Assessment Guide
MBA 5005 - Managing Human Capital
For the assessment of MBA Unit 5005, there are three assessment tasks you have to fulfil in order to complete the unit.
Details are given in the unit descriptor and on “Studyboard@VIT”.
Some clarification on each assessment:
Discussion Participation: You will be assessed based on your accessible login on LMS, using the CHAT
on the LMS. Also, your interaction through email etc. with faculty and coordinators in Australia will be
considered. No assessment is undertaken by any other facilitator.
Individual Report - Scenario Case Study: You will individually develop and complete three scenario
case studies, each with a different deliverable focus (PowerPoint presentation, reports, communication
exercises). The scenarios are based around a single organisation and may include reporting student
assessment of the impact of introducing performance management; handling economic shock in
organisations or crisis management planning.
Small Group Presentation: In groups of 3-4, you will complete a power point presentation. The presentation is based on a single global organisation and must include human resource turnaround strategies;
research informed cultural improvement initiatives; specifying senior executive position requirements
and utilising available linked in profiles to identify candidates.
Assessment time table:
Week 2, 3, 4, 5 Due by
Sunday, 11:55pm
Discussion Participation: 20% weightage
Individual Scenario Case Study: 40% weightage
Week 4 Due by Friday,
Small Group Presentation: 40% weightage
Week 6 Due by Friday,
Each week our LMS will guide you for that particular week, these all are the course requirement of our MBA programme.
For each assessment, our “Studyboard@VIT” will provide details on assessment task and guidelines including how you will
be assessed on each assessment task, marking criteria and so on.
The Following Instruction strictly applicable all through our MBA Programme;
> 1. The assessments are an important part of unit progression and are to be attended to diligently. Hence, no attempt at
an assessment means no marks.
> 2. No assessment is allowed beyond a time limit as given and announced and therefore, to be submitted in time. Late
submission would attract 10%-mark deductions for each day late submission.
> 3. Assessment must be followed as per the guidelines provided. For example, if the assessment is on writing report
with 2000 words, the word count is important. Where the word count deviates by more than 10%, there will be a 10%
mark deduction.
> 4. All assessments must be submitted to VIT, Australia and will be checked, marked and provided with feed
back. All assessment must be undertaken by VIT, Australia.
> 5. Assessment can be submitted only on LMS who will scan the assignments/answer papers and will submit on the
same day to VIT, Australia.
> 6. The final mark is the weighted assessment marks across the entire unit.
> 7. Students are required to achieve at least 40% in each assessment component and an overall mark of 50% to achieve
a pass grade in the unit. If a student does not achieve 40% in an assessment and the overall mark for the unit is
more than 50%, then a mark of 49% will be recorded for the unit
> 8. The authorised agent/ local facilitator can help students understand the various parts of the assessment and also
will be appointed as “Invigilator” (supervision only) for the assessment.
Note - For all assignments, the preferred layout is in 12-point Calibri, with 1.5 line spacing, 5 centimetres left-hand margins
and bold headings. Whenever you use the ideas and arguments of other writers, you must make reference to the writers
and their work. By acknowledging the work of others, you avoid plagiarism. The APA style requires a reference list at the
end of your assignment. It is arranged in alphabetical order by author surname.
For further Enquiry or clarification, you can contact coordinator through emails.
Further details on each assessment for MBA 5005 is given in the subsequent pages.
Assessment 1
Discussion Participation: Weightage 20%
> 1. In this class, on line discussion will count towards
your overall grade for the course. The purpose of the
discussion board is to frame and promote collaborative learning. Active and regular participation is not
only important from the lecturer’s point of view but is
also important for you in learning the course content
and in developing your thoughts and position on
various topics.
The Assessor will be asses you on the following
> 2. You are expected to participate in at least 3 different
forums. You should begin at least one thread and
provide at least three posts in response to other
participants’ threads. Posting should be a minimum
of one short paragraph and a maximum of two
paragraphs. Word totals for each post should be in the
100-200 words range.
> c. Pose new possibilities or opinions not previously
> 3. While on discussion: You agree or disagree explain
why with supporting evidence and concepts from the
readings or a related experience. Include a reference,
link, or citation when appropriate.
Discussion and Participation:
> a. Are made in a timely fashion, giving others an
opportunity to respond.
> b. Are thoughtful with appropriate analysis of the
content or question asked.
> d. Are ideas are expressed clearly, concisely. Uses
appropriate vocabulary. Is attentive to spelling and
> e. Spend the time construct creative, challenging and
engaging discussion assignments, which promote
> 4. While on discussion: Be organized in your thoughts
and ideas. Incorporate correlations with the assigned
readings or topics. Stay on topic. Provide evidence of
critical thinking in your responses or interactions
Avoid summarizing.
> 5. During the discussion: Contribute to the learning
community by being creative in your approaches to
topics, being relevant in the presented viewpoints, and
attempting to motivate the discussion.
> 6. In discussion: Be aware of grammar and
sentence mechanics. Use proper etiquette.
> 7. Remember that being respectful is critical at all times
in the classroom, online and during forum chat
Grading Criteria Assessment Task 1: Forum Discussion (20%)
(A 80-100%)
Very Good
(B 70-79%)
(C 60-69%)
(D 50-59%)
(N 0-49%)
Context and
critical thinking
✓Comments always insightful
& constructive
✓Uses appropriate terminology.
✓Comments balanced between general impressions,
opinions & specific, thoughtful
criticisms, or contributions.
✓Comments mostly insightful
& constructive
✓Mostly uses appropriate
✓Comments are mostly relevant with the discussion
✓Comments are occasionally
insightful & constructive.
