PHIL 200 AMU Week 5 Ethical Issue Abortion Presentation

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American Military University


removing an embryo

  1. Chose some ethical issue you feel is important (abortion, gun control, climate change, eating meat, anything that can be considered a moral matter – if you are unsure, be sure to clear with your instructor)
  2. Present research on the situation being sure to clearly discuss both sides, as much as possible. Some conundrums will have much more weight on one side than the other such as climate change.
  3. Reiterate the primary theories contained in your moral compass from week 3 and then explain the position on this issue your compass promotes

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Explanation & Answer

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The Ethical Debate on Abortion
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Ethics is a field in the broader philosophical discipline (Stokhof, 2018)
It entails determining right and wrong.
It categorizes behavior and assesses its morality.
Predictably, ethics is a controversial topic as morality varies:
• From one society to another.
• From one person to another.
• This presentation discusses the ethical concerns on abortion.


• Abortion is the process of terminating a pregnancy (Svenaeus, 2018).
• It entails removing an embryo or fetus from the womb.
• There are two main options:
• Taking medicines.
• Undergoing a surgical procedure.
• Abortion is considered a critical part of reproductive health
• It may be conducted on a health practitioner’s recommendation or base...

Awesome! Perfect study aid.


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