The American dream, history assignment help

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Question 1 Is the “American Dream” in the new millennium different than the “American Dream” in the 1960s? What factors have changed? Are all welcome to the “American Dream”? Please support your ideas with examples from your own life as well as current events. Do not forget to reference the ideas in your response to the course materials or other resources that you consulted to address this topic. ***Information for question #2 is below with textbook reference*** Question 2 In the textbook you read the case study about "David." Now you are going to take the role of one of the following human services professionals that were likely involved with David and his family Roles of Human Services Professionals • • • • • • • • • School counselor Health advocate Teacher Child protective services worker Foster care placement worker Foster parent Home visitor Juvenile court worker Other Explain how you would intervene with David, his mom, and/or his siblings. (If you think there is another role that you want to use, that is fine.) Be specific when you explain when you would intervene and how David's story just might have turned out differently because of your intervention. Be sure to identify the various roles along with the intervention strategy. What are some ethical concerns that may arise? How would you address those concerns? Textbook: Page 61-63 Case Study about David Title: Exploring Child Welfare: A Practice Perspective w/ MyHelpingLab Edition: 6th (2013) Author: Cynthia Crosson-Tower Publisher: Pearson Book ISBN: 978-0-205-22348-0 Ebook ISBN: 9781269311663
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The American dream
Right from the days in the memorial, America has always geared towards fulfilling her
dream. However, the dream has been transformed over the years given the changes that have
occurred and the improvement as well as the transformation of the need for the Americans. Right
from the world war two, the American dream was to reconstruct as well as gain prosperity and
recognition across the world. The American dream of the 1960s was als...

Just the thing I needed, saved me a lot of time.


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