✓Occasionally use appropriate
✓Comments are occasionally
too general or not relevant to
the discussion.
✓Comments are sometimes
constructive, with occasional
signs of insight.
✓Student does not use appropriate terminology.
✓Comments not always relevant to the discussion.
✓Comments are uninformative.
✓Lacking in appropriate
✓Heavy reliance on opinion &
personal taste.
✓Disciplinary knowledge is
clearly presented and uses
disciplinary language authoritatively.
✓Shows critical understanding
of the issue presented and
demonstrates depth and accuracy of understanding.
✓Disciplinary knowledge is
clearly presented and uses
disciplinary language competently.
✓Shows a proficient awareness of the issue presented
and demonstrates accuracy of
✓Disciplinary knowledge is
presented and uses disciplinary language approaching
✓Shows an awareness of the
issue presented and demonstrates limited content understanding
✓Disciplinary knowledge lacks
clarity and uses disciplinary
language tentatively.
✓Shows an awareness of the
issue presented and some
evidence of gaining new understanding.
✓Disciplinary knowledge is
unclear and does not use the
language of the discipline in a
sustained fashion.
✓demonstrates no evidence of
gaining new understanding.
Grammar and
✓Employs excellent discipline-based vocabulary
relevant to the context and
adheres to grammatical convention.
✓Employs a competent
discipline-based vocabulary
relevant to the context and
adheres to grammatical convention.
✓Employs a developing disciplinary based vocabulary that
adheres to the basic rules of
✓Demonstrates limited disciplinary based vocabulary that
adheres to the basic rules of
grammar, with a number of
✓The task largely reverts to
the use of non-discipline specific vocabulary with grammatical errors that interfere with
✓Employs an accurate academic referencing convention
citing multiple sources.
✓Employs an accurate academic referencing convention
citing multiple sources, with
some errors.
✓Employs a basic academic referencing convention
appropriate to the discipline,
with an adequate number of
✓Employs a basic academic
referencing convention appropriate to the discipline with
limited sources.
✓Shows unfamiliarity with,
and inconsistent application
of the conventions of academic referencing with inadequate
Total marks
It is important to check how student has been manage timing and promptness
Marks Structure
Assessment 2
Individual Scenario Case Study: Weightage 40%
Students will Individually develop and complete a scenario case studies. This assignment requires that you write a
3,000-word individual report. The scenario is based around
a single organisation and may include reporting student
assessment of the impact of introducing performance
management; handling economic shock in organisations
and crisis management planning. This will involve critically assessing the issues presented in the case alongside
theory/literature and making recommendations for improvements to the management systems/approaches used
by the case study organisation. Recommendations should
demonstrate your understanding of best practice concepts
in the academic literature and should provide examples of
how organisational policy and practices can be revised to
improve efficiency and/or effectiveness of operations.
Process of the written Assessment:
In a scenario case study, you should investigate a business
problem, examine the alternative solutions, and propose
the most effective solution using supporting evidence.
Case study report should be written in appropriate business language so that your analysis and discussion have
an objective tone. Your writing should be clear and concise and be in your own words. Use headings to guide the
reader and include tables or diagrams that make the case
clearer. The scenarios are based around a single organisation selected by the students, where based on the real case,
student need to develop and complete a report based on
three different areas:
> 1. Introducing performance management
> 2. Handling economic shock in organisations
> 3. Crisis management planning
The characteristics of a Scenario Case Study are:
A case scenario is a detailed report of a company, industry,
person, or a project over a particular time period. Cases are
used as a basic tool for group discussion which enables the
participating student to take up the roles of key players in
actual business situations. The case method describes real
management issues in real companies.
What to be included in a case scenario?
> Introduces the case, including the background and the
> Describes the purpose and the background of the study
and the specific questions you are trying to answer.
> Describe what you found through your investigations,
e.g. the main themes that came out in interviews,
responses to questionnaires, significant observations.
> Explain the significance of the study and what can be
learnt from it.
> Note that a case study is a study of a situation so you
can’t generalise the results to all other situations. That
means your report should focus on what can be learnt
about that situation and the individuals involved.
> Recommendations provides proposals for future action
to solve the problem or improve the situation.
Uses of case scenarios strengthen practical thinking as well
as allow students to study those specific examples and
apply that knowledge to new, though relatable, situations.
The effectiveness of this instructional strategy is accomplished through an appropriate situation in which a problem relates to both the interests and experience levels of
the involved students. Scenario case studies also provides
the opportunity for group brainstorming.
How to present a high-quality scenario case study?
> Analyse the problem
> Provide solution
> Reveal real business difficulties
> Include specific, quantifiable results
> Build suspense, have a satisfying conclusion
> Solve a generalizable business problem
Grading Criteria Assessment Task 2: Case study (40%)
(A 80-100%)
Very Good
(B 70-79%)
(C 60-69%)
(D 50-59%)
(N 0-49%)
Argument and
✓Excellent, logically
developed structure matched
to the task.
✓Generates a highly
developed, focused, and
sustained argument(s) related
to the essay topic
✓Uses logically developed
structure matched to the task.
✓Generates developed and
focused argument(s) related
to the essay topic.
✓Uses somewhat logical
structure of paragraphs but
with errors.
✓Generates few developed
and focused argument(s)
related to the essay topic.
✓Poor logic in structure of
✓Poor development and focus
of argument(s) related to the
essay topic.
✓Paragraph structure is not
clear, well ordered, or logical.
✓Generates a series of
statements or claims without
connecting these to form a
clear, logical argument.
✓Classifies multiple
perspectives employing and
integrating theory very well.
