Module Eight Journal Guidelines - CS-255-H6824 System Analysis and Design 21EW6
In this journal, you will make a submission to your portfolio. Remember that you will submit
portfolio artifacts in different courses throughout the Computer Science program. This
portfolio is an opportunity for you to catalog your learning and showcase your best work to
future employers. You will also reflect on the work that you have done in these projects.
Reflecting will help add context to refresh your memory when you review your portfolio in
the future.
For this course, you will be submitting one portion of each project into the GitHub
repository for your portfolio. From Project One, submit the business requirements
document. From Project Two, submit the system design document. Together, these
documents showcase your work in system analysis and design. These documents
demonstrate your ability to collect requirements from the customer and design a system
that meets those needs.
You will also reflect on the work that you have done in these projects. Reflecting is a
valuable skill to cement your learning. It also will help add context to refresh your memory
when you use your portfolio in the future. Update the README file in your repository and
include your answers to each of the questions below. You could include the questions and
write a few sentences in response to each one, or you could write a paragraph or two
weaving together all of your answers.
Briefly summarize the DriverPass project. Who was the client? What type of system
did they want you to design?
What did you do particularly well?
If you could choose one part of your work on these documents to revise, what would
you pick? How would you improve it?
How did you interpret the user’s needs and implement them into your system design?
Why is it so important to consider the user’s needs when designing?
Module Eight Journal Guidelines - CS-255-H6824 System Analysis and Design 21EW6
How do you approach designing software? What techniques or strategies would you
use in the future to analyze and design a system?
Guidelines for Submission
For your submission, include a link to your repository for your instructor in a text
submission. Make sure your repository includes your business requirements and system
design documents as well as the README file with your written response. Use the CS
GitHub Portfolio Tutorial to help you with this submission. This journal will be graded
pass/fail based on completion.
Note: In the previous module, you should have added your instructor as a collaborator and
they should have accepted your request. Please email your instructor if you have trouble
adding them as a collaborator.
System Analysis
• Functional:
• The system must how user to reset their password
• The system should provide the user the available
• Non-Functional:
• The system shall access data from the computer and
cell phone devices.
• The owner shall have full control of all employee
account e.g. setting, resetting password, and
blocking of account
Use Case
• User need username and password to login to the
• The access of employee will be block after left the
• The account of the user will be lock after many fail
login attempt
• Driver Pass also instructed that if a user forgets their
pin, they should be able to access the system
automatically and reset it without having to involve
the secretary.
• The system has some limitations, for instance, the
user can’t choose the driver they would like to work
with for their on-road training. Also, the user can’t
change or retrieve their username
• The system limit the user to online practice only as
no offline test practice mentioned
• Data clustering could be a challenge
• We did not consider the staff that we have for this
project. Based on the intensity of the program, this
program will need to employ several people, and
this is a limitation we had not put into
CS 255 Business Requirements Document Template
Complete this template by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information.
This template lays out all the different sections that you need to complete for Project One. Each section
has guiding questions to prompt your thinking. These questions are meant to guide your initial
responses to each area. You are encouraged to go beyond these questions using what you have learned
in your readings. You will need to continually reference the interview transcript as you work to make
sure that you are addressing your client’s needs. There is no required length for the final document.
Instead, the goal is to complete each section based on your client’s needs.
Tip: You should respond in a bulleted list for each section. This will make your thoughts easier to
reference when you move into the design phase for Project Two. One starter bullet has been provided
for you in each section, but you will need to add more.
System Components and Design
What is the purpose of this project? Who is the client and what do they want their system to be able to
• My clients name is Liam and he owns a company know as Driver Pass. This is a company that is
responsible for teaching people how to drive cars and also teaches the basic rules of the
department of motor vehicles (DMV).
• So, Mr. Liam wants us to create an applicate that is basically a representation of what he does
physically. By this I mean, he wants us to create an application that will be able to teach learners
on the DMV rules, they should also be able to make appointments on the application and also
communicate on their experiences from the whole project.
