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Interactive Case Study Journal - DNR
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Interactive Case Study Journal - DNR
Do-not-Resuscitate orders are sensitive issues in a healthcare setting. It is a decision held
by an individual, and in most cases, the family members are unaware and, as such, do not
conquer with such a decision. Family members may be of the opinion that the available time
should be utilized sufficiently to try and save a life. Nonetheless, in case the patient is in an
instance of severe pain and very weak and unable to resume a quality of life they previously
enjoyed, the order appears as a human avenue to explore, justifying the order (Yang et al., 2012).
A patient that is in the blink of dying may be unable to speak on their behalf and hence
incorporate such decisions for the uncertain future.
A DNR alludes to an order a healthcare practitioner signs following a decision by the
patient to not incorporate cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the event the heart ceases to beat. As
evident in the case, the CAN is found perfor...