✓Explores relationships
between component
✓Integrates perspectives to
develop insights.
✓Classifies perspectives
employing and integrating
some theory.
✓Explores relationships
between component
✓Integrates contrasting
perspectives to develop
✓Identifies, compares, and
contrasts perspectives in a
wider context with limited
theoretical application.
✓Organises component
elements/variables in a given
✓Formulates a response that
integrates perspectives
✓Poor comparison and
contrast of key perspectives
with limited theoretical
application. Poor organisation
of elements/variables in a
given framework.
✓Response does not
integrate contra
✓Does not compare and contrast key perspectives.
✓Unable to organise elements/variables in a given
✓Response does not integrate
contrasting perspectives on
the issues.
✓Disciplinary knowledge is
clearly presented and uses
disciplinary language authoritatively.
✓Shows critical understanding
of the issue presented and
demonstrates depth and accuracy of understanding.
✓Disciplinary knowledge is
clearly presented and uses
disciplinary language competently,
✓Shows a proficient awareness of the issue presented
and demonstrates accuracy of
✓Disciplinary knowledge is
presented and uses disciplinary language approaching
✓Shows an awareness of the
issue presented and demonstrates limited content understanding
✓Disciplinary knowledge lacks
clarity and uses disciplinary
language tentatively.
✓Shows an awareness of the
issue presented and some
evidence of gaining new understanding.
✓Disciplinary knowledge is
unclear and does not use the
language of the discipline in a
sustained fashion,
✓Demonstrates no evidence of
gaining new understanding.
Grammar and
✓Employs excellent discipline-based vocabulary
relevant to the context and
adheres to grammatical convention.
✓Employs a competent
discipline-based vocabulary
relevant to the context and
adheres to grammatical convention.
✓Employs a developing disciplinary based vocabulary that
adheres to the basic rules of
✓Demonstrates limited disciplinary based vocabulary that
adheres to the basic rules of
grammar, with a number of
✓The task largely reverts to
the use of non-discipline specific vocabulary with grammatical errors that interfere with
✓Employs an accurate academic referencing convention
citing multiple sources.
✓Employs an accurate academic referencing convention
citing multiple sources, with
some errors.
✓Employs a basic academic referencing convention
appropriate to the discipline,
with an adequate number of
✓Employs a basic academic
referencing convention appropriate to the discipline with
limited sources.
✓Shows unfamiliarity with,
and inconsistent application
of the conventions of academic referencing with inadequate
Total Marks
Marks Structure
Please take take note for your assignment:
> a. Structure the written report: Background information is relevant, Issues are logically ordered, Recommendations
clearly relate to the issues.
> b. Identify main issues: Prioritise choices, justify and prioritise issues chosen rovide solution
> c. Analyse the issues: Each issue is discussed using relevant concepts and principles. Insight is shown in analysing the
> d. Discuss alternatives: Consider all viable short term and long-term alternatives to solve each issue. Examine the
advantages and disadvantages of each alternative.
> e. Explain resources: Individuals from the case, time frame and monitoring processes required for the
recommendations to be put into practice uild suspense, have a satisfying conclusion.
> f. Write clearly and concisely: Arguments are explicit and succinct, appropriate headings are used, grammar and
spelling are accurate.
Assessment 3
Small Group Presentation - Weightage 40%
complexity of the real world “messy” problems by
learning from the information presented by other
In groups of 3-4, students will complete a power point
presentation. In this presentation you should investigate
a business problem, examine the alternative solutions,
and propose the most effective solution using supporting
evidence. The presentation should be written in appropriate business language so that your analysis and discussion
have an objective tone. Your writing should be clear and
concise and be in your own words.
Stage Two – Giving the Presentation
The presentations have three main objectives:
> 1. To give students the opportunity to develop and test
their skills of presentation in a supportive
Process of the Presentation:
> 2. To give students the opportunity to get feedback on
the level and depth of their analysis from tutors and
peers which will help them to improve the quality of
their work for subsequent courseworks; and
The presentation is based on a single global organisation
selected by the small group of students, where based on
the real case, student need to develop and complete a
power point presentation with different issues focus as
detailed below:
> 3. To allow students to develop a deeper insight into the
complexity of the real world “messy” problems by
learning from the information presented by other
> 1. Resource turnaround strategies
> 2. Research informed cultural improvement initiatives
> 3. Specifying senior executive position requirements and
utilising available linked in profiles to identify
Stage Three – Improving Your Performance
The focus of the presentation stage is to give students
feedback which will help them to improve future
performance (see below for further details of how the
presentation is evaluated)
For the presentation, software packages such as PowerPoint or Prezi can be utilised. The presentation should last
between 12 and 15 minutes.
Presentation structure
What are the key stages in the learning and assessment
Your presentation should have the following structure (max
10 slides or equivalent):
Stage One – Working in a Group
> Team members (1 slide)
The module leader will facilitate the setting up of groups
but you as a group need to allocation/select the examined
company. Team members will have the responsibility to
schedule meetings out-with class time to allocate tasks
to individual team members, monitor progress and make
arrangements for a rehearsal of the presentation prior to
the event. Students must keep a record of all the group
> Outline of the key issues (Q1 above) (2 slide)
Stage Two – Giving the Presentation
> Conclusion and Recommendation (1 slide)
> Introduction of the organisation, background
information, outline of the structure (1 slide)
> Outline of the key issues (Q2 above) (2 slide)
> Outline of the key issues (Q3 above) (2 slide)
The presentations have three main objectives:
> 1. To give students the opportunity to develop and test
their skills of presentation in a supportive
Submission requirements
The submission of this coursework includes two steps:
> 2. To give students the opportunity to get feedback on
the level and depth of their analysis from tutors and
peers which will help them to improve the quality of
their work for subsequent courseworks; and
> 1. Upload the group presentation including voiceover to
Turnitin submission link.