System Background
What does Driver Pass want the system to do? What is the problem they want to fix? What are the
different components needed for this system?
• Driver Pass has realized that a lot of people are failing their DMV exams. This has been on his
mind and he was wondering how he can solve this. That is how he came up with an idea of
creating an application that will be able teach the learners the DMV rules and enable them to
pass these exams.
• Driver Pass has noted that there is no online fix to the DMV exams. This has also been prompted
by the fact that so many services are now online. Therefore, Driver Pass is a solution the
learners who don’t have time to attend physical classes and also study DMV rules and
regulations. Driver Pass is aimed at making this easier by allowing a client to study at their own
time and they also be tested on the same. They will also have the privilege of choosing when
they are not busy so that they can also do the physical learning.
• This system will have the DMV rules and regulations and also teach learners how to apply them.
They will also be tested on the same. The learners will also be able to learn physical driving
because they will be able to make appointments. This system will also allow learners to interact
freely with the teachers to understand more about the rules and regulations as the system will
always be up to date based on the rules that keep coming up daily.
Objectives and Goals
What should this system be able to do when it is completed? What measurable tasks need to be included
in the system design to achieve this?
• By the time the student should be able to register on the system. This has been enabled as they
are supposed to call the secretaries office who has been access to the system and is able to save
the information of the client.
• The clients should also be able to changes their password automatically. This the system will be
able to do because the information will be saved on the cloud thus easy to make changes.
• The clients should also be able to make appointments on their own. This will be enabled on the
system based on the coding.
• The client should also have full access to learning material from the DMV rules. The clients will
also have practice tests to see if they have understood the rules.
• The system should also have the ability to automatically update its rules and regulation directly
from the DMV database.
• Driver Pass should also have the ability to have access to the system from wherever he will be.
He should also have the ability to cut off a fired employee, make reports and also make changes
on the security system accordingly.
• By the time the system is being completed, the clients should have the ability to learn about
anything that is relevant in the DMV.
• Driver Pass should have the ability to close a particular package incase he does not want any
more clients on that particular package.
Most of these are achieved because the system should be connected to the cloud. Meaning that
most of the information is easy to access.
Some are also easy to achieve because as the program is being created, access will be given to
the relevant parties.
Some of the tasks are also accessible because Driver Pass has given instruction that they be
Nonfunctional Requirements
In this section, you will detail the different nonfunctional requirements for the Driver Pass system. You
will need to think about the different things that the system needs to function properly.
Performance Requirements
What environments (web-based, application, etc.) does this system need to run in? How fast should the
system run? How often should the system be updated?
• Based on Driver Pass instructions, the system should run on the Web and specifically the cloud.
This is because he only wants to focus his attention on the business. The cloud will offer him
security for his information and so he won’t have to be stressed about it. This is unlike an
application as he would have to manually have a place where he will store this information and
that makes it more stressful to run the business.
This system should run very fast. This is because it is time-based meaning that appointments will
be placed often. So, the system should be able to be accessed easily and faster so that the
chosen drivers are able to be updated on the numerous classes that they have and how they will
run them.
The system should be updated as often as possible. As a matter of fact, the system should
update itself automatically there is any update on the DMV rules and regulations. This is to
make sure that the clients that are enrolled are always taught correct rules.
Platform Constraints
What platforms (Windows, Unix, etc.) should the system run on? Does the back end require any tools,
such as a database, to support this application?
• This platform should run on Linux. This is because its able to hold heavy programs without any
• This will definitely require a database. This is because information is being stored and this
information should also be accessible whenever required. That is why Driver Pass chose to put
this information on the cloud because they won’t have to worry about backing up the data
because the cloud will do this automatically.
• A database is also necessary because for the system to be able to updated often and have
access to the DMV, then it must have a database where this information will be accessed and
necessary changes made.
Accuracy and Precision
How will you distinguish between different users? Is the input case-sensitive? When should the system
inform the admin of a problem?
• According to Driver Pass, it has 3 main users.
