NSG 4076 Southeastern Staff Members in Alonso Medical Center Essay

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Health Medical

NSG 4076

Southeastern Community College




The introduction establishes the scope, context, and significance of the project being conducted by summarizing current understanding and background information (literature) about the topic, stating the purpose of the work, explaining briefly the approach used to examine the problem, and identifies one or two outcomes of the project.

Problem Statement

A problem statement is the description of a currently existing issue, which needs to be addressed with evidence-based interventions. The statement of the problem is the focal point of the project. Be sure to back up the noted issue/problem with evidence. Must include citations of evidence.


Identify one to two questions to address with your capstone project. Based on the constraint of project length of 10 weeks you may not have time to address a multitude of questions.


The methodology section of the paper addresses:

  • when and how you will collect the pre-intervention data,
  • what the intervention(s) is (are),
  • when/how the intervention(s) will be implemented,
  • how and when you will perform your post-intervention data measurement,
  • how the data will be analyzed.

A friendly reminder that unless your project has gone through the IRB process you will not be allowed to collect data on more than 3 people. For data collection, you will choose 3 people from your aggregate.


Develop a timetable considering the following questions:

  • When will your project start and finish?
  • Are there particular steps or stages to the project?
  • What objectives have you set for this investigation? Are they addressed in the timeline?
  • Is the timetable realistic?
  • How will you provide regular updates and progress reports and to whom will you provide them? How will you demonstrate progress?

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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.



Author's Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Number and Name
Instructor's Name and Title
Assignment Due Date

Healthcare serviced in a community are impacted by various factors. The identification of
these factors would entail conducting a research study that is focused on a specific aggregate group
in order to obtain the relevant health problems and come up with better solutions to these problems
for a healthy community. Often, the players that contribute to a good community health can be the
patients, staff members or the community at large. This capstone project will be evaluating health
problems associated with the aggregate group chosen. The evaluation of the health problems will
be based in Alonso Medical Centre with the staff members being the aggregate group under study.
The purpose of this study is to identify the health problems that staff members of Alonso Medical
center are facing that impact negatively on their performance as key personnel in the healthcare
industry. A survey will be conducted within the medical center where a few staff mem...

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