> 2. Prepare and upload a word document including the
text of your presentation and the snapshot of the
> 3. To allow students to develop a deeper insight into the
Grading Criteria Assessment Task 3: Group Report and Presentation 40%)
Excellent(A 80-100%)
Very Good(B 70-79%)
Good (C 60-69%)
Pass (D 50-59%)
Fail (N 0-49%)
Argument and
Report Structure
✓Excellent logically developed
structure matched to the task.
✓Generates a highly developed, focused, and sustained
argument(s) related to the
✓Uses logically developed
structure matched to the task.
✓Generates developed and
focused argument(s) related
to the report.
✓Uses somewhat logical
structure of paragraphs but
with errors.
✓Generates few developed
and focused argument(s)
related to the report
✓Poor logic in structure of
✓Poor development and focus
of argument(s) related to the
✓Paragraph structure is not
clear, well ordered, or logical.
✓Generates a series of
statements or claims without
connecting these to form a
clear, logical argument.
✓Disciplinary knowledge is
clearly presented and uses
disciplinary language authoritatively.
✓Shows critical understanding
of the issue presented and
demonstrates depth and accuracy of understanding.
✓Disciplinary knowledge is
clearly presented and uses
disciplinary language competently,
✓Shows a proficient awareness of the issue presented
and demonstrates accuracy of
✓Disciplinary knowledge is
presented and uses disciplinary language approaching
✓Shows an awareness of the
issue presented and demonstrates limited content understanding
✓Disciplinary knowledge lacks
clarity and uses disciplinary
language tentatively,
✓Shows an awareness of the
issue presented and some
evidence of gaining new understanding.
✓Disciplinary knowledge is
unclear and does not use the
language of the discipline in a
sustained fashion.
✓Demonstrates no evidence of
gaining new understanding.
Presentation &
Engagement convincing
✓Informative presentation
that focuses on supporting its
central argument in a convincing and compelling manner.
Well-structured presentation
✓Uses clear, powerful appropriate language for student
and academic audience
✓Coherently and logically
structures the presentation.
✓Uses clear appropriate
language for students,
academic audience is
convincing and compelling
✓Logically structures the
presentation - approaching
✓Uses some appropriate
language for student academic audience is somewhat
convincing and/or compelling.
✓Attempts to structure the
poster and presentation if
somewhat incoherently.
✓Uses minimal appropriate
language for the audience not
convincing or compelling
✓Does not present a coherent
and succinct explanation
and ideas are not logically
organised nor relevant to
✓Does not appropriate
language for the audience. Not
convincing or compelling.
✓An integrated contribution
to the response to the task,
which reflects critical assimilation of other group perspectives, reaching a balanced and
well-founded conclusion, set
of findings or recommendations.
✓A co-ordinated contribution
to the response to the task,
which reflects assimilation of
other perspectives, reaching
a qualified conclusion, set of
findings or recommendations.
✓A response to the task which
attempts to accommodate or
draw upon each individual
contribution in a coherent and
structured fashion, reaching
a tentative conclusion, set of
findings or recommendations.
✓A response to the task, which
reflects each individual contribution, and constructs a less
than coherent, but plausible,
conclusion, set of findings or
✓Response does not account
for other contributions or is
unable to effectively include
other points of view to reach a
plausible conclusion.
Questions and
✓Responds to questions in a
precise, persuasive manner
with relevance to the poster
presentation and refers to
information that goes beyond
ideas already presented.
✓Responds to questions in a
precise manner with relevance
to the poster presentation
and refers to some information that goes beyond ideas
already presented.
✓Responds to questions in an
appropriate manner and with
some relevance to the poster
presentation, and shows
knowledge and understanding
of the topic
✓Responds to questions in
an appropriate and coherent
manner, but demonstrates a
limited knowledge of the topic
✓Does not respond to
questions or does so with
little coherence and relevance
to the topic.
Total Marks
Marks Structure
Submitted To
Managing Human Capitals (MBA5005)
Victorian Institute of Technology, Melbourne
NOTE: This is only a sample that you can refer to get an idea on how to work on
your assignment. This may not cover all aspects of the requirement. Therefore it
is necessary to read your assignment guide. Best approach is to discuss with
your lecturer if need further information.
Introduction: The main aim of this report is that to review the global coffee brand along with its
management and turnover cultural values and strategy initiative, planning and requirements of
human resource position management and its utilization within selected global organization. To
reach this objective we selected ‘Starbucks’ which is well-known global chain organization in all
over the world under coffee industry.
Business Analysis: ` Starbucks Corporation' is a multinational b rand headquarter located in USA.
This is highly focused to coffee like, Cappuccino, Mocha, Latte and espresso all throughout the
planet with its extraordinary image worth and prevalence. In 1971, Jerry Baldwin, Gordon Bowker
and Zev Siegl were set up Starbucks in Seattle's modern hot coffee super Market. At present,
more than 346, 000 representatives, 3.60 Billion net benefit, in excess of 82 nations and in excess
of 31,000 stores are encountering by Starbucks by various country and structures. Espresso,
Handcrafted Beverages, Non-Food things, Fresh Food, Packaged merchandise, adornments, cups
and blessings are primary item range which offer by Starbucks. 'To motivate and sustain the
human soul one individual, each cup and one area in turn' is the statement of purpose of
Starbucks alongside organization benefits of creating a culture of background and performing
where everybody is gladly received and conveying their best in service they do, evaluating
themselves viable for customer attraction [1]:
Acting with boldness, stirring things up, and looking freshest strategies to developing their
organization and associating one another
Being present associating either straightforwardness, poise, or regard with execution
passed through the perspective of human demands
Global Business Chain Management Strategies of Starbucks:
Strategy One: Initially, Starbucks had not technologically advanced machineries to produce
coffee (automation). Therefore, higher investments on costly equipments to prepare coffee of
accomplishing gourmets and consisting coffee is main turnaround strategy in Starbucks.
