles as inspiration and insights.

Step 3: Using the data you collected for the Week 5 Lab (heights of 10 different people that you work with plus the 10 heights provided by your instructor), discuss your method of collection for the values that you are using in your study (systematic, convenience, cluster, stratified, simple random). What are some faults with this type of data collection? What other types of data collection could you have used, and how might this have affected your study?

Step 4: Now use the Week 6 Spreadsheet to help you with calculations for the following questions/statements.

a) Give a point estimate (mean) for the average height of all people at the place where you work. Start by putting the 20 heights you are working with into the blue Data column of the spreadsheet. What is your point estimate, and what does this mean?

example of adding a point estimate to spreadsheet

b) Find a 95% confidence interval for the true mean height of all the people at your place of work. What      is the interval? [see screenshot below]

c) Give a practical interpretation of the interval you found in part b, and explain carefully what the output       means. (For example, you might say, "I am 95% confident that the true mean height of all of the              people in my company is between 64 inches and 68 inches").

d) Post a screenshot of your work from the t value Confidence Interval for µ from the Confidence                  Interval tab on the Week 6 Excel spreadsheet

Step 5: Now, change your confidence level to 99% for the same data, and post a screenshot of this table, as well.

Step 6: Compare the margins of error from the two screenshots. Would the margin of error be larger or smaller for the 99% CI? Explain your reasoning.

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Put values in GREEN cells; output or answers in YELLOW cells Enter input in blue cells ; Look for answers in yellow cells t or z Confidence Interval for µ Confidence Level n Mean StDev pop stdev SE t Margin of Error Lower Limit Upper Limit 0.990 27 17.3185 3.4029 no 0.654888 2.779 1.819935 15.498565 19.138435 Confidence Interval for p Propo Enter decimal Confidence Level n Number of Successes Enter yes if population stdev known Enter No if population stdev is unknown Sample Proportion SE z Margin of Error Lower Limit Upper Limit ce Interval for p Proportions 0.950 329 141 0.428571 0.027283 1.960 0.053475 0.375096 0.482046 Enter decimal Put values in blue cells; output or answers in YELLOW cells Enter values starting from B5 cell Data 18.4 16.1 19.5 16.5 12.5 17.2 13.8 17.9 19.1 9.8 23.8 18.7 19.1 15 19.2 17 11.5 15.7 22.5 23.7 19.9 17.6 15 17.8 20.7 14.2 15.4 Mean 17.3185 Sample Standard Deviation 3.4029 Enter input in blue cells ; Look for answers in yellow cells Minimum Sample Size μ for population mean Confidence Level StDev Error 0.950 10 3 z-Value Minimum Sample Size 1.960 43 Minimum Sample Size p for Proportion Enter decimal Confidence Level Sample Proportion Error 0.920 0.5 0.03 z-Value Minimum Sample Size 1.751 852 e Size p for Proportion Enter decimal If sample proportion unknown enter 0.5 Write percentage as decimal Empirical Rule using standard error for CONFIDENCE INTERVAL mean standard deviation Standard error 0.43 0 0.06 ANSWER Empirical68-95-99.7 Rule Lower number 68% 0.37 95% 0.31 99.70% 0.25 Upper number 0.49 0.55 0.61
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Explanation & Answer

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Statistical Reasoning Week 7 Lab
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Step 3: Using the data you collected for the Week 5 Lab (heights of 10 different people
that you work with plus the ten heights provided by your instructor), discuss your
method of collection for the values that you are using in your study (systematic,
convenience, cluster, stratified, simple random). What are some faults with this type of
data collection? What other types of data collection could you have used, and how might
this have affected your study?
The simple random sampling method was used to select participants who were
included in the study. The method ensures that each participant had an equal chance of being
selected, thus helping to eliminate sampling bias (Hayslett &Murphy, 2014). The only fault
of the method was that it was time-consuming. There are several other methods of collecting
data that I could have used. The first one is systematic sampling, whereby every individual
would have been assigned a number before randomly selecting numbers from the list of
participants. However, this method would have increased the risk of data manipulation to
achieve desired results. The second method is convenience sampling, in which pa...

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