- Mr. Liam who is the big boss of the whole program.
- We have Mr. Ian who will be the I.T officer.
- We also have the secretary who will be responsible for registering the users and also aid the
clients in case they have a problem.
This has not really been identified but its always advisable to make the system case sensitive.
In case of any error, the system should be able to inform the IT officer immediately so that he
can make any changes that will be needed.
When it comes to the clients, the system should be able to differentiate them because they will
each have a different user names and they will each have their own passwords.
Can you make changes to the user (add/remove/modify) without changing code? How will the system
adapt to platform updates? What type of access does the IT admin need?
• The system will allow changes and modifications to be made without having to necessarily have
to change the code. This is because Driver Pass did not want to start their business with a
system analyst, thus has to be as simple as possible.
• As instructed by Driver Pass, the system was made in such a way that updates will be
accordingly based on how the business grows. When they are willing to make updates, then it
will be simple because the system was made ready for any update.
• IT admin will need to have full access so that he can have authority of executing certain actions.
For example, removing fired employees from the system, downloading a full report in case need
be, also responding ASAP to any errors that may occur.
What is required for the user to log in? How can you secure the connection or the data exchange
between the client and the server? What should happen to the account if there is a “brute force” hacking
attempt? What happens if the user forgets their password?
For a user to login, they will require to have a username and a password.
In case a user enters an incorrect password more than 5 times, the account will have to be
disabled and will only be enabled when they prove their identity through the secretary.
Driver Pass has also decided that it will store its information on the cloud. That is to mean it will
be responsible for the transfer of information between the client and the server.
Driver Pass also instructed that if a user forgets their pin, they should be able to access the
system automatically and reset it without having to involve the secretary.
Functional Requirements
Using the information from the scenario, think about the different functions the system needs to provide.
Each of your bullets should start with “The system shall . . .” For example, one functional requirement
might be, “The system shall validate user credentials when logging in.”
The system should be able to automatically make a reservation in case a user request for it.
The system should be able to register a new client when they feed their information.
The system should be able to provide the user with the DMV classes and also give tests just in
case the user requests for it.
The system should be able to offer all the three packages that Driver Pass has requested be in
the system.
The system should be able to show the suer the particular car and driver that it he/she has been
Based on the fact that the system will handle many people, it should be very fast and very
The system should also be very user friendly. This is in terms of the interface. It should be plain
and simple.
User Interface
What are the needs of the interface? Who are the different users for this interface? What will each user
need to be able to do through the interface? How will the user interact with the interface (mobile,
browser, etc.)?
User need to be able to make reservations for driving, take classes and the relevant exam, also
be able to choose which package they want and able to handle.
The interface should be friendly to any device that the client has. This includes mobile phones,
laptops, their laptops or even a desktop.
The Boss, IT manager and any employee of the company should have access through the
interface to make any relevant changes that are required to be made.
What things were not specifically addressed in your design above? What assumptions are you making in
your design about the users or the technology they have?
From all the communication that the system creators and Driver Pass have had, I have not read
anywhere discussion being held on the cost of the whole system. Therefore, anything that they
are doing in creating the system is based on the assumption that they will be able to afford it.
From all that have also read, I have not seen anywhere the creators questioning whether they
have enough resources to handle this kind of project. They just took it and have made necessary
plans assuming that they can handle it.
There are some basic things that the creator is assuming. For example, very few people know
how to handle Linux software. But they are assuming that Driver Pass will be able to handle a
program that is created on the same.
Any system you build will naturally have limitations. What limitations do you see in your system design?
What limitations do you have as far as resources, time, budget, or technology?
We have given ourselves a certain period, 5 months, to create this program and yet we have not
confirmed some vital factors such as the budget and also their knowledge on Linux.
We did not consider the staff that we have for this project. Based on the intensity of the
program, this program will need to employ several people and this is a limitation we had not put
inro consideration.
We promised Driver Pass automatic update from DMV systems and yet we do not know if this is
even allowed by the institution.
