University of the West Indies Identifying Phrases and Their Function Grammar Task

User Generated



University of the West Indies


Identify the phrases (prepositional, participial, infinitive, gerund, verb) in the following sentences and state their function:

1. Joseph is wading in the pool.

2. They told us to speak quietly.

3. Students prefer seats in the corner.

4. A flock of birds came the next day.

5. Our cousin from Lethem has arrived.

6. Cats and dogs fight in the alley every night.

7. Books in black and red were the clerk’s delight.

8. To read books means to enlarge your horizons.

9. Having seen three birds in the bush, he let the one in his hand fly away.

10. The time for conversation is not before breakfast.

11. Reading novels is an enjoyable exercise

12. Coming round the corner, Susan collided with another cyclist.

13. He commanded me to open the door.

14. Having joined the Foundation Society, Ms. Best renewed tied with her former classmates.

15. To smoke so many cigarettes must be dangerous.

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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.



[Name of Student]
August 22, 2021


Identification of Phrases

It is a verb phrase acting as a predicate, putting meaning to the sentence.


It is an infinitive phrase acting as an adverb in the sentence.


It is a prepositional phrase acting as an adverb in the sentence.


It is a verb phrase acting as the noun in the sentence.


It is a verb phrase acting as a verb in the sentence.


It is a...

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