Kenyatta University Metabolism & Urinary System Research Paper

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Kenyatta University


Utilizing knowledge from your learning and assigned readings, respond to the following questions:
1. Ketosis develops in the postabsorptive state. What is ketosis? Why does it develop? What metabolic effects does it have?
2. What happens during protein catabolism? How is this related to nitrogen balance?
3. Briefly outline the role of the liver in glucose metabolism.
The Urinary System
Utilizing knowledge from your learning and assigned readings, respond to the following questions:
1. List each organ of the urinary system and concisely describe its function.
2. Identify and describe the three major processes involved in urine formation.
3. What is the creatinine clearance?

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Explanation & Answer

Please view explanation and answer below.

1. Ketosis develops in the postabsorptive state. What is ketosis? Why does it develop?
What metabolic effects does it have?
As the body undergoes major digestive process, it experiences two major
metabolic states: absorptive state and postabsorptive state. During the absorptive state,
nutrients are being absorbed into the circulatory and lymphatic systems that occur
immediately after a meal. Absorbed aminos acids are used by cells and some enters the
liver to be converted into lipids. When conversion of other molecules to glucose happens,
this is known as the postabsorptive state. The postabsorptive state maintains the blood
glucose level in the body. The major source of blood glucose is the glycogen stored in the
body is the liver. However, stored glycogen can only last only for about four hours which
triggers the body to use lipids as energy source. Other tissues such as skeletal muscle use
fatty acids that can be converted to form acetyl-CoA. When this happens, the
combination of two acetyl- CoA can create ketones. Proper number of ketones can be
beneficial in the blood and is considered as a natural metabolic process called ketosis.
Health experts explain that ketosis can improve metabolic disorders through reduction in
serum triglycerides, elevation in high-density lipoprotein (HDL), and increase size and
volume of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particles. However, it is necessary to
understand that excessive production of ketones may exceed the body’s capacity to break
down molecu...

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