We also did not ask the average number of clients Driver Pass is estimating it will get. This is a
limitation because we might create a system that might not meet the intended number.
Gantt Chart
Please include a screenshot of the GANTT chart that you created with Lucid chart. Be sure to check that it
meets the plan described by the characters in the interview.
Module Eight Journal Guidelines - CS-255-H6824 System Analysis and Design 21EW6
In this journal, you will make a submission to your portfolio. Remember that you will submit
portfolio artifacts in different courses throughout the Computer Science program. This
portfolio is an opportunity for you to catalog your learning and showcase your best work to
future employers. You will also reflect on the work that you have done in these projects.
Reflecting will help add context to refresh your memory when you review your portfolio in
the future.
For this course, you will be submitting one portion of each project into the GitHub
repository for your portfolio. From Project One, submit the business requirements
document. From Project Two, submit the system design document. Together, these
documents showcase your work in system analysis and design. These documents
demonstrate your ability to collect requirements from the customer and design a system
that meets those needs.
You will also reflect on the work that you have done in these projects. Reflecting is a
valuable skill to cement your learning. It also will help add context to refresh your memory
when you use your portfolio in the future. Update the README file in your repository and
include your answers to each of the questions below. You could include the questions and
write a few sentences in response to each one, or you could write a paragraph or two
weaving together all of your answers.
Briefly summarize the DriverPass project. Who was the client? What type of system
did they want you to design?
What did you do particularly well?
If you could choose one part of your work on these documents to revise, what would
you pick? How would you improve it?
How did you interpret the user’s needs and implement them into your system design?
Why is it so important to consider the user’s needs when designing?
Module Eight Journal Guidelines - CS-255-H6824 System Analysis and Design 21EW6
How do you approach designing software? What techniques or strategies would you
use in the future to analyze and design a system?
Guidelines for Submission
For your submission, include a link to your repository for your instructor in a text
submission. Make sure your repository includes your business requirements and system
design documents as well as the README file with your written response. Use the CS
GitHub Portfolio Tutorial to help you with this submission. This journal will be graded
pass/fail based on completion.
Note: In the previous module, you should have added your instructor as a collaborator and
they should have accepted your request. Please email your instructor if you have trouble
adding them as a collaborator.
CS 255 System Design Document Template
This template lays out all the different sections that you need to complete for Project Two. Each section
has guidance to prompt your thinking. You will need to continually reference the interview transcript as
you work to make sure that you are addressing your client’s needs. There is no required length for the
final document. Instead the goal is to complete each section based on what your client’s needs are.
Remove this note when you are finished, and replace all bracketed text with the relevant information.
UML Diagrams
UML Use Case Diagram
UML Activity Diagrams
[You were asked to choose two use cases and create two activity diagrams, one for each use case. Please
insert both of your activity diagrams here. Check to make sure that you included appropriate
components and symbols and that your design meets the client’s needs.]
UML Sequence Diagram
[You were asked to create a sequence diagram based on one of the use cases you chose. Please insert
your sequence diagram here. Check to make sure that you included appropriate components and
symbols and that your design meets the client’s needs.]
UML Class Diagram
[You were asked to create a class diagram based on the different classes and attributes needed for your
system design. You are not required to include methods, but you may if you wish. Please insert your class
diagram here. Check to make sure that you included appropriate components and symbols and that your
design meets the client’s requirements.]
Technical Requirements
The system has a couple of specialized requirements. We should use the cloud to develop our
web framework and provide owners with a mobile version to access the downloaded data. We
will require some sort of data set, regardless of whether it be cloud-based or an actual server
farm, to store login data and other essential data. Any information being moved between a client
and our system, or any data being shared in-house needs to be encrypted via SSL to ensure data
integrity and security Using a cloud, the stage would permit data to refresh quicker, for example,
the preparation schedule for training arrangements, or the tracker for a client's training
progress. role-based access should be carried out likewise, as the owner can do things a client
can't do, the IT official can do things the secretary can do, and so on
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