Sustainability of competitive advantage and increased customer engagement are highly relied on
this turnaround strategy. For example, initiation on concentrating shots of cold pressed coffee
espresso and patent pending aqua-temp technologies are main system operation which used by
Starbucks. Starbucks updated a new procession to producing a concentrating shot of cold pressed
espressos to be provided as a lays for different items offerings. Starbucks has an ability to use
passion, knowledge, and resources to lead the coffee industry towards new innovations while
other competitors are just now catching with the resources and capabilities of Starbucks in basic
espresso-based beverages [2].
Strategy Two: Secondly, strongest human resource function was needed to Starbucks thanks to
having highest ratio. Thus, sound relationship between employer and employee is initiated while
eliminating wide gap in bureaucracy. for instance, payments, retirement savings, bonus, partner
networks, affiliate discounts, Spotify premium subscription, Elite athlete program, stock, perks,
in-store discount, recognition program, on-site gymnasium, and matching gifts program and daycare clean-up are offered for all employees under labour union to assure them long term service.
Strategy Three: Because of getting emerging digitized business environment, virtual market was
needed to be expanded by Starbucks. Therefore, Greatest information technology succession
lead to creating of expansion in every year. Moreover, they need ‘Starbucks App’ in both are
available in Apple phone and Android software while allowing to mobile payment, loyalty and
ordering programs. Further, computer-based technology (AI) is employed through ‘My Barista’
feature which permit customers to order goods through messaging and voice recognition on the
appliance without having to be within the stores [3].
Strategy Four: Demand for green products is another opportunity round the world and
turnaround strategy was initiated by Starbucks. Starbucks trials a 'NextGen Cup' answer for their
clients. to check this arrangement, Starbucks drew in with shut circle framework to approve the
new cup will be reused more promptly than this cup. Thus, Starbucks expressed objective to
twofold their reused content, recyclability, composability and reusability of cups and bundles by
Cultural Improvement Initiatives in Starbucks: `Localization Globally’ methodology is
exceptionally initiated while tolerating and wining various societies. At the point when Starbucks
open new bistro in new market, long haul history of social variation is utilized. Right now
Starbucks is working their business on 6 mainland and in 78 nations domains and nations. on
account of limitation, Starbucks connected with different societies while giving agreeable nature
for supporters to drink their espresso and eat food things which offered by Starbucks.
Neighbourhood culture is very stressed by Starbucks. for example, the greater part of times
organization follows with new brand's tones and viewpoint for their image to adjust
neighbourhood culture. For instance, Starbucks in Japan, mirrors that country's religion through
neighbourhood structures which installed with low rooftops and circuitous references to
Shintoism. Bistro in Meguro has type of conventional Japanese tea house. 2,000 wood-based
craft-blocks was introduced when created espresso coffeeshop in Fukuoka popularized the
between hope to convey a timberland like articulation for their clients. Starbucks shops in Japan
provides restricted food things like matcha or tea and Frappuccino mix coffee. Japanese
individuals need less sweet food things. In this way, Starbucks offers less sweet items than USA
bistros. Japan needed their conventional teahouse appearance from Starbucks. As a
consequence of, Starbucks employed Japanese planners to make exact neighbourhoods make
store for their bistro. Extraordinarily, Japanese individuals, Indian individuals and Chinese
individuals exceptionally communicated their cultivating exercises [4].
So, Starbucks additionally needed to adjust this activity. Financial and social advancement in
nearby culture is featured through venture on various projects towards the security of
neighbourhood climate. The synergistic rancher program like rancher support focuses, rancher
credits and woodland carbon projects are executing by Starbucks. In Chinese setting, financial
class was for the most part favouring espresso and this was most noteworthy freedom to
Starbucks. Chinese individuals are gathering with parcel of people. To adjust this component,
Starbucks made their tables which might be assembled to oblige gatherings. At first, Starbucks
sold tea for Chinese clients while getting a charge out of various air towards goal feeling. After
got settled with espresso, Starbucks began selling their particular items.
In Indian context, wooden tables with wooden carvings in Mumbai and copper antiquities which
underlines copper culture in Pune were begun by Starbucks through restriction system.
Ropework culture is extremely communicated in Delhi and ropework configuration is created in
Starbucks shops in Indian capital city Delhi. The people of India have use of tea or espresso while
drinking coffee. Hence, Indian popular menus of Konkani turned and Kebab rolls are added to
menu as opposed to biscuits and local sandwich. Himalayan water or Teavana refreshments
likewise added to menu since people of India has more longing coffee than tea.
Requirement of Senior-position in Starbucks: Minimum qualification is bachelor’s degree is
mandatory in relevant field mainly in business administration, management, communication or
supply chain management is highly preferred, a minimum of 3 to 4 year of experience in Executive
Office support, with seven to nine years of in general proficient experience. Strength preparing
and certifications or postgraduate education is additionally thought to be, fantastic
correspondence and relational abilities, both composed and verbal, including the ability to talk
across societies and subsequently the capacity to make reference to "no" viably and without
negative results [5].
