Theoretical Perspectives of Sociology Essay

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In 250 words, describe and explain how the three theoretical perspectives of sociology (Structural Functional Theory, Conflict Theory, and Symbolic Interaction) has an effect on COVID-19 and society. In 900 words, explain How could society’s perception of the disease and the pandemic affect social institutions such as families,schools, religious institutions etc. or any other institution?

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Theoretical Perspectives of Sociology
There have been manuscripts and journals that have been published on the
advancement of sociological perspectives on the intersection of society and covid 19, by
giving out a foundation based empirical and theoretical sociological research on the
community and coronavirus (Czymara et al. S74-S79). There is a way in which the
sociological perspectives are trying to interrogate and explain the impact and effects that
society will feel as a result of the novel coronavirus.
The structural theory affects the society, and covid 19 in that social structures and
relations among members of the community have been interfered with as people have to keep
a social distance to curb the spread of the virus (Akkermans et al. 103434). The covid 19
catastrophes have affected people's social behaviors as people are not mingling as they used
to do a long time ago. This is a good thing in that the intervention put in place controls the
rate at which the virus is spreading. For the functional theory, we find that the virus has
affected most individuals' economic, political, psychological, and health. This can be
explained further because it has stopped various economic and social activities that were
benefiting people. It has affected people's sources of income and ambitions.
For the effects of the conflict theory on the novel coronavirus and the society, the
virus entails a medium and long-term risk of conflicts related to politics. This will be
heightened by the poverty created by the necessary actions taken to curb the virus. This is

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because there is a strong connection between poverty and conflict (Akkermans et al. 103434).
On the other h...

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