Throughout this class, we have discussed the concept of worldview and analyzed Christian theism, secular materialism, Marxism, Postmodernism, and pantheism/New Spiritualism as live worldview options in today’s world.
In this final paper, you will compare and contrast one of these worldviews with Christian theism, using the “Ten Ways of Looking at the World” you’ve read about in Myers and Noebel’s (2015) text. This comparison will allow you to present your understanding of the two worldviews, as well as examine the beliefs of the non-Christian worldview (as well as your own) in light of a biblical perspective. In each of the “Ten Ways to Look at the World,” note where your personal worldview is similar or dissimilar from the two that you are comparing.
Your paper should include the following:
- Define the central concerns of both worldviews.
- Explain how both worldviews address Myers and Noebel’s (2015) list of “Ten Ways of Looking at the World.”
- Compare and contrast both worldviews in each of the ten categories, noting similarities and differences.
- Make sure to use Scripture to support your responses.
- State which of these worldviews you find more compelling and why.
- Include a conclusion that contains at least one suggestion as to how people from these two worldviews might be able to communicate clearly or live together in harmony.
Explanation & Answer
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Secular Materialism and Christian Theism
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Secular Materialism and Christian Theism
Worldviews refer to patterns of ideas, habits, beliefs, and convictions that play a
significant role in our lives because they assist in understanding our existence. Several
worldviews have been formulated for the past years to represent many different individuals that
have attracted many followers worldwide. Christianity and secular materialism are among these
worldviews (Margaret, 2021). This paper will examine how these two worldviews explain their
existence and how they are different.
Christianity's worldview is deemed the most popular or common worldview, where it has
many or billions of followers from several races and nations across the world (Menuge, 2014). In
this worldview, Christians believe that a supreme being, called God, is the source or creator of
everything. Christians believe in the gospel of Messiah, Jesus Christ, who was prophesized that
he will come, live and die by being crucified so that he dies for them, primarily sinners, making
their sins forgiven so that they can inherit the kingdom of God in traditional Israel. According to
this worldview, the Bible acts as a medium or way used by God to communicate to us, and this is
generally revealed through Jesus Christ, His only son, and nature. Christianity's worldview has
tried to explain where the world and all that is in it came into being by explaining the universe's
origin, starting with the supreme being, God, followed by His powerful creations created in six
days. This theory proceeds by expounding on how man fell or the origin of man's miseries after
going against God's will in the Garden of Eden and the redemption of the human through Jesus
Christ (Gillespie, 2018).
On the contrary, the secular materialism worldview centers on the matter as the source of
everything found in the universe. The followers of this worldview believe that everything on the
earth, such as outcomes, mind, thinking, and others, could be traced back to matter, which is the
primary source of origin of everything. With the widespread growth and advent of science,
secular materialism has acquired many individuals who are its followers because of this theory
being more appealing than the Christianity theory. This theory has denied the existence of God,
anything defining logical sense, after-life, and also mocks anyone associated with faith or
Christianity. It represents an umbrella composed of beliefs based on our purpose, origin of
existence, and nature that many contemporary academics agree with and therefore are followers.
These two worldviews are different, mainly based on how they define the world's existence and
how the theories look at the universe's presence. Myer and Noebel (2015) outlined the ten
approaches used when looking at or defining the world based on these two theories and other
theories (Vyacheslav, 2019).
The first discipline is philosophy, which focuses on availing answers to individuals
interested in knowing everything on the earth's surface (Gillespie, 2018). The views that
originate from a Christian's point of view are that God is the Supreme Being and source of
knowledge, which makes followers of this theory align towards reading the Bible as the primary
way of acquiring God's knowledge and wisdom. Also, Christians typically focus on praying to
interact and communicate with God and read the Bible. Christian understanding plays an
essential role in our lives as it explains some challenging things to our minds. However, this
knowledge often leaves the room, which is justifiable, leading to disagreements such as the
origin of these pieces of information has not been logically watertight. On the other hand, secular
materialism is based on logical senses drawn from experimentations and calculations. For
instance, scientists and academicians are usually exposed to many experiences. They are forced
to work for several years in laboratories with the primary objective of establishing evidence for
these theories. So far, this theory has achieved so many things vital for developing our abilities to
make accurate predictions by comprehension of laws of nature, apart from doing extraordinary
things to human beings. The theory has realized vast achievements significant to nature
organization, utilization, and gathering, making life easier. However, secular materialism is also
associated with several concepts, such as consciousness, that logical calculations and
experimentations have not answered. Similarly, historical events have not or cannot be subjected
to these experiments (Margaret, 2021).
The second is ethics, which focuses on answering the best way of living or how we are