Ability of effective supporting: Experience imparting and organizing with private contributors as
establishment staff, high total assets people, social business visionaries, and so forth Required
information, abilities and gifts, Demonstrated involvement with building local area connections,
Ability to talk unmistakably and succinctly, both orally and recorded as a hard copy, Ability to
oversee successfully in an incredibly quick moving climate, Ability to deal with various
circumstances at the same time, Ability to oversee assets to ensure that set up help levels are
accomplished at all occasions, Knowledge of client assistance strategies Strong operational
abilities in a really client care climate, Strong administration abilities, with the adaptability to
teach and guide others, Ability to deal with secret and touchy information.
Conclusion: Throughout the report, we tried to understand the business planning and policy of
Starbucks as global corporation in hospitality industry. Along with researched information,
company background data with its mission and values was elaborated. Then, four turnaround
strategies were identified under automation, strongest HRM function, digitized business
environment and highest demand for green products. After that, cultural adaptation was
investigated through major issues and greatest adaptation which adhered by Starbucks. Here,
Japan, China and India were used to show that cultural improvement initiatives. Finally,
knowledge, skills, abilities, and experiences were demonstrated for human resource hiring
process in Starbucks.
Recommendations: Rising availability of home coffee machines is major threat to Starbucks.
Therefore, existing differentiation strategy should be improved further to attract those
customers who are drinking coffee from their home. Competitions with cheap coffee seller shops
and conglomerate outlets, Imitation, Union strike, Covid-19 virus. Global economic recession and
increased price of wholesale coffee beans in Africa are major threats for Starbucks. As a group,
we suggested that following opportunities to be used to eliminate those threats:
Expanding in developing countries markets
Global Coffee business diversification and product specification
Introducing newest relevant products
Cope up with latest coffee trends and technologies
Expanding home delivery and online public relations
Award winning coffee subscription plan popularizing globally
1. Barnard, K., Bellancia, M., & Rubbs, P. (2016). A short guide to managing human capital. The
nature of market analysis and prediction: Greater market and human (pp. 19-92). New York,
(2019). The
3. Carson, J. (2018). Analyzing and Evaluating global brand: Case Coca-cola. Journal of Market
Consultation and Marketing Psychology, 168(5), 8413–8356. doin:10.10237//010226006X.68.5.8438
4. Ciasmas, C. S (2019). Educating Management and Marketing: The branding skills in Supply
chain. British Journal of Organizational Management 119, 442-4427. Retrieved from
5. Donjons J.P. & Martini .O (Eds.), Current trends of Organization Management and Evaluation,
Paperwork presented at the 23th Australian Council for Business Research Symposium, Brisbane
Queensland. Quoted from The Australian.
NOTE: This is only a sample that you can refer to get an idea on how to work on
your assignment. This may not cover all aspects of the requirement. Therefore it
is necessary to read your assignment guide. Best approach is to discuss with
your lecturer if need further information.
Executive Summary
The report highlights the information of three of the major concepts of Human Resource
management. After providing the details about the human resource management, the
report had discussed about the company Canva in Sydney, Australian based providing
its services worldwide. The services of the company are in graphics major. The company
had applied great performance management measures such as feedback culture that is
efficient enough to make the employees work with aligned goals with the company. The
company also has great economic shock handling plan where all the economic shocks
are taken as risks by managers and are monitored for controlling purpose. The company
also applies extraordinary crisis management through infrastructure that has the ability to
deal with risks that have occurred and were not planed.
The report provide details about Canva facing cyber-attack on database in May 2019.
The company confirmed the breached and it hit hard on business model of the company
as well. The company lost many users after this affect that resulted in revenue loses of
the company. The measures taken to overcome the breach also required extra revenue
for the company. The company was devastated for few weeks in terms of revenue. With
the help of combination of solution extracted from performance management, economic
shock handling and crisis management the company made it through the problem. Two
of the lessons that can be learned from this incident are that the privacy of the consumers
are highly important which they also should take care of and organizations must have
cyber security experts to check their security all the time specially if the company are
providing services through online platforms.
Executive Summary....................................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 3
Case Study- Canva Getting Hacked ............................................................................................................... 4
Purpose and Background .......................................................................................................................... 4
Introducing Performance Management ....................................................................................................... 4
Performance management during Security Breaching Problem .............................................................. 6
Handling Economic Shock ............................................................................................................................. 6
Economic Shock Faced by Canva .............................................................................................................. 7
Crisis Management Planning ........................................................................................................................ 8
How the company found a solution for crisis management..................................................................... 9
Lesson learned from the crisis faced by company .................................................................................. 10
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 10
Bibliography ................................................................................................................................................ 11
Human Resource Management in today’s word is getting complex and must require new
technologies to manage the resources throughout the organization and which are working
with organization outside its premises. The management is getting complex because the
organizations are not bounding the employees to work within the internal environment
rather the employees are working for the companies from external environment as well.
The Concept is important because of this management, the organization can survive in
the market for achieving long term organizational goals. Lack in Human Resource
Management can not only result in disruption in organizational structure but also the
working that can affect the survival of the company is future. All the good organizations
around the world have proper teams for managing HR resources and making their work
align with company goals.
Canva is a private sector, Sydney, Australian based company providing its services
worldwide. The company started in2012 and was founded by Melanie Perkins, Clifford
Obrecht and Cameron Adams. The organization is providing services for enterprises as
well as individuals through subsidiaries such as Canva, Canva Pro, Canva for Enterprise
and Canva for Education. (MATSUMOTO, 2020) The organization is providing services
regarding graphics, posters, documents, presentations and other visual artifacts. They
have almost 1500 employees working in the organization which are managed by HR
department and company pays full focus on human resource management to make sure
the employees are working for company goals. The report contains Canva case study
where it faced a major let down due to cyber-attack affecting company badly. The report
will highlight the whole case study and how company introduced performance
management, handling economic shock and crisis management planning along with how
it managed these aspects through company’s hard time.
