UCLA Management of Tesla Business Operations Research Paper

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Business Finance

University Of California Los Angeles


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Assignment: Using research of a chosen business environment or a company you are familiar with, please gather, interpret, and analyze the current state of business operations to strategize methodology to achieve the three principles (eliminate waste, remove variability, and improve throughput) of lean. Please defend your answers on a tactical level by explaining how these recommendations (proposed methodology when applied conceptually) will balance cost and quality. Assignment format: In Word break the paper into the following sections: • Introduction - describe the company in general and what it does • Using the three principles as section headings, analyze the company along each principle • Conclusion - is the company balancing cost and quality? Why or why not? This paper is to be written in APA format. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: • Ensure professional presentation with proper spelling, grammar, etc. • Must have proper in-text citations and reference page • Include supporting resources outside • Include page numbers • Include a cover page or paper header • Remember to support theories with research
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Tesla Business Operations

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Tesla Business Operations
Tesla is an automotive firm that has focused on manufacturing compelling electric car
models. Their first product was a sports car that was set to compete with the complementary
gasoline car models. Tesla develops cars and attaches software that is replenished weekly. The
total cost of each is low in comparison to the traditional internal combustion vehicles (Mostafa &
Dumrak, 2020). During the buying process, each consumer has direct access to the company
without merchandise or dealers. With consumers in control, the firm has established itself among
the major players in the automotive industry without merit on economies of scale.
Improved leverage on battery technology has seen the firm minimize the ownership cost
of its products in its lifetime. The firm was founded in 2003 by Martin and Marc and has since
supported green technology products with their cars as a perfect example. Among the famous
models released by the company include model X crossover. Currently, the company is valued at
$ 379 billion and has its headquarters in California (Zazhigalov et al., 2018). The main locality is
in America, but its operation is digitized, with online stalls being utilized as the purchase
interphase for customers worldwide. Indeed the firm has shown commitment towards forging the
world towards sustainable energy.
Eliminate Waste
Tesla is among the pioneers to eliminate lean waste in their various production,
distribution, and marketing facets. In particular, the firm has reduced the number of defects since
its inception to zero percent. The majority of the customers across the globe are satisfied with the
products and services delivered to them after ordering online. Also, overproduction in tidal is not
an issue since the waste is non-existent. The car models are produced, assembled, and delivered


once the customer places an order. Ideally, the operational mechanism is manufacturing on order
(Thomas & Maine, 2019). Over-processing is another facet that Tesla has dealt with accordingly.
In particular cases of over analyses, over-engineering and over-adjustment are nonexistent. Unnecessary signature requirements and double data entries are all non-existing. Skills
waste is a non-existing option in Tesla since engineers, software developers, and mechanics are
oriented with diverse skill power that revolutionizes their products and increases market size
globally (Mostafa & Dumrak, 2020). Thus, redundancy and lay-offs are limited in Tesla making
a friendly working environment. Notably, Tesla has never experienced poor incentives, limited
training, or zero employee feedback and contribution in company operations. Ultimately, the
waiting waste is in minimal capacity in Tesla, citing it as the ideal waste to deal with in the next
few years.
Variability Elimination
Tesla is a master in its field since the variability in data, performance, and outputs is
limited. Reducing variation is the ideal approach in Tesla that has led to reducing the operational
cost and increased the profit margin. By applying the sigma standards, Tesla has managed to
relate with data pool as the process door towards the projected solution. Long-term changes in
the firm have seen its variability of lean reduce drastically based on its dynamic approach to
production. For example, the initial approach was to change the brand name before reestablishing its position in 2003. Further, the input of market analyses led to improved rating and
longevity before releasing their first product (Mangram, 2018). Thus ideal planning made it
possible to re-align the existing variability and adjust it to bearable levels.
Product differences emanating from faulty shipments were cited for causing special
variation in the output, and thus, the management made sure to curtail the shortcoming. Exigency


plans have since been effective in Tesla to barricade the progress of special cause variation, thus
making it possible to maintain high-quality standards. With an understanding that less variability
contributes to minimal waste, Tesla made sure to work on both aspects in the quest to improve its
competing advantage. External and internal factors in the economic models are well analyzed
annually to limit inventory contribution towards variability.
Throughput Removal
Throughput accounts for the production outputs successfully delivered and accepted by
the customers—throughput of lean waste identified in Tesla's initial phase by eliminating the
bottlenecks. Battery production in Tesla was the ideal bottleneck, and thus they were fostered to
partner with ...

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