Case Study- Canva Getting Hacked
Purpose and Background
On May 2019, it was founded that Canvas website has been hacked and almost 139
million user’s information has been breached. The breached information has been shared
online along with passwords. The usernames, real names, email addresses, passwords
and locations all information were made public hitting the company hard on customers
end. The customers also started criticizing the company as soon as the company notified
the users about their information getting hacked. (ANDERSON, 2019) The company
focused on their achievements more than the actual problem that was the security threat
to the uses data.
Introducing Performance Management
The performance management in Canva is one of the major concept the company work
on very seriously. The Performance management within the organization is maintained
through different measures. The performance management of Canva is directed towards
aligning the individual and team goals towards the company’s objectives and aims.
(Halder, 2019)Through following ways Canva ensure performance management within
the company premises:
Feedback as a culture: Canva makes sure that their highly talented team of employees
are always involved within providing the best of the ideas for the company. This is
important when the performance of the employees are linked with these ideas. The
company provides equal opportunity for all the employees to come forth and play their
part in the company’s success. For this purpose, the company has introduced the
feedback as a culture concept where the employees can provide ideas and feedback
against the ideas and can improve the implementation of the plan. (NANCLARES, 2019)
The feedback culture ensures that the employees are playing their part within the success
of achieving the goals of the company.
For example if an employee provides an idea, all the other employees can provide
feedback according to their experience on how that idea can be improved and can be
applied to make profits for the company working towards the goals of the organization.
Asker-Driven Approach: The Company promotes the im0lementation of the asker driven
approach that helps the employees to collect feedback from their managers and anyone
who can provide them critiques over their work. This helps in improving the work and thus
eliminating any errors or faults that can hurt the working of the employees. This
performance management approach is a good once because it asks the employees to
get their work straight before getting into any problems and helps in managing risks as
well. (NANCLARES, 2019)
There are two ways through which this approach is applied to the company that is: either
the authority provides the feedback to change something from their staff members within
Canva. Or the staff members reach up to authorities and ask them to check their work
and provide relative feedback.
Creating a safe space: Canva is one of the company that has an internal environment
friendly culture between the employees such that they can just walk up to each other and
ask for helping them out. The employees can walk up to their seniors to ask them help as
a friend rather than as a boss. Canva manages many risks this way and this approach
gave the performance management a boost. The better the performance of the
employees, the better is the work the more business grows. This helps in maintaining the
business model of the company as well. (NANCLARES, 2019)
For example if any staff members facing an issue while work and is stuck somewhere,
she/she can approach other expert of the company and can ask them for their advice to
apply to their work regardless of the rank of the employees. It helps in enhancing the
performance of the staff members enormously.
When Canva faced serious problems while the security breach was witnessed, one of the
key things that made the company overcome the problem was because of the
performance management of the employees. From the feedback culture, all the
employees played their part in finding the solution for the company. The company was
able to stand back up again because of the vital role of the employees. (Halder, 2019)
Performance management during Security Breaching Problem
Many of their users criticized the company and thus the company faced a major
backlashed. The company faced a hard time and few of the weeks were more of a roller
coaster ride for the company employees. However, the company stayed intact and try to
adhere to the major problem they were facing with the help of all the employees of the
company working together. The company claimed that the passwords were not hacked
but encouraged their users to change the password. The company next moved to working
within their organizational environment and directed employees to work for solutions as
soon as possible. The employees reached out to the cyber security teams to investigate
the problem. Moreover the company decided to gain the trust of their customers.
(Cimpanu, 2019) The company forcibly started asking the customers to change their
passwords in the first step with complex passwords trying out different combinations. Next
the company started notifying the users with all the measures they were taking against
the attack to keep the customers acknowledged. The company collaborated with different
companies to provide their users security and company like 1passowrd collaboration
made the Canva users to make the users encourage to use passwords which are different
for all sites. The major challenge for the company was to ensure their customers that the
company will overcome this attach such that the customers don’t need to replace the
software service from Canvas to other platform. Company had to minimize the impact of
the effect of cyber-attack in terms of organizations business model.
Handling Economic Shock
Handling economic shock or companies is not an easy task. Many companies move
towards failure due to economic shocks and not making the right decision to overcome
the shock at the right time. The economic shocks are unpredictable events that occur and
have impact on the economy. (STAFF, 2021) The economic shocks can be classified by
the economic sector with details about from where the shock was generated and why is
has been originated. The whole market can suffer from the economic shocks and all the
companies can have same impact of the shock as well.
Taking example of the COVID-19 pandemic situation, all the companies were facing
economic shock due to similar problems in the market.
There are different types of economic shock that can hit the company and affect the
revenue generation. These include supply shock, demand shock, financial shock, policy
shock and technology shock etc. Canva takes all types of economic shock as in risk factor
that can affect the company’s profit and thus apply risk management to these types of
shocks that can occur. With adding the economic shocks into risk management, the
company is able to predict the risk, its occurrence and the impact of some of the risks.
This help in handling economic shocks with already planned contingency plans. This is
how the company is able to handle the economic shock that occurs.
There are economic shocks which are not handled and can’t be predicted before the
event has actually happened. Taking example of the COVID-19 pandemic, the companies
were not aware of the fact that something so fatal would be coming their way. So these
economic shocks are handled on the time by the company officials according to the
situation of the market and the demand for the services. (STAFF, 2021)
Economic Shock Faced by Canva
The Canva data was breached in May 2019. The company confirmed the breached and
it hit hard on business model of the company as well. The company lost many users after
this affect that resulted in revenue loses of the company. The measures taken to
overcome the breach also required extra revenue for the company. The company was
devastated for few weeks in terms of revenue. This was a major economic shock that was
faced by the company during the security breach and was categorized by demand and
technology shock by company. The demand of the services provided by the company fell
greatly along with the use of technology provided by the company. Canva overcame the
problem by applying correct measures and was able to sustain their position with
measures applied. This information was founded through different media websites that
made news about the incident. (ANDERSON, 2019).The ZDNet was the first resource
that reported the incident with sample data set about the information is available all over
their website.
The consumers were involved in this situation with their personal data providing to the
company. They were highly damaged with the whole incident that is why one of the
lessons from the incident is recommended security measures for the consumers of
organization. The consumers must take account of their security through every possible
mean at their end. This ended up in the demand shock for the company resulting in
economic shock. The demand of the services of company sharply decreased as the users
of the system were scared to work in canvas with their personal data involved.
The company managed their economic shock with different measures. Both the crisis
management and the economic shock were handled smartly by the company with the
help of multiple solutions.
Crisis Management Planning
Crisis within any organization can be a result of the occurrence of certain risks that were
not predicted or even if they were predicted, the impact was so harsh that the company
had to go through crisis. The crisis situations demand organizations to apply proper
measures for fighting the cause of the crisis and managing the organization against the
crisis that has occurred. The crisis management refers to dealing with the negative events
that have occurred within the organization and can harm the organization in anyway.
The crisis related to Canva situation were the security breach incident took place, the
company was going through many problems. The company has ways to deal with crisis
as different risk are identified before they have occurred and are categorized by the
company. The management also monitors these risks and try to avoid them as much as
possible. The company also have plans for the risks that have occurred and try to
minimize the impact of the risks. For the crisis management targets the incident when it
has occurred. The risks management is applied before the risk has occurred. On this
scenario, Canva also had its calculations done for the future in risk management plan.
But the company was not expecting the problem of data breaching at any time soon and
thus there was no plan against this risk. The company applied crisis management to the
problem without any previous knowledge about how the things can be resolved if such
risks have occurred.
The company still managed to get out of the crisis situation because the management
had taken good actions for the crisis being faced by the company. There were many
solutions applied to the security incident and the company at the end was successful in
retaining its customers and making sure the company still gains profit later on. Some of
the crisis management plans applied to overcome the problem that proved out to be
successful for the company are mention in the section below:
How the company found a solution for crisis management
The company applied crisis management and was successful to gain solution to the
problem. These crisis management were documented for future with measures that can
be taken to the risks in future. The planed solution for such crisis in future are:
The company should add cyber security experts to their organization for trying to
check the loopholes in their systems. The employees of the company must be
tested by the cyber-security employees to make sure that it is not the employees
providing information to the outsiders about any personal data that can hurt the
organization in any way. (Welsh, 2019)
The company can notify their users about every single possible way that they can
make their information secure from the internet. This way the users will be helping
the Canva to protect their information. This can be done by adding a module to the
system for notifications. The company can hire developer to make this change.
The organization can appoint the cyber-security experts to breach their own
systems through different ways. This will make the company know their own loop
holes and help the company to upgrade their organization. (Welsh, 2019)
The company can manage their privacy in future through these measures which will allow
them to retain the company’s profits without any loses in security threats. The company
can use these measures for the same problem if again occurred in future.
Lesson learned from the crisis faced by company
Two of the lessons that can be learned from this incident are that the privacy of the
consumers are highly important so apart from the security provided by the company
products, the consumers should themselves stay cautious. The users must have good
antivirus installed all the time. They must have hard passwords that are difficult to crack.
Try not to provide extreme personal information online such as credit card information.
The company must encourage their users to care of their privacy all the time through
different measures such as through notifications etc. The second important lesson is that
the organization must implement security protocols. Canva was devastated when they
found out their data has been hacked and has been made public. The organizations must
have cyber security experts to check their security all the time. They must secure their
databases with high level security protocols. (Viktor, 2021)
On May 2019, it was founded that Canvas website has been hacked and almost 139
million user’s information has been breached. The breached information has been shared
online along with passwords. The usernames, real names, email addresses, passwords
and locations all information were made public hitting the company hard on customers
end. To solve the problem, the company applied efficient measures under excellent
performance management of employees alongside the company goals, good economic
shock handling techniques applied and right application of crisis management ton right
time. Canva directed employees to work for solutions as soon as possible when the
negative event occurred. The employees reached out to the cyber security teams to
investigate the problem. With adding the economic shocks into risk management, the
company is able to predict the risk, its occurrence and the impact of some of the risks.
This help in handling economic shocks with already planned contingency plans. The
company applied crisis management and was successful to gain solution to the problem.
The company was not expecting the problem of data breaching at any time soon and thus
there was no plan against this risk. The company applied crisis management to the
problem without any previous knowledge about how the things can be resolved if such
risks have occurred. At the end the company managed to move forward while solving the
problem with the help of cyber security measures and taking customers into trust with the
three major concepts explained in the report.
Available at:
Available at:
Available at:
MATSUMOTO, F., 2020. Australian unicorn Canva seeks further global expansion. [Online]
Available at:
Available at:
Available at:
Viktor, 2021. The Canva Business Model – How Does Canva Make Money?. [Online